Condensed Larry Kenney Chat Log
August 6, 2002 - 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. CST

This is a condensed and edited version of the chat held with Larry Kenney for those who want to read what went on and skip the rest of the chatting in between.  Larry Kenney is the user known as SwordBearer.  The full version of the log can be found here.

*** PurrsiaThunder is now known as SwordBearer

<Purrsia> IT's Larry :)

<SwordBearer> THUNERCATS H O!

<Purrsia> How are you??

<SwordBearer> Great, thanks. You?

<Purrsia> I'm very happy, heh heh

<SwordBearer> Thanks for inviting me

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> I;m a Mutant, but hey, I won;t be picky. ; ) Nice to see ya here :)

<SwordBearer> thanks Weird

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> Anytime. :)

<Zhie> Thank you very much for coming & happy belated birthday.

<SwordBearer> Hope I can keep up. ..... moves pretty fast

<Purrsia> yeah, we're gonna try to calm ourselves lol

<SwordBearer> whoa! you've done your homework. thanks

<Ronixis> Hello Mr Kenney.

<SwordBearer> Hi Ron

<RD_LOG> hi!

<WilyKit> Hello

<SwordBearer> Hi RD

<SwordBearer> Hil Wilykit

<evil-cleo> To make it known I don't like lion-o

<SwordBearer> Hi Hoax

<Ronixis> It is an honor to meet you sir.

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> Thanks for coming and putting up with a bunch of overgrown kids. ::chuckles::

<SwordBearer> Hi Evil

<SwordBearer> I'm honored to be here..... nice to meet so many TCATS fans

<Dan> do you do many fan things like this?

<Purrsia> yeah, there's a bunch of us who never grew up lol

<SwordBearer> including me

<Hoax> That's like me saying "Cheetara? never heard of her"

<SwordBearer> ah, Cheetara, the original THUNDERCAT "HO"

<RD_LOG> hehehe!

<Ronixis> LOL

<SwordBearer> LOL

<Hoax> HEy!

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> LOL!

<Frick> lol

<Purrsia> ha, Hoax, take that!!

<Hoax> I resent that¬

<Hoax> !

<SwordBearer> I call Lynn Lipton that

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> Okay you are officially cool.

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> Does she hit you for it? heh heh

<SwordBearer> she thinks it's funny

<evil-cleo> do you like cartoons other than t-cats?

<SwordBearer> yeah, I like SILVERHAWKS and TIGER SHARKS too, :-)

<ThunderWolf> Never seen tiger sharks

<SwordBearer> two other series I worked on. not as big a hit at TCATS

<jennhi> what do you think of all those outtakes making their way across the net?

<ThunderWolf> I laugh every time I hear them

<Ronixis> You keep in contact with the other Voice actors of the T-cats, Mr, Kenney?

<SwordBearer> of course, we had no idea the out takes would someday be heard by the public

<Purrsia> Yes...we all want to know...those outtakes....heh heh

<SwordBearer>  Tell you what.....I'll answer a question, then type "next question, OK"

<SwordBearer> I'm too old to keep up with you guys

<Purrsia> np, Larry :)

<Servali> Hehehe, he who holds the Sword can never get too old, hehe.

<SwordBearer> what's everybody;s favorite out take?

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> Are those outtakes real?

<Purrsia> the one where you tell snarf to shut the f*ck up lol

<Hoax> the one where You "go too high"

<SwordBearer> they're real

<jennhi> "Shut up you fuck" or "Why don't we fuck her first"

<Zhie> The one where everyone's just swearing for the hell of it.

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> Samoflange if my favorite. And the dropping pens one lol

<Frick> I'm with Purrsia

<SwordBearer> I think we have a winner!

<WilyKit> I like the dropping pens one

<Servali> I have to agree, when I heard Lion-O tell Snarf to STFU, I nearly fell off my seat!

<Purrsia> *I* always wanted to tell Snarf to shut the fuck up LOL

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> My mom says she likes MummRa's tits one.

<SwordBearer> I like the one where Earl Hammond (MUMMRA" says to Cheetara........

<SwordBearer> anybody care to finish it?

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> I want to se your tits my dear.

<SwordBearer> Weird wins

<SwordBearer> where's everybody from?

<WilyKit> Mo

<Dan> UK

<jennhi> CA

<ThunderWolf> WI

<Najiba> <---- Boulder, Colorado

<Purrsia> MI

<Ronixis> I am from Philadelphia. Pa

<Hoax> UK

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> Omaha Nebraska unfortuantely.

<Zhie> WI

<Servali> I am from NJ, hehehe.

<evil-cleo> co

<SwordBearer> wow, all over the country..... and UK!

<jennhi> now you, larry :)

<SwordBearer> Servali......what exit? ?-)

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> I know TCat fans from Africa and Greece too :grin: none are here though

<Hoax> If there was ont thundercat you would like to see Lion-o Use the sword on, which would it be?

<RD_LOG> nj and now michigan

<Dan> just shows how divoted we all are to TCats its 2.15am in the Uk

<SwordBearer> I live in Connecticut. originally from Illinois

<Servali> Oh, gosh, I don't remember, haven't used the Turnpike in ages :(

<SwordBearer> Liono would never use the sword on a THUNDERCAT

<Servali> I use Rt. 55 and go to Rt. 295 instead

<Zhie> [SIDE NOTE: For those of you who somehow haven't heard them, you can find the outtakes here:]

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> Would YOU use the sword on a TCAt? hehehe

<ThunderWolf> SwordBearer, what do you think of the new comic comeing out?

<SwordBearer> altho TYGRA occasionally pissed me off

<Purrsia> well, I won't tell you what we like to do to Tygra...

<SwordBearer> Cant wait to see the comic, Thunder

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> Where did you do the recording for the show?

<Dan> hmm im looking forward to them but wot do you think larry about some lese prtraying oyur charicter?

<SwordBearer> Dan..... you mean in the comic?

<Dan> yeah

<SwordBearer> whoa.....too many questions at once....I'm an old man....55!

<Dan> sorry

<SwordBearer> Weird....recorded at Howard Swartz Recording, and RCA, both in NYC

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> Cool. Thanks :grin:

<SwordBearer> wow....I like the way the typing just stopped! I feel powerful ._)

<evil-cleo> Hey larry?do you ever check out the forums

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> You;re a smartass, Mr. Kenney. That's great :grin:

<SwordBearer> what forums?

<Purrsia> you are the Lord, heh heh

<evil-cleo> mummra's, t-cat alliance's

<Hoax> Bearer - was the money good? :P

<Purrsia> thundercats message boards and websites, I believe she means

<SwordBearer> not familiar with them

<Zhie> SIDE NOTE: [For a semi-complete list of forums and web sites -]

<SwordBearer> money was VERY good, thank y ou

<Hoax> :P kewl

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> When is money bad?

<Servali> Good ol' Lycos map directory, heheh.... Larry, I'm located inbetween exits 3 and 2 off of the NJ Turnpike.

<SwordBearer> it's still coming in from Comedy Central, other countries

<Purrsia> so, LIon-O's voice is your regular speaking voice eh?

<SwordBearer> Weird's right......all money be good

<SwordBearer> Glad toknow that, Serv

<Purrsia> forget what Jaga said aobut money...what did that old bat know? lol

<SwordBearer> I'll look for you next time I go to a

<SwordBearer> Giants game

<WilyKit> Did you and the other characters ever hang out together after taping?

<SwordBearer> hold up a sec.....lemme go back and answer some question, OK?

<SwordBearer> don't want to ignore anyone

<SwordBearer> WilyKit.....yeah, we often went to dinner together after a day's recording, which was usually two episodes

<WilyKit> Cool

<SwordBearer> and we had Christmas parties, etc. We taped for nearly 3 years!

<Najiba> Sweeeeeeeet!

<Dan> do you wish the series had continued further or do you thik it was time to end it?

<Hoax> Sorry, have to ask, Pumyra or Cheetara? Who is the better Thundercat?

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> What's yer favorite episode?

<SwordBearer> did I skip anyone's question?

<Purrsia> uh, I don't think so....

<SwordBearer> I'd like to have done more, Dan...we all would have

<SwordBearer> but 130 episodes is the standard number for syndication. I don't know why

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> What is your favorite episode?

<SwordBearer> hard to say, W. I haven't seen any in so many years

<SwordBearer> but I liked the pilot...1hr long.....introduced the characters and story line

<Hoax> Who is the better thundercats, Pumyra or Cheetara?

<SwordBearer> all equal, of course

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> Uh huh!

<SwordBearer> :-)

<ThunderWolf> SwordBearer - was is starnge when Lion-O and Jackalman talked to each other? Like talking to yourself?

<SwordBearer> no

<SwordBearer> no

<SwordBearer> that was both of them, get it?

<SwordBearer> :-)

<ThunderWolf> heh

<jennhi> SB: how well did you know the cartoon when you were recording it?

<Zhie> i was laughing

* Weird_Hyena_Cub smacks foreheaad.

<Frick> very witty

<SwordBearer> answeriong Jenn

<SwordBearer> we got the scripts a few days before taping, so we could be familiar with it

<evil-cleo> do you like x-men?

<SwordBearer> not really, evil

<Purrsia> ok, now I have to ask....if a new Tcat movie or series came about, would you reprise your roles?

<SwordBearer> sure, if I were asked to, Purr

<Hoax> :) great!

<SwordBearer> :-)

<evil-cleo> do you think lion-o is predictable?

<Ronixis> What was your first Voice-acting Job, Mr Kenney?

<SwordBearer> predictable? what you mean?

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> Well he's smarmy, but that is a must for any cartoon hero!

<evil-cleo> know what he is gonna do

<SwordBearer> what you talkin bout, willis?

<SwordBearer> yeah, pretty much. for one thing, his leg gets hurt in about half the episodes

<SwordBearer> I just realized I'm gonna have to read this when it's archived to see all the comments I missed!

<PurrsiaThunder> Were the voices meant to sound overly dramatic?

<Dan> larry do u keep in contact with anyone from the series?

<SwordBearer> sure, Purrsia

<SwordBearer> cartoon voices have to be somewhat "over the top"

<SwordBearer> Dan: I see Lynn and Peter often

<Purrsia> did you have any say in how Lion-O was portrayed?

<SwordBearer> of course, we lost BobMcFadden and Earl Hammond

<jennhi> a few words about McFadden and Hammond please?

<SwordBearer> Hold a sec, please, so i can catch up

<SwordBearer> Purrsia......we were shown pictures of the characters at the auditions, and asked to give

<SwordBearer> serveral versions of what we thought they should sound like

<SwordBearer> Rankin Bass had final decision

<SwordBearer> Earl Hammond was a wonderful guy, as was Bob McFadden

<SwordBearer> Both warm, friendly, down to earth people

<SwordBearer> incredible to work with. I learned alot from them both

<Servali> Just based on the outtakes, they sure did have good sensed of humour ;)

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> And keep your foot off that blasted samoflange! hehehe

<SwordBearer> yeah, we had a lot of fun

<SwordBearer> What the .... is samoflange>?

<Purrsia> Larry....what are you doing nowadays?

<SwordBearer> did I skip any questions? one at a time, please? :-)

<SwordBearer> Still doing voice-overs. Still the voices of COUNT CHOCULA and SONNY, THE COCO PUFFS BIRD

<SwordBearer> have been for over 25 years

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> Do you rmemeber who played Alluro? hehheh One of my favofite cahracters, him and Safari Joe.

<Quallevra> Are those better or worse than doing Lion-O?

<SwordBearer> I'm currently on MEOW MIX spots (I'm the guy at the end who says "tastes so good, cats ask for it by name"

<Zhie> [(belated)SIDE NOTE: For information on Earl Hammond's passing, please check - For information on Bob McFadden's passing, please check]

<SwordBearer> and I'm on KIBBLES AND BITS....

<SwordBearer> "Dogs' dreams made real"

<SwordBearer> Alluro, I belive, was Doug Preis

<Ronixis> What was the first The First Voice acting Job-you ever took, Swordbearer?

<SwordBearer> first job? wow....long time ago

<SwordBearer> don't remember really.... I started when I was 15

<Ronixis> Really?

<Servali> Wow!

<Purrsia> I heard you did work for Imus too

<evil-cleo> have a family, larry/

<Purrsia> yeah, the morning radio show

<Ronixis> Yeah, what voices you do for Don Imus?

<Dan> whats your favourite project overall in your career larry?

<SwordBearer> yes, I've been a member of the IMUS cast for 30 years

<SwordBearer> I do Nixon, Rooney, Kennedy,

<SwordBearer> Patton, Perot, many others

<Zhie> [SIDE NOTE: For other recorded examples of Mr. Kenney's your local library.]

<Ronixis> What do you think of the voice actors of today like those work in the anime dubbing process?

<SwordBearer> well, Ron, a lot of the voice work in animation today is done by big name actors...specially in the Disney feature films

<SwordBearer> it's good for them, tough on us "peons"

<Dan> whats your favourite project overall in your career larry?

<evil-cleo> does anyone notice your the voice of lion-o in public/

<SwordBearer> Dan: THUNDERCATS, of course! :-)

<SwordBearer> that's the truth

<SwordBearer> most fun

<SwordBearer> yes, evil.....people often tell me I sound like LIONO

<evil-cleo> do you deny it?

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> LOL How clsoe is Lion-O to your real voice?

<SwordBearer> no, I'm proud to claim it

<Quallevra> Do they mistake that for a coincidence?

<SwordBearer> same voice, just louder and more dramatic

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> LOL cool.

<Zhie> What did your family think of your time with the show? Was it just business as usual, or were any of them more or less interested with your work on it?

<SwordBearer> if you listen to the MEOW MIX or KIBBLES N BITS spots, you'll recognize LIONO

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> radio or tv?

<SwordBearer> Zhie: Doing that show finally made me a star with my kids!

<SwordBearer> tv

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> Just out of curiosity, why do you type the names and shows and stuff in caps?

<SwordBearer> I like caps

<SwordBearer> :-)

<Dan> Do you think ThunderCats will hit it big again when the comic is released?

<SwordBearer> I don't think the SHIFT button gets enough credit

<SwordBearer> I think the comic will revive interest in the show, y es

<Purrsia> how would you feel about someone else doing Lion-O's voice in a revival movie or series?

<SwordBearer> I'd probably pout for a while, then get over it

<Dan> wot about a relaunch? have you been asked 4 your input into the comic?

<SwordBearer> no, Dan

<Dan> ok just wondered!

<Mad-Bassist> I hope the comic helps, because they seem to be reviving practically every other show these days. I always thought the characters in Tcats had so much unexplored potential.

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> I read an article that said they were tinking of putting out a TCats mini series on TV. I hope it;s true!

<SwordBearer> Can I just say something to all of you?

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> Go for it.

<SwordBearer> this is really fun.....I was a bit apprehensive about doing this

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> heh heh heh That's cuz we're all weird, Mr Kenney.

<Mad-Bassist> Welcome to our nuthouse.

<SwordBearer> you're really nice, cool people

<SwordBearer> I thought I might get some jerks who wanted to rag on the show

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> Nah. Those wern;t invited hee hee

<ThunderWolf> people like that get the boot :)

<Servali> TW: A boot to the head!!!

<Purrsia> we love the show...we might make jokes sometimes, but it's all in fun lol

<SwordBearer> more questions?

<Hoax> What made you decide to take the job of lion-o?

<SwordBearer> money

<Najiba> Not to sound sappy or anything, but ThunderCats help me go through a tough childhood.

<Hoax> and where did you hear about it?

<SwordBearer> I'm a "vocal" prostitute

<SwordBearer> will talk for food

<SwordBearer> really Naj? I'm glad to hear that

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> A vocal prostitute! Wow LOL

<Ronixis> It was a help for all of us sir.

<SwordBearer> I get lots of eMails from people who tell me that they learned good things from that show

<ThunderWolf> SwordBearer - before you mentioned you did two shows a day for three years. how many days a week did you work, 5?

<Ronixis> Your Welcome Sir.

<SwordBearer> No, we only worked two days once a month

<SwordBearer> then we'd wait for the writers to produce more scripts

<ThunderWolf> nice hours!

<SwordBearer> we started taping in 1983..... about a year and a half before the show hit the air

<Peachyra> is that normal?

<ThunderWolf> was that your only job at the time or were you doing other stuff?

<SwordBearer> yes, it is normal

<SwordBearer> no, I waas working with IMUS and doing other voice-over jobs. thank god

<Mad-Bassist> Was there ever a "nudity issue" during production?

<SwordBearer> the voice recording is the easiest, quickest part of cartoon production

<SwordBearer> writing takes time, of course, as does the animation

<SwordBearer> no , Mad......we were all content doing the show naked

<Mad-Bassist> LOL!

<Zhie> Was there anything about working on ThunderCats that you really didn't enjoy?

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> That was way too much info. now I am inagining Mumm-Ra naked : P

<SwordBearer> honestly, Zhie: nothing

<SwordBearer> actually, Mumms had a hot body

<Servali> :O

<WilyKit> Ewww

<Purrsia> OMG! LOL

<Purrsia>'s bad when you scare us LOL

<SwordBearer> Cheetara, of course, was incredible

<SwordBearer> Panthro.......smaller than you might think

<SwordBearer> :-)

<SwordBearer> I won't even mention wily kit and kat......that would be pedophilia

<Purrsia> LOL

<Najiba> Oh, gosh, I am going to look foolish here but: How do you interpret Lion-o's and Cheetara's relationship?

<Weird_Hyena_Cub> Dude, you woudl fit in jsut fine with the TCat fandom, LArry Kenney lol

<Peachyra> you havn't mentioned pum..pu..puma....pumyra!

<Purrsia> that's because no one remembers her lol

<Servali> remembers who?

<Zhie> that puma they had on there

<RD_LOG> what was her name again?

<SwordBearer> well, kids.....this has been great

<SwordBearer> can we do it again sometime?

<Purrsia> thanks so much Larry, for doing this

<Purrsia> we had fun. you're the best!

<Peachyra> it was nice meeting you, come again

<SwordBearer> I'd like that. Purrsia....invite me back, will ya?

<WilyKit> This was sooo cool

<Purrsia> of course!

<SwordBearer> Have a great nite, everybody!

<Purrsia> g'night :)

<SwordBearer> bye

<SwordBearer> THUNDERCATS........HO!!!!!!

<Servali> Now that's a personality!