Reuthanya's Room

Reuthanya was adopted unexpectedly from The Adamante Orphanage, where many children need YOUR help.   There are many Thunderian, Mutant, Snarf, and Lunatak children there in need of a good home. Already having four other cubs in the house, and with Faero having recently adopted a baby lunatak, I'd not given much thought on adopting any other cubs, however, I'd not ruled out the idea either.  It was on a warm winter evening that Faero and I were delivering toys to the children at the Orphanage when we met Reuthanya.  She is one of the sweetest cubs you'll ever meet, and having her in the house is a joy. 

Name : Reuthanya

Age : 7 (at time of photo)

Birthday : October 11, 1995 

Adoptive Parents : Faero and Dr. Zhie

Date of Adoption : December 13, 2002

Favorite Colors: Anything pastel

Favorite Foods: Peanut butter and strawberry jelly on saltine crackers, things with marshmallows in them, marshmallows, orange soda

Major Likes: Horses, reading, tennis, libraries

Major Dislikes: Floors without carpet (because they're cold in the morning), people who pull her tail

December 13, 2002

Faero and I were heading to the Adamante Orphanage with a number of Christmas gifts for the children there, all because of an idea that Allen had come up with.  As we were helping the workers there hand out the gifts, I noticed one young cub sitting in a corner by herself.  Approaching her with a wrapped package, I asked if she would like one of the presents.  She replied that the only thing she had asked for this Christmas was a for a family to take her home.  She then looked up at me with her big brown eyes, and I remembered why I tend to not make eye contact with any of the orphans.

Upon further inquiry, I later learned that Reuthanya had been an orphan not only on New Thundera, but had been orphaned on Thundera, where she was being moved from foster family to foster family.  She had spent many years in a suspension capsule, and had found that many of the people she'd known on Thundera were much older on New Thundera now. 

Having been orphaned back on Thundera myself, I often wondered how things would have worked out if I'd not been adopted right away.  As a child, I was extremely lucky to have such a caring and supportive adoptive dad, and I could tell that Reuthanya had not had that advantage.  I pulled a few strings, attempted to boot a few heads, and after convincing the owner of the adoption agency that I could handle another cub, was able to tell Reuthanya the good news.  She practically flew into my arms. 

There is one detail which I must keep aware of - Reuthanya suffers from bad case of asthma, requiring for her to take special medication, to watch the amount of physical activity she does, and to keep her from becoming overly excited.  As a medical professional, I feel confident in helping Reuthanya manage her asthma.  Panethea is especially happy to finally have a younger sister.


February 7, 2003

Considering that Reuthanya hasn't been in the house very long, we realized that she didn't have a huge amount of toys or other posessions.  The rest of the cubs have been great about sharing with her, and we did pick up a number of things from the Adamante store for her, but years of collecting by the other cubs still made her room look quite bare.  We decided to take a look around and find a few things for her room. 

First, we took a look at furniture.  She had been using Panethea's old set, but we felt it would be best to get her some that she would think of as her own.  They happened to have a bed that is built on top of the dresser that she loved, and in one of her favorite colors - pastel purple.  It also has a place for books and toys on the headboard.

We bought a number of new books for her as well, and then went into the toy store.  Although there were many toys promoting cartoons and video games popular with her friends, she asked instead for a kite.  Here's the one she picked out.

The whole day was great fun, and I think it helped Reuthanya feel more a part of the family.