

Biographical Data

full name online: Purrsia Kat

name in real life:

date of birth: 10/29/1974

discovered ThunderCats:

discovered ThunderCats online:

Contact Information

E-Mail: koolbeanes@yahoo.com

AIM: PurrsiaThunder



Web Site: http://www.purrsiathunder.com

Favorite ThunderCat


Other Information

My persona is that of a Thunderian Lioness in hot pursuit of Lion-O (*wink wink*). I'm far too into Thundercats for my own good. In addition to building a web page that's always growing and expanding beyond the scope of its bandwidth britches (>.<), I'm also involved in role playing, the TCATGR and various other message boards and clubs having to do with those furry felines.
Other interests of mine include art, photography, writing, and music (no talent of my own there, so I just listen...a lot!). I like word games a lot, too.
Other cartoons I dig are likewise from the 80s: He-Man and Voltron. I've thought of writing fan fiction for them, but it's going to take me years as it is to finish the ThunderCat epic I'm working on, heh heh.
In real life, I've been married to 35-year old Mr. Nameless Kat (haha) for 7 years as of this past July. I used to manage part of a craft store a few years ago (the yarn and sewing department, which ironically, I totally suck at! Can't sew or knit to save my life. Didn't really need the skills to order the stock, though ;). Now I'm a full time mom to our 4 year old son, Justice. And no, he was not named after a tenant of the Code of Thundera. In fact the name was my husband's idea. And of course, everyone hears it wrong and calls him "Justin" anyway, so I'm not quite sure what our point in naming him something that peculiar was. I'm sure he'll appear on Oprah one day, complaining about how he became a famous super genius despite his mother's preoccupation with ThunderCats, and the dumb name his father gave him ;)