
Also known as: Cougrr, Queen Cheetah

Biographical Data

full name online: Dr. Zhie

name in real life: Jenn

date of birth: 5/25/1979

discovered ThunderCats:
1985 (pilot episode)

discovered ThunderCats online:
September 1997

Contact Information

E-Mail: zhie@queencheetah.com

AIM: drzhie


MSN: zhie

Yahoo: jubatus_rex

Web Site: www.queencheetah.com

Favorite ThunderCat


Other Information

Well, I run this place, if it hadn't yet been guessed.  I tend to stop by the chat rooms now and then to lounge on the couch or cook up a snarf.  I've got quite a few good recipes for snarf-ka-bob, for those interested.