
by Danielle

Pairings: Elrond/Gil-galad
Summary: Side story to The Monster
Rating: PG
Warning: probably major occ-ness (they're bit characters, though, so we really don't know what their characters are like. :P), silliness, mush.

Meanwhile (since Gil-galad and Elrond are probably, you know, either shagging or sleeping and we don't want to disturb them anymore), with Celeborn...

Celeborn walks out of his room...and smack into Glorfindel. Celeborn looks at Glorfindel. "I didn't know you were in Lorien."

Glorfindel smiles. "Yeah...for the, you know, party." He grins.

Celeborn nods and smiles at Glorfindel. "I hear that you and Lady Arwen have been causing some trouble for Lord Elrond."

Glorfindel looks shocked. "Me?! Never." He smiles sweetly. "I'm a perfect little Elf."

Celeborn rolls his eyes. "That is far from the stories I've heard."

Glorfindel pouts. "I am! Just because I go to Mandos often doesn't mean anything."

Celeborn shrugs. "I have always heard that the living didn't belong in Mandos."

"But...the food!" He grins. "And the ice cream..."

Celeborn holds his stomach. "Yes. That ice cream..." He grimaces.

Glorfindel smiles. "My Lord, would you like...um...company?" He blushes slightly.

Celeborn eyes him warily for a minute. "I suppose."

Glorfindel mock glares. "I'm not going to like, rape you or anything."

Celeborn chuckles. "The thought didn't cross my mind."

Glorfindel smiles. "Good. You just looked, um, I dunno. Something." He ponders this.

Celeborn nods. "Of course, of course. I was worrying more about my wife and the trouble she is getting into right now."

"Bah. She's -- no offense to you, my Lord -- quite frightening." Glorfindel frowns.

Celeborn laughs heartily. "Gracious. She scares everyone, haven't you noticed?"

Glorfindel wrinkles his nose. "Why on earth did you marry her?" He gasps. "Um, I mean...oh dear. I'm so sorry."

Celeborn pats him on the back. "Just opening your mouth and sticking your foot right in?"

"Oh, hush." Glorfindel blushes.

"You have an abnormally large mouth for one of your age." Celeborn grins.

Glorfindel smiles. "Actually, I'm quite old." He ponders this. "Um...I think that's how my Mandos addiction started. Because I was this close to death." He grins.

Celeborn shakes his head. "That Mandos addiction... Can nothing cure you of it?"

"Um..." He shrugs and looks at Celeborn coyly. "Maybe if someone wanted me to stay here...."

Celeborn nods. "Yes, yes. I could understand that."

Glorfindel pouts. "So...how has your life been, Master Celeborn?"

Celeborn shrugs. "Rather dull... Galadriel is in charge of everything..."

Glorfindel smiles sympathetically. "Do you do anything, Lord?"

Celeborn looks thoughtful. "I greet people," he offers.

Glorfindel laughs. "But I thought...hmm. Never mind." He smiles sweetly.

Celeborn tilts his head. "You thought what?"

"Nothing, nothing." Glorfindel smiles sheepishly.

Celeborn pokes him. "What?"

"Nothing!" He blushes.

"Come on!" Celeborn pouts.

"No, no, no. I've forgotten what I was going to say, anyway." He smiles hopefully.

"No, you didn't." Celeborn glares.

"I have too!" Glorfindel sticks his tongue out.

"You did not."

"Did too." Glorfindel pouts.

Celeborn shakes his head. "I have a hard time believing that you could forget it."

Glorfindel grins. "I'm a very forgetful person."

Celeborn eyes him. "I still don't believe a word you're saying, but I'll let it go."

Glorfindel blushes slightly, and kisses Celeborn on the cheek. "Um...thank you," he says meekly.

Celeborn smiles. "You're quite welcome." The elf lord just blushes and looks away. "You blush very easily." Celeborn chuckles.

"Only around certain people," comes the answer, mumbled.

"Oh dear, you are a handful!" Celeborn laughs. "So is that to say I make you blush?"


"I suppose I will have to take that as a yes," Celeborn responds, raising an eyebrow.

"..." Glorfindel the Eloquant says.

Celeborn tsks. "Dear, dear... You are quite the stubborn one."

Glorfindel beams. "I know."

"Is this something you are proud of?"

The elf shrugs. "I dunno. Um..."

"And you are very articulate as well!" Celeborn laughs.

"Oh, hush you."

Celeborn smiles at him. "You are being cute, almost childish!"

Glorfindel raises an eyebrow. "Is that a good thing?"

Celeborn shrugs. "Maybe..."

The other elf sticks his tongue out. "Has anyone ever told you that you are indecisive?"

Celeborn rolls his eyes exaggeratedly. "Of course, mostly my wife."

"Gah. Your wife." Glorfindel pouts.

"Eh? There was a bit of emphasis on 'wife.'" Celeborn looks at him curiously.

Glorfindel smiles sweetly. "She bothers me slightly. And she doesn't pay attention to anyone but herself."

Celeborn nods slowly. "That is true."

Glorfindel stops suddenly and looks at Celeborn. "Um...Lord? I...I..."

Celeborn looks at him interestedly. "Yes?"


Celeborn opens his mouth to speak, then closes it again and looks thoughtful for a moment. He begins to talk, "Well... um... I..."

Glorfindel looks down. "I'm sorry," he mumbles.

Celeborn lifts Glorfindel's face. "Not a problem." He kisses his forehead.

Glorfindel turns a lovely shade of red. "Um...um..."

Celeborn waves his hand around. "Don't bother yourself. You are quite charming."

"I...I am?!"

"Why of course you are!" He smiles at Glorfindel. Glorfindel smiles back nervously. "Stop acting so shy and nervous! Why don't we talk or something." Celeborn grinned widely at him.

Glorfindel smiles somewhat less nervously. "What would you like to talk about, Lord?"

He shrugs. "Anything. It's not like I do much talking with my wife."

"Um..." Glorfindel tries to think of a topic.

Celeborn shrugs again. "I don't have much to talk about... since I don't do much."

Glorfindel bites his lip. "Hmm..."

Celeborn smiles. "Or we could just walk in silence, as long as it's not uncomfortable."

Glorfindel grins. "I think I may be too forward in doing this, but..." He kisses Celeborn.

Celeborn looks at him fondly. "Not at all. You are a very lovely elf."

"..Thank you." He smiles shyly. "As are you."

Celeborn sighs. "I'm certainly glad you think so."

Glorfindel looks concerned. "What's wrong, my Lord?"

"Nothing. It is a good feeling to know another elf finds you beautiful." He smiles at Glorfindel.

Glorfindel smiles. "I'm sure many Elves find you beautiful, Lord," he says, attempting a small hug.

Celeborn smoothes out Glorfindel's hair. "Not many can tell me though..."

"I suppose Galadriel doesn't..." he says sarcastically.

Celeborn laughs. "She only tells me when she wants me to do something for her."

Glorfindel smiles. "What sorts of things are those?" he asks curiously.

"Generally little running tasks, like getting her water or something..."

"Bah." Glorfindel shakes his head. "That's horrible."

Celeborn shrugs. "I suppose so." Glorfindel kisses Celeborn again, just...well, because. Celeborn looks at Glorfindel. "You are not as shy as you act..."

Glorfindel pouts. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

He kisses him on the cheek. "Neither... you are lovely both ways."

Glorfindel giggles. "We could go to the party, my Lord."

"Good idea. Shall we go?" He linked his arm with Glorfindel's.

Glorfindel cuddles up to Celeborn. "I've got nothing better to do."

"Me either." Celeborn grins at the elf next to him.

And so our lovelies travel on to the ballroom where the party is hosted, which is full of completely sloshed Elves. They scan the place for Galadriel, and, having not seen her anywhere near, sit at a table after grabbing some drinks. Celeborn smiles. "Good luck that Galadriel isn't here. Then again she'd be too smashed to even remember that I'm her husband."

"Does she remember when she's not?" Glorfindel asks dryly.

Celeborn swatted him. "Incorrigible!" He pauses. "Most of the time."

Glorfindel smirks. "See?"

"You are still incorrigible." Celeborn smiles at him.

"And what if I am?" says Glorfindel with a grin.

Celeborn shrugs and grins. "I don't know..."

Glorfindel, thankful that the Elves surrounding them are plastered, presses a kiss to Celeborn's cheek. "Indecisive."

Celeborn nods lazily. "Mm... I am..."

The other elf smiles. "So nothing of interest has happened to you?" He sighs. "I must admit I was a bit surprised to find you where I did."

"Oh really?" Celeborn looks at him.

He nods. "Yes, isn't that area normally reserved for guests?" he asks curiously.

Celeborn nods. "Yes..."

Glorfindel shrugs. "Well, you're certainly not a guest, so..."

"What do you think I was doing over there?"

Glorfindel raises an eyebrow. "What, you want me to guess?"

Celeborn shrugs. "Whatever you think could have the reason."

"Um...I dunno." He grins sheepishly. "I'm not good at riddles and guessing games."

Celeborn sighs. "I was visiting some guests."

Glorfindel nods. "Yes, that makes sense..." He grins deviously. "Which guests?"

Celeborn shrugs. "It matters not."

He pouts. "But I'm curious."

"That you are."

"You're not going to tell me, are you?" He sighs.

"Nope." Celeborn grins.

Glorfindel pouts. "Why not?"

"It is none of your business." He kisses Glorfindel's nose.

Glorfindel leers. "I bet you were having mad passionate sex."

Celeborn blanches. "Sorry to disappoint you..."

"I bet you were." Glorfindel smirks.

Celeborn shakes his head. "No, you have to be a very special elf to get me into bed."

Glorfindel snorts. "Fine, I bet you were...hm. Making out with Elves, then."

Celeborn shrugs. "Maybe..."

"Aha!" He grins. "You were."


"Oh, just admit." Glorfindel starts to resemble the Cheshire Cat.

"I won't say anything either way." Celeborn crosses his arms.

Glorfindel moves closer to the Lord of Lorien. "So...who was the lucky Elf? Or was it more than one?"

"I didn't even admit to making out with any elf."

He laughs. "You may as well have." He pokes the other elf. "Come now, tell Glorfie who it was."

"Well. I'm not telling." Celeborn turns his head away.

"I'll guess."

"You do that."

"Well." He ponders. "It wasn't Galadriel. Um...was it...Elladan and/or Elrohir?"

Celeborn keeps his face neutral. "Maybe."

Glorfindel pouts. "Please will you tell me?"

"It wasn't them."

"Hmm...Estel?" Celeborn shakes his head. "Elrond?" Celeborn pauses and then shakes his head. Glorfindel thinks for a moment. "Gil-galad?" he asks cautiously. Celeborn starts slightly and then shakes his head vigorously. "No?"

"No..." Celeborn shakes his head more vehemently.

Glorfindel smirks. "Judging by your reaction, I'd say you're lying."

"I don't lie!"

"There you go again." Glorfindel grins widely.

Celeborn shakes his head.

"Don't make me go track him down."

"Why would Gil-galad see fit to make out with someone like me?"

"Oh, hell if I know." He shrugs. "I mean, besides the obvious. The fact that you're nice, and beautiful, and kind..." He blushes.

"You're so sweet!" Celeborn kisses his cheek.

"Well...if I'm so sweet, will you tell me?"

Celeborn smiles. "No. Sorry."

"But why nooooot?"

"I just don't want to say."

Glorfindel grins wickedly. "I'll find out, you know."

Celeborn shakes his head. "No, no, I don't think you will."

"I do." He continues the wicked grin. "If not from you, from either Gil-galad or Elrond."

Celeborn frowns at him. "Hmph."

He smiles sweetly. "I'd rather find out from you, though. And it's not like I'm going to tell Galadriel or anything." He wrinkles his nose. "I stay away from her as much as possible."

"Most everyone stays away from her." Celeborn smiles wryly.

"You must be very brave to live with her." Glorfindel grins.

Celeborn waggles his finger. "Now, now..."


"Let's not get rude." He grins.

Glorfindel gasps. "Moi? Rude?" He grins as well. "Never."

Celeborn shakes his head. "Of course not."

"Say...even though you won't tell me if you made out with Gil-galad or not..." Glorfindel grins evilly. "Have you ever had mad passionate sex?"

Celeborn pales. "I can't say I have... Galadriel doesn't really count on that one."

The grin remains as Glorfindel moves closer to Celeborn. "Hm. Don't really want to know about Galadriel, no."

Celeborn nods slowly looking at Glorfindel. "Yes, yes..."

Soon, though, Glorfindel is cuddled in Celeborn's lap. Celeborn looks at him fondly. "You are so lucky that they are all drunk out of their minds."

He giggles. "I suppose so. I'm also lucky you didn't, um, throw me out of Lorien or anything."

"Well, I think it would be hard for me to kick you out of here with a good conscience." He smiles at him again.

Glorfindel blushes. "Oh." He kisses Celeborn's cheek.

"You are sweet... and very lovely too." He runs his hand through Glorfindel's hair.

Glorfindel half-smiles. "I feel like a little Elfling..."

"Good or bad?" Celeborn looked at him.

Glorfindel shrugs. "I'm not sure." He smiles.

"Who is the indecisive one, hm?" Celeborn gently swats his cheek.

He grins. "You."

Celeborn shakes his head. "Hmph."

Glorfindel grins. "You are."

"Only sometimes!" he whines.

"Suuuuure." Glorfindel kisses his cheek. "Whatever you say."

Celeborn smiles at him. "Yes, I am decisive when I want to be."

Glorfindel snorts. "Like when?" Celeborn harumphs. "Hmm?" Glorfindel smiles smugly. "That's what I thought."

Celeborn shakes his head. "If it was important I could decide!"

"Sure. Whatever you say." The smug smile stays.

"Hmph. Don't grin at me like that."

"And why not?" The smug smile changes into a lazy grin.

"I don't like it." Celeborn frowns.

"What do you like?"

"When give me a sweet smile or... a kiss." Celeborn smiles coyly.

"Oh you do, do you?"

Celeborn shrugs. "I think so." He nods.

"Argh! See? Indecisive."

"I am not! I do like that!" Celeborn pouts.

Glorfindel smiles smugly at first, then sweetly. "There. See, I can make you be decisive."

"It's not you, dear. It's the question." Celeborn grins.

"Rawr." Celeborn raises an eyebrow. Glorfindel sticks his tongue out. "So no one can make you decisive, hmm?" Celeborn sighs and decides to ignore that question. "You know I'm right," Glorfindel says smugly.

"I don't think so." Celeborn throws him a look.

Glorfindel raises an eyebrow. "Oh? Right, because Celeborn is decisive. And Galadriel's a sweet elf maiden."

Celeborn snorts. "I am decisive and Galadriel... nevermind... you're right about her."

"Right. You. Decisive. And dwarves are pretty."

Celeborn glowers. "... I am..."

"Tell me one time you've been decisive." Glorfindel raises his eyebrow and generally looks suspicious.

"Hmph. I know that Galadriel annoys me. I'm very decisive about that."

Glorfindel waves his hand. "Psh. That doesn't count. Tell me a time when you had to make a decision and you were decisive about it."

"I don't get to make decisions! Galadriel is the only one who makes decisions!" Celeborn pouts.

"Sure." Glorfindel sighs. "What about before you married her? Oh, hell, even the decision to marry her? What about that, hmm?"

Celeborn glares. "That was a long time ago."


"I don't like thinking that far back."

Glorfindel sighs. "You're indecisive. Let's just not argue, hmm?"

"I am not." Celeborn is still glaring.

"Then show me you're not." Glorfindel smiles sweetly.

"Hmph. How do you suggest?"

Glorfindel snorts. "I don't know. Just...do."

"Do what?" He looks at Glorfindel doubtfully.

"...Be decisive?" Celeborn glares at him some more. Glorfindel sighs. "Sorry." He kisses Celeborn.

Celeborn nods contentedly. "Very nice..."

"Er...thank you." He sighs again. "But really...I still think you should be a bit less...timid."

Celeborn tilts his head. "Oh really?"

Glorfindel nods. "Yes."

"I don't think so." Celeborn looks at him.

"Why not?"

"I like my timid self." Celeborn beams.

Glorfindel snorts. "Well, I must admit to liking it, too." Celeborn beams more, very happy to hear this. Glorfindel looks around and snuggles up to Celeborn more. "You know...I've been curious about something. Does Galadriel go green and metal-bodice-wearing and frankly quite frightening a lot?"

"Eh... occasionally." Celeborn gives him a rather pained expression.

"Ohh. Poor Lord Celeborn." He kisses Celeborn's cheek.

Celeborn smiles. "Yes, poor me. My fate is to be bound to the one person everyone is scared to death of."

"Including yourself." Glorfindel grins.

"Yeah, but I know how to avoid her fits."

Glorfindel looks happy. "That's very good."

"You look tickled about something," Celeborn says, eyeing him.

"Well, I wouldn't want to see anyone around Galadriel when she gets in a fit." He rolls his eyes. "She's scary enough normally."

Celeborn smiles at him. "It's not quite as bad as many people think it is."

"Really?" asks Glorfindel, increduluous.

"I think so." Celeborn looks thoughtful.

"Argh. Indecisiveness."

Celeborn pouts. "I don't know what they think about her. Everyone is scared to tell me."

"Well, I for one think she is very, very scary."

"She is pretty scary. I always stayed away from her in her fits."

"That's smart." He smiles sweetly.

"I think everyone is smart enough to do that." Celeborn grins. "It seems to be common knowledge."

Glorfindel snorts. "The real reason no one visits Lorien."

Celeborn laughs. "That is very possible."

"You should come back to Imladris with me," Glorfindel says suddenly, mischievious look on his face.

"I can't do that! I have to stay in Lothlorien with Galadriel." Celeborn smiles at him halfheartedly.

"Why?" Glorfindel sighs. "It's not like you -- no offense -- do anything."

"I think she would kill me if tried to leave here... or something of that sort." Celeborn chuckles.

"Yes, wouldn't want to deprive her of her trophy husband." Glorfindel rolls his eyes.

"I suppose I am a trophy. Yes." Celeborn nods thoughtfully.

"Oh, for Eru's sake..." Glorfindel removes his arms from around Celeborn to rub his temples. "It's deep within your psyche now, I think."

Celeborn raises his eyebrows. "I suppose it could be."

"Oh, it is." Glorfindel cuddles back up to Celeborn. "But I'll deal with that later."

"Yes, there are better things to attend to at the moment." Celeborn smiles gently at the elf in his lap.

He grins crookedly. "Like what?" Celeborn leans to drop a chaste kiss onto Glorfindel's lips. Glorfindel smirks and deepens the kiss.

Celeborn looks at him fondly. "You are so much lovlier than Galadriel."

Glorfindel smiles. "Oh, you just like the attention."

"That too..." He kisses Glorfindel's forehead.

Glorfindel opens his mouth to say something, but is interupted by a loud cry of his name. He turns slightly to see Galadriel -- still completely sloshed -- running towards him. She places sloppy kisses on both his cheeks and asks slyly, "Ooooooh, Glorfie, who's your little friend, eh?" She winks. Celeborn's eyes get big and he turns his face away from the drunken Galadriel.

Glorfindel bursts out laughing. "Hmm. Lady Galadriel, dear, why don't you go find Celeborn, hmm?" He smiles.

Galadriel ponders this. "Yes. Yes. He's my...husband. Yes. I think." Celeborn's mouth drops open in disbelief, but continues to look in a different direction.

"Yes, Lady, he is your husband." Under his breath he mutters: "Not like you remember half the time anyway..." He smiles politely. "Go find him." Galadriel scampers off, running into pillars and mistaking them for Elves and such.

Celeborn laughs. "Oh dear, she is hilarious!"

Glorfindel bursts out in laughter. "Oh...Eru...that was great."

"I always stay as far away as possible when she's drunk, so I've never seen her like this," Celeborn admits.

Glorfindel snickers. "That's so funny! She didn't recognize you!"

"That's almost scary, I'd say."

"No, it's hilarious!" Glorfindel collapses against Celeborn in fits of laughter.

"It's funny too, but..." He looks at the elf convulsing in laughter on his lap.

Glorfindel tries to sober. "Well, it is a bit--" (snicker) "--scary, too."

Celeborn smiles. "It doesn't matter how drunk she is, she's still scary."

"True enough." Glorfindel grins, giggling occasionally. "Now, back to this business of you liking attention..." He grins wickedly.

Celeborn bats his eyes. "Me? Liking attention?"

"Yes, and you're still -- er. Never mind." He smiles sweetly.


He kisses Celeborn. "Nothing."

"I'm still what?" Celeborn stares at Glorfindel.

Glorfindel sighs. "I was going to say you're still--" He pauses. "Very, very becoming." He smiles.

"Aw! You're so charming!" He squeezes Glorfindel.

Glorfindel silently thanks every single one of the Valar. He smiles at Celeborn and kisses him. Celeborn cuddles closer, glad to have some contact with another being. "I think I love you," Glorfindel breathes, caught up in the moment. Celeborn just kisses him on the cheek, careful not to declare anything. Glorfindel looks at Celeborn, serious look fixed on his face. "Do you love Galadriel?"

"I don't think so... not how you mean." Celeborn looked at him almost sadly.

Glorfindel hugs Celeborn. "I'm sorry."

"It's all right. She's a companion." Celeborn shrugs.

"Not a very good one." Glorfindel sighs.

"'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.'" Celeborn shrugs again.

Glorfindel looks at him. "But there are so many other people out there who would make much better companions."

"That there are, but she and I ended up together."

Glorfindel leans in. "I really don't want to discuss this anymore."

Celeborn nods. "I don't either."

"I did mean what I said earlier, though."

Celeborn looks at him astonished look. "You do?

"Yes," he murmurs.

Celeborn looks at him in disbelief. "How do you know this kind of thing?"

Glorfindel smiles. "I don't know. I just do."

Celeborn looks at him. "That's amazing..." He shakes his head. "I just don't understand this kind of thing."

The other elf smiles serenly. "I don't think we're supposed to."

Celeborn shrugs. "It doesn't make sense... I know what I feel for Galadriel can't be the love that you're talking about. So what is love like?"

Glorfindel pauses. "I don't know. Happy, I guess. Soothing, maybe? I don't know. I'm no harper. I'm no bard. I can't describe these things."

Celeborn smiles at him fondly. "I wish I had a clue."

He pushes a strand of Celeborn's hair behind his ear. "I wish I could show you."

"That would be nice." Celeborn continues to gaze at him. Glorfindel blushes. "What a lovely bit of color that adds to your cheeks." Celeborn touches his cheek softly.

Glorfindel smiles nervously. "Um... thank you?"

"You're quite welcome." Celeborn grins.

Glorfindel smiles. "Well, then..."

"Well, what?"

"Um, I don't know. Trying to move conversation along."

"On to what exactly?" Celeborn looks at him curiously.

"Argh." Glorfindel sighs. "I don't know."

Celeborn kisses Glorfindel's neck. "That's alright."

"See?" Glorfindel whispers. "You can be not-timid."

Celeborn smiles at him. "I suppose I can."

"...I want to know you." Glorfindel looks tranquil. "Everything."

Celeborn looks at him, rather surprised. "Everything?"

"Yes." Glorfindel smiles sweetly.

Celeborn clears his throat. "Well... um..."

"I could tell you what it's like to 'die'..." Glorfindel smiles.

Celeborn smiles. "That would be... interesting." He nods. "Yes, I'd like to hear about it."

Glorfindel raises an eyebrow. "I suppose you'd rather me say that now, than you tell me?" He nods again, smiling at Glorfindel. "Well, then. Tell me what you know of it, first." He looks up at Celeborn, knowing that surely he must know something of the battle.

He pouts at Glorfindel. "I'd rather just listen to you talk."

Glorfindel kisses Celeborn's cheek. "Fine, then. Well -- as I'm sure you know -- I was battling with the Balrog, and we both fell, destroying him. I'm not sure what really happened after that. I think I blacked out. An eagle had apparentely flown by and saved me." Glorfindel smiles. "But while I was blacked out -- which was apparentely quite a time -- I was in Mandos. My body wasn't, but my soul, I guess, was. I was taken to Namo -- Mandos himself -- and was told that I still had life in me." Pause. "It was kind of scary, actually."

Celeborn chuckles. "That was a rather condensed version of it, wasn't it?" he asks, grinning.

"Oh, hush you." Glorfindel grins wickedly. "Of course it was."

Celeborn shrugs. "It was lovely hearing it though."

Glorfindel rolls his eyes. "Yeah, sure it was."

Celeborn nods his head. "Of course it was! I love listening to you!"

"Yeah, yeah, and I love talking." Glorfindel smirks.

Celeborn beams at him. "Do you have anything else you could talk about?"

Glorfindel looks around nervously. "Um...what do you want to hear?"

Celeborn shrugs. "If you don't wish to talk of anything we could always just sit here."

"And do what?" he says with a leer.

Celeborn shrugs coyly. "I don't know."

"I'm sure we could think of something...creative..."

"Creative?" Celeborn looks at him.

Glorfindel nods. "Creative."

Celeborn smiles. "Okay... so... what exactly are we looking to do?"

"You really are clueless, aren't you?" Glorfindel sighs.

Celeborn looks at him with big eyes. "Maybe..."

"Yep. You are."

Celeborn crosses his arms. "I'm not as clueless as you'd like to think."

Glorfindel raises an eyebrow. "Oh, really?"

Celeborn nods. "Yes."


"I am not completely clueless!"

"Alright, fine." Glorfindel pauses, smiling evilly. "Partially clueless."

Celeborn nods, satisfied. "That's better."

"More clueless than not, though." Glorfindel sticks his tongue out.

Celeborn huffs. "Sure."


Celeborn looks at him pointedly. "What?"

"We're getting nowhere." Glorfindel sighs.

"That I can see."

"..." Glorfindel rolls his eyes and cuddles to Celeborn.

Celeborn kisses the elf on the top of his head. "You are adorable."


"I can't find anything to say to that..." Celeborn holds Glorfindel closer to himself.


Celeborn smiles at him and murmurs something sounding a bit like "incorrigible."

"Hush." Celeborn kisses Glorfindel on his head. Glorfindel grins up at him. "Creative?" he asks, mimicking Celeborn's earlier question.


"Hush. You know you like creativity." Glorfindel grins.

"That I have none of, dear." Celeborn smiles.

"Celeborn, you are thousands of years old. And you mean to tell me that you have NO creativity?"

"I ran out years ago."

"Er..." Glorfindel half smiles. "I don't think you can 'run out' of creativity."

Celeborn chuckles. "I'm not so sure."

"And how did this creativity run out, hmm?"

"Actually, I don't know if it ran out... perhaps it just dried up since I never got to use it."

"Well, now's your chance." Celeborn looks to him, clueless. Glorfindel, thoroughly exasperated, kisses Celeborn passionately. Celeborn nods appreciatively, continuing to kiss Glorfindel. Glorfindel pulls away slowly. "See?"

Celeborn shrugs. "Maybe..."

"Arg. You can't tell me you didn't like that."

Celeborn beams. "I loved it!"

Glorfindel smiles, content at that. "Good." Celeborn smiles at him. He grins. "Good to know I'm good at something, hmm?"

"I'm sure there are other things you're good at..." Celeborn continues to smile.

"Oh, you do, do you?" Glorfindel smirks.


"And what, praytell, do you think I'm good at?" He arranges his face into a coy expression.

Celeborn shrugs. "Lots of things I'm sure... creative things too..."

Glorfindel winks. "I bet you want me to show you." He grins wickedly.

"I think that would be..." he pauses, "fun."

"Hmm. Yes. Fun. Yes."

"Sooo... if you want to show me..." Celeborn shrugs. "I'd be more than willing."

"Well." Glorfindel grins and stands up. "I don't think here is an appropriate place."

Celeborn blinks in mock surprise. "Oh really?"

"Hush. Or I won't show you."

Celeborn pouts. "Fine then."

"Oh, come on." Glorfindel offers his hand.

Celeborn takes Glorfindel's hand into his own. "All right."

Glorfindel smiles. "Now, you know Lorien infinitely better than I do, so...why don't you lead?"

"Well... where do you want to go?"

He rolls his eyes. "Didn't I just appoint you that very decision?"

Celeborn harumphs, quite annoyed. "Fine, fine, do you want a nice room or a quiet glade then?"

Glorfindel kisses Celeborn's cheek. "Whichever you want."

He sighs. "I see them quite a bit, so why don't you decide?"

Glorfindel gasps in mock-shock. (Fear the rhyming.) "And what is that supposed to mean?"

"It means, you are supposed to decide, since I spend my life here."

Glorfindel squeezes Celeborn's hand. "I was just kidding, my dear Lord Celeborn." He thinks for a moment. "I think we may have more privacy in a room. Since, you know, I hear there are pranksters about tonight."

Celeborn smiles. "Yes, yes. That makes sense." So upon deciding which room to venture to, he leads them to a very lovely guest room, which is conveniently empty.

"Now then."

Celeborn closes the door behind them. "Yes?"

Glorfindel pounces Celeborn, kissing him in the process. Celeborn wraps his arms around the blonde elf atop him. "You're beautiful," Glorfindel whispers.

"I..." Celeborn looks at him. "As are you..."

"Excuse me, my Lord," he murmurs with a kiss, "but I think I love you."

Celeborn nods, kissing Glorfindel. "I... I..." He pauses and kisses him again. "I think... perhaps... that is what I feel for you..."

Glorfindel smiles. "Do you know how much that means to me?" he asks, punctuating it with a kiss.

"I'm not sure..." Celeborn whispers into Glorfindel's ear.

"A lot," Glorfindel whispers back into Celeborn's ear, each word a kiss.

Celeborn nods, tangling his hands in Glorfindel's long hair. "I thought so."

And so they continue as such, but since we want this to remain only near-smut, and not actualy smut, we will skip forward in time. Please buckle your seatbelts and keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle. Thank you.

Glorfindel cuddles Celeborn. "Yes. Fun," he says with a grin.

Celeborn returns his grin. "Mm hm... lots of fun..."

"Mmm." He smiles contentedly. "That was very nice."

Celeborn snuggles closer and nods in reply. Glorfindel pushes a strand of hair out of Celeborn's face. "You should come with me back to Imladris."

Celeborn looks at him. "I... I'll consider it." He averts his eyes. "There is nothing here to... keep my interest."

Glorfindel sighs, content. "I suppose I am a special elf indeed."

Celeborn nuzzles against Glorfindel's neck. "You are..."

He grins. "After all...I did get you in bed."

Celeborn looks at him, pretending to be aghast. "What a horrible thing to say!"

"I know, I know." Glorfindel grins more. "I'm a horrible, horrible elf."

Celeborn nips at his ear. "That you are!"

Glorfindel smirks. "Yes, but everyone's attracted to evil, you know."

"I don't think so..." Celeborn grins.

Glorfindel makes a vague shrugging motion. "I don't know. I'm not really evil."

"Mm mm..." Celeborn makes an exaggerated thinking face. "I don't know..."

"What, you think I'm evil?" He looks contemplative. "A tempter, perhaps. Not evil."

"A tempter for sure!" Celeborn chuckles.

Glorfindel kisses Celeborn. "You're not complaining, are you?"

"Not at all... I wouldn't be here if you weren't so seductive..." Celeborn grins.

"Well...good." Glorfindel smiles. "Now what?"

"I don't know..." Celeborn kisses his shoulder.

"I don't really want to move..." Glorfindel murmurs.

"Neither do I..."

Glorfindel wraps an arm around Celeborn's waist. "Mmm."

"I can't remember when I've felt this content..." Celeborn sighs happily.

"Me neither." Glorfindel smiles. "You know...I may just kidnap you and take you to Rivendell. I don't think I'd like it without you, now."

"I understand..."

"Good." He leers. "There's a few lovely soundproof rooms..."

Celeborn laughs. "Oh dear... I fear this may become a habit."

"And that's a problem?"

"Not necessarily."

Glorfindel snorts. "It's not like Gil-galad and Elrond aren't going to be doing the same thing."

Celeborn nods. "That's for sure."

"Not that I can really blame them..." He grins. "I know if I were in that position, I'd do the same."

Celeborn nods vigorously. "Me too. I'm so happy for them..."

"As am I." He nuzzles Celeborn. "I'm happy for us, too."

"Of course! Who wouldn't be?"


Celeborn pales. "At least when she has a hangover."

"Hmm. Maybe we should just keep her drunk." He ponders this. "An eternally drunk Galadriel. Is that even possible?"

"It surely is..." Celeborn nods. "She was drunk for a whole month one time."

"Really?!" Glorfindel bursts into mirthful laughter.

"I'm not joking!" Celeborn laughs. "Oh dear... that was quite interesting."

"I'm sure!" He manages to gasp out in between giggles.

"Yes, the poor citizens of Lorien..."

"Yes, and people wonder why no one visits.."

Celeborn swats at him. "Low blow!"

Glorfindel snorts. "No...but I can show you one." He leers.

Celeborn swats him again. "You!"

Glorfindel laughs. "Me?"

"You are... incorrigible."

"And you are indecisive."

Celeborn pouts. "I know, I know."

"We'll work on that when we get to Imladris." Glorfindel grins. "I'm sure Elrond can do something about it."

Celeborn blinks. "What exactly can he do about it?"

He shrugs. "I don't know. He's Elrond. He just...does things like that."

"That is believable." Celeborn smiles.

Glorfindel shrugs. "I'm not quite sure how, but he does." He grins lazily. "After all, I know I wouldn't want to raise those three -- not including Estel. Estel is a nice, well-behaved boy. But the others..."

Celeborn laughs. "Yes, I think I understand. They do tend to stay here often, well, Arwen anyway."

Glorfindel rolls his eyes. "She...ai. She is a handful, to be sure."

"Thank goodness she take a liking to Galadriel and not me." Celeborn shakes his head. "I wouldn't know what to do with her."

"I had to teach her, and that was not fun." He sighs. "She has the attention span of a mortal, I swear. Nay. Less than a mortal. Ai."

"I wonder how Estel can put up with her affections, poor child."

"I have no idea. She's obsessive! About everything! ...And yet she won't apply it to her studies!" Glorfindel pauses. "No. She certainly paid attention to the Luthien story. Has it bloody well comitted to memory."

"Oh really?" Celeborn raises an eyebrow, interested.


"Hmm... I'm certainly glad I didn't have to teach her anything."

Glorfindel shrugs. "It's something to do. Estel's my favorite to teach, though."

"I'm sure. He seems to actually care, and also appears to be more patient," Celeborn mused aloud.

Glorfindel smiles. "Yes. He'll make a good king."

Celeborn nods silently. "Mm hm..."

Glorfindel kisses Celeborn. "But let's not talk about Estel. I'm sure he's having fun being young."

"I'm sure." He nods again and returns Glorfindel's kiss.

"But, you know. Being infinitely old has its benefits too." He leers.

"Hmph. That it does, other than being jaded." Celeborn grins.

Glorfindel leers again. "And what exactly are you jaded from, my dear Lord Celeborn?"

Celeborn raises an eyebrow. "Need I remind you who I live with?"

Glorfindel sighs. "Never mind," he says, exasperated.

Celeborn smiles. "You're so cute!"

"I know." Glorfindel laughs.

"Of course you do." Celeborn shakes his head.

He beams. "Yes."

"You sound ever so modest!" Celeborn exclaims sarcastically.

Glorfindel grins. "I know I'm not modest. I never claimed to be."

"This is true." Celeborn laughs. "Dear, dear, Elrond let you teach his lovely children?"

Glorfindel gasps in mock surprise. "I'll have you know that I am an excellent teacher!"

"I'm sure you are, but spending this time with you, I'm not sure if I would want you teaching my offspring."

Glorfindel grins. "Psh. Celebrian's in the West, silly."

"Hmph." Celeborn stuck out his tongue. "Just making my point!"

"And besides..." He grins. "It's not like I was sleeping with Elrond when he decided I should teach them."

"I should hope not! That might have had some adverse effects on his children."

He laughs. "At least I didn't tell them that Gil-galad slept with their father. I only said he was a good king."

"Oh goodness. I wonder if they would have still wanted to learn about him..." Celeborn grins. "I could only imagine the looks on their little faces, speaking of which, how did they handle it?"

"Well...I haven't heard any screams of disgust or anything." He raises an eyebrow. "But I'm not sure what you mean."

"I was just wondering if they are too upset over their father's relationship with an ancient elven hero, male hero, that is."

He sighs. "Knowing Arwen, she probably was. Ell and Elrohir...not sure. Could go either way with those two."

Celeborn shakes his head. "I do feel for them; it would be quite a surprise."

"Indeed." Glorfindel smiles smally. "But they'll get over it. I suspect they'll have to." He laughs. "Elrond's like a little elfling again."

"I would suspect as much. Those two are completely adorable together."

"They are." He grins. "I hear little Legolas has quite an infatuation with them both."

"Really? Dear... that could be a problem for them." He shrugs. "Better them than me."

"I dunno..." Glorfindel snorts. "Gil-galad just might approve of something like that. Elrond, though...he can get a bit possessive."

Celeborn laughs. "Elrond... I can picture him as being possessive, especially over the one he loves."

"Oh, he is." Glorfindel grins. "Terribly so."

"Oh really? Any specific occasions?" he asks curiously.

"Well...I can't really remember any." He grins. "But one time, a little after Imladris was founded, but before the Last Battle, there was to be a Council. Some how -- Elrond having just come of age, really -- he thought that Elendil was making eyes at Gil-galad, and...well...you can probably guess what happened next..."

Celeborn put his hand to his mouth, laughing. "Oh goodness! Was he really making eyes at Gil-galad?"

Glorfindel shrugs. "I have no idea. Probably not. Although you can be certain that if he was, he wasn't going to be again any time soon!"

"I wouldn't dare make eyes at him!" Celeborn shakes his head.

Glorfindel snorts. "You know, I am going to find out if you made out with him or not."

"I'm sure you will."

"I will." His eyes grow big and shiny. "You won't tell me?"

"Maybe..." Celeborn looks contemplative, then shakes his head. "Nope."

Glorfindel kisses Celeborn. "Please?" he murmurs.

"Well..." Celeborn looks at him. "I don't think so."

He tries again. "Why not?"

"I don't want to."

"Please?" He places a kiss on Celeborn's cheek. "I'll do whatever you want..."

"I'm not going to." Celeborn shakes his head.

Glorfindel snuggles even closer. "Why not, love?"

"I don't want to."

"But why?"

"I just don't want to." Celeborn frowns.

"Are you embarrassed?" he asks, nipping at Celeborn's neck.

"No... making out with him wouldn't be embarassing."

"Then why won't you tell me?" He pouts.

"I don't want to."

"You know I'm going to find out."

Celeborn shrugs. "But I'm not going to tell you."

"Why?!" Glorfindel asks, thoroughly exasperated.

"I don't want to!" He crosses his arms stubbornly.

"Why not?! I'm certainly not going to tell anyone!"

"I just don't want to, and you can't convince me otherwise."

"Argh." He rolls his eyes. "You are so irritating!"

"You are too," Celeborn huffs. Glorfindel harrumphs. Celeborn sticks out his tongue. "Nyah!"

Glorfindel grins and pounces Celeborn, landing a kiss on him. Celeborn lets out a predatory growl and kisses Glorfindel forcefully.


"Rawr?" Celeborn responds questioningly, kissing Glorfindel again.

Glorfindel kisses back, nodding. "Rawr."

"Okay then, rawr." He nips at Glorfindel's ear.

"Fiesty one, aren't you?" Glorfindel mumurs, kissing Celeborn.

"Mm hm..." Celeborn murmurs happily.


Celeborn looks at Glorfindel. "I do not believe I have ever met an elf more desirable than you."

Glorfindel laughs softly. "You haven't met many then, have you?"

"I've met my fair share."

"Then I am flattered."

He kisses Glorfindel's neck. "Hmph. I'm sure more beautiful people have found you desirable."

Glorfindel kisses Celeborn. "If so, then I am quite ignorant of it."

"I would say you're just ignorant to it."

"Oh? That may be so."

"I'll bet it is." He kisses Glorfindel.

"Ai. I know not." He snorts. "Though I do know that when Elrond gets in a certain mood...he can he quite bothersome in asking me to sing. Arwen, too." He shakes his head, kissing Celeborn afterward.

"Sing, eh?" Celeborn chuckles. "Hmm... I think I would like to hear you sing."

Glorfindel rolls his eyes. "I hate to sing. I curse the fact that I am gifted with a voice." He pauses in contemplation. "Well...a singing voice."

Celeborn smiles. "Well, I suppose I won't bother you to sing then."

Glorfindel smirks. "Good."

Celeborn brushes Glorfindel's hair behind his ear. "Though, I'm sure it would be a wonderous thing." He kisses Glorfindel on his nose.

He smiles and kisses Celeborn yet again. "I must say I'm a bit surprised you've never heard it before." He rolls his eyes. "Or at least heard of it...sometimes I think everyone knows, immortal or no."

Celeborn smiles somewhat ruefully. "Well, I fear I'm a bit sheltered."

"As one can fully expect, with a wife like her." He nuzzles Celeborn's neck. "Do you miss before? Before you married her?"

Celeborn shrugs. "Yes, but I have made myself happy with what I have." He kisses Glorfindel softly. "I am very content right now..."

Glorfindel blushes slightly. "Of that I am glad, my Lord."

"Hmm... As am I."

"I still would like," he whispers, "to know everything about you, Celeborn. More than what the lore says."

Celeborn caresses his cheek. "Of course... I don't exactly know what to say though."

"I don't care," Glorfindel whispers with a kiss. "I love to hear you talk."

"Mmm..." Celeborn cuddles closer to Glorfindel. "I haven't a thing to say though."

"Anything." Glorfindel's voice is barely a whisper. "Tell me anything. What it was like to rule south Lindon, what it was like to marry. I don't care."

Celeborn runs his fingers through Glorfindel's hair. "Oh dear..." He shakes his head. "To marry? Well... it's a trial... upon trial... upon trial..."

"And what of having a child?" He smiles smally. "What is that like?"

Celeborn smiles in fond recollection. "Celebrian was a joy. All children, early on, are difficult, but she turned out beautifully."

"She had to have...Elrond married her." He smiles.

Celeborn tilts his head to one side. "I suppose so... If Elrond marries you, that does say something."

Glorfindel laughs. "He'd marry Gil-galad if he could."

"I'm sure." Celeborn chuckles. "They are quite a pair."

Glorfindel laughs. "I suspect Arwen is going to be spending a bit more time in Lorien..."

Celeborn pales. "Oh dear..."

He shrugs. "Don't you worry about it." he kisses Celeborn. "You'll be in Imladris, with me, remember?"

Celeborn nods. "Yes, yes... That is a very good thing."

"For more than just one reason..." He grins wickedly.

Celeborn laughs, shaking his head. "Yes, there are other reasons."

"Many others." He laughs. "The least of which is not seeing Elrond act like an elfling. Terribly amusing."

"Yes, I'm sure it is. I haven't seen much of him lately so..." Celeborn smiles. "I haven't had a chance to see act like an elfling."

He cuddles. "Aye..."

"It should be interesting though..." Celeborn grins.

"Oh, yes." He laughs. "And I suppose Ell and Elrohir are going to be out a bit more, too."

"You think so?" Celeborn looks at him.

He smiles. "Well, if there were two sets of ancient elves walking around making out, I'd want to get out, too."

Celeborn thinks about this for a minute. "I suppose so."

"Though at times I do have to wonder about the nature of their relationship..." He sighs. "This is why I don't want children."

"Really? The nature of their relationship, eh?"

"Yeah." He smiles. "They're all very sweet -- even Arwen, some of the time -- but...very, very irritating."

Celeborn nods. "I can imagine, and I don't have to deal with them as much as you do so..." He pauses and pats Glorfindel's back. "I pity you."

Glorfindel grins wickedly. "Can I replace 'pity' with another four letter word?"

Celeborn tilts his head to one side, grinning. "What word would that be, hm?"

"Well, I can think of a couple, but one is rather obscene..." He laughs and grins. "But the first one is 'love.'" He blushes slightly.

"Well... I suppose I could use love instead of pity..." Celeborn grins at him.

Glorfindel squeals and kisses Celeborn. "Good!"

Celeborn nods. "Yes, very good, I'd say."

Glorfindel grins. "Yes, yes. Extremely good." He pauses. "Do you think the party's still going on?"

Celeborn shrugs. "If Galadriel is still drunk it probably is."

He laughs. "Well I think we can safely deduce it is, then."

"I'd say so."

Glorfindel laughs again and kisses Celeborn. "You know what I want? ... I want ice cream."

Celeborn pales. "Umm... Okay. Let's go get some ice cream."

He smiles. "Let's not. Let's stay here and get ice cream." He grins wickedly.

"Sounds good to me."

Glorfindel laughs and pulls the little rope hanging (if you'll remember) right next to the bed. After he had made sure they were sufficiently covered, a Random Sexy-Elf enters the room.

Celeborn smiles at him. "Good evening."

"Hello!" The Random Sexy-Elf beams. "My esteemed Lords, what may I get you?"

Celeborn glances at Glorfindel. "I think we would like some ice cream."

Glorfindel laughs. "Yes, we would." The Random Sexy Elf flees the scene. "Rawr." He pounces Celeborn.

Celeborn looks at him. "Are you sure you need the ice cream?" he asks grinning.

"Of course I don't need it..." He kisses Celeborn fiercly. "But I want it."

Celeborn laughs. "Okay, let me rephrase that. Is it wise to give you ice cream?"

Glorfindel grins wickedly. "I'm not sure. We'll find out soon enough."

Celeborn looks slightly worried. "Okay..."

Glorfindel kisses Celeborn's forehead. "Don't worry, love, it's not like I'll kill you or anything."

Celeborn shakes his head. "I hope not."

Glorfindel laughs. "Nope. I love you too much to kill you."

Celeborn smiles. "That is a good thing, a rather comforting thought."

The Random Sexy Elf bursts back into the room, a smile on his face and a cart of ice cream in front of him. "Enjoy!"

Celeborn blinks, momentarily surprised. "Umm... thank you; we will."

Glorfindel reaches over to get a bowl of ice cream as the Random Sexy Elf exits. "It's a good thing they don't notice certain things."

Celeborn shakes his head, almost dazedly. "Yes, I'd say so, or if they do they don't let on."

Glorfindel smiles sweetly. "Ice cream?"

Celeborn shakes his head. "I don't think I want any right now. I'm still recovering from the last bit that I had."

"Awww..." He kisses Celeborn's forehead. "Poor dear."

Celeborn grins. "Go on; eat your ice cream." And so Glorfindel does. Celeborn watches, shaking his head. "How can you eat ice cream like that? Doesn't it make you sick?"

Glorfindel beams. "Nope!" He sets it down and pounces Celeborn.

Celeborn chuckles. "Oh dear. Maybe that ice cream wasn't a great idea."

"Why not?" Glorfindel kisses Celeborn.

"Nothing, dear." Celeborn kisses him.

"I love you, Celeborn." Glorfindel beams.

Celeborn smiles and shakes his head. "I love you too."

He smiles broadly. "Good."

"I'd say it is..." Celeborn kisses him softly.

"Me too..." He sighs happily. "I can't remember being this happy."

Celeborn grins. "That makes me feel pretty good, you know."

"Well...good." He laughs. "I like to make you feel good."

"And I you..." Celeborn drops a small kiss onto Glorfindel's cheek.

And because we cannot simply let our lovlies be, a small knock comes at the door.

Celeborn looks up. "Someone is knocking on the door..."

"Yes..." He ponders. "Maybe if we don't say anything they'll go away?"

Celeborn nods. "We can try, but I doubt it will work."

"GLORFINDEL~!" A shrill voice trills. "We know you're in there!"

Celeborn looks at him quizically. Glorfindel's eyes widen. "I'd know that screech anywhere..." He groans. "It's Arwen."

"Do you have any clue why she's here?"

Glorfindel snorts. "I have no idea. But I suggest getting dressed very, very quickly, before she breaks the door down."

Celeborn nods. "Yes, yes. That sounds like a good idea to me."

So, using all the elven speed possible, to the tune of Arwen's pounding on the door, they manage to get dressed just as Arwen realizes that hey! she can open the bloody door. Estel stands behind her, blushing slightly.

Celeborn looks at them, smiling. "Hello."

Arwen glares. "Hello." She turns to Glorfindel. "You! Have you heard?"

Glorfindel pales lightly. Celeborn looks at them, utterly confused. "Heard what, Arwen?" He sighs. "Please try to be coherent. I know I've taught you better."

Celeborn nods. "I'm wondering this myself."

"Heard about HIM!" Arwen screeches. Estel coughs. She growls. "He stole my daddy..." She pouts.

Celeborn stifles a laugh. "Oh..."

Glorfindel sighs. "Arwen, dear. Gil-galad is not stealing your father. Your father loves you very, very much. Remember? We've had this talk before?"

Celeborn keeps his head facing downwards, not exactly feeling comfortable in this situation, but finding it terribly amusing.

Arwen pouts. "But...but! They do that sort of thing in public! You would never do that, right, Glorfie?" Her eyes get big.

Celeborn chuckles quietly. Glorfindel smiles. "Of course not, Arwen. Not then, not now. Is that all you wanted to talk about? I was ...busy... with your grandfather here."

Celeborn, barely keeping his composure, walks over to a chair and sits down. Nodding his assent, he says, "Yes, dear, we were a bit busy."

Arwen looks curiously at them. "Were you discussing something?" she asks shrewdly.

Celeborn nods. "Yes, we were."

Her eyes narrow. "And what were you discussing?"

"I'll leave that to Glorfindel's discretion," Celeborn answered evasively.

As Arwen glares at him, resembling her father a bit, Glorfindel tugs at his collar. He answers, "...er...politics."

Celeborn smiles at Arwen. She smiles as Estel, sighing, sits down in a chair in the corner of the room. "Good. You know I love talking about politics."

Celeborn makes a face at her. "We did ask you to leave, did we not?"

Arwen sticks her tongue out. "Actually, you didn't."

Celeborn sighs. "Well, we made it obvious, though."

She raises an eyebrow. "Why are you so anxious for me to leave, hmm?" Celeborn shrugs.

Glorfindel sighs. "Why do you want to stay?"

Celeborn smiles. "That is a good question."

Arwen frowns. "Why wouldn't you open your door the first time, if you were just 'discussing politics'?"

Celeborn shrugs. "We figured that you would have realized that if you turn the handle the door opens."

Glorfindel resists laughing. "Arwen, don't you have anywhere else to be? Go help your grandmother. She's quite drunk."

Celeborn snickers.

Arwen rolls her eyes. "Fine. Come along, Estel dearest."

Celeborn chuckles as he watches Estel being dragged out of the room by Arwen.

Glorfindel rolls his eyes as the door slams. "See? Irritating."

Celeborn nods. "That she is. It is a relief when she's here though. She tends to take all of Galadriel's attention."

Glorfindel grins wickedly. "Now...where were we?"

Celeborn grins. "I'm not sure..."

"I'm sure we can improvise, eh?"

"Of course!" Celeborn nods, smiling.

In a fluid motion, Glorfindel pulls Celeborn close, kisses him, and somehow moves them to the bed.

Celeborn laughs. "You are so sweet!" he says and gives Glorfindel a kiss.

"Well, thank you." He grins. "My ego is going to be quite large when this is done."

"I'm sure it will be..." Celeborn chuckles.

Glorfindel kisses Celeborn. "It will."

"I'm sure..." Celeborn grins.

Glorfindel laughs. "You're so lovely."

Celeborn blushes slightly. "I think you are too..."

He grins wickedly. "I like making you blush."

"Don't expect it... I don't blush often."

Glorfindel laughs. "Making it all the more lovely when it happens." Celeborn grins, shaking his head. "Now...let's get back to...politics." He winks.

"Ah, yes, the all important politics." Celeborn kisses him.

Glorfindel nods. "Yes, 'politics' is what makes the world go round."

"It sure is..." Celeborn grins. "I can agree with that."

Glorfindel smiles sweetly, discreetly shedding their clothing. "Yes, I rather enjoy 'politics'."

Celeborn nods. "Mm... as do I..." He kisses Glorfindel's neck.

Glorfindel giggles. "And Arwen hasn't experienced 'politics' yet."

Celeborn chuckles. "Hmm... how do you know this?"

"Weeeell, she has a tendency to talk. A lot. About everything. I'm sure she would have said something." He ponders this. "Unless, of course, she was too embarrassed to. Hmm."

"Well... that is something to contemplate. I mean, besides Estel... I can't imagine who else there is..." Celeborn looks thoughtful.

Glorfindel shrugs. "I don't think there has been any other." He rolls his eyes. "I think I would've known, too, the way she talks. It's lately been 'Estel did this' or 'Estel did that'. Or 'Estel isn't paying any attention to me.' Argh."

Celeborn laughs. "Well, why would Estel not pay attention to her? She is loud enough to get anyone's attention."

"Oh, I don't know. I tend to slink away into the library when they all get together." He kisses Celeborn.

"I would too." He smiles fondly at Glorfindel.

Glorfindel smiles back. "I'm bored."

Celeborn raises an eyebrow. "Really?"

Glorfindel pouts. "Really."

"Aww..." Celeborn kisses him. "Poor you."

He pouts some more. "You're not going to do anything about it?"

"What exactly do you want me to do about it?" Celeborn grinned.

Glorfindel shrugs. "Whatever you see fit?"

Celeborn chuckled. "What if I told you I wanted to rest, hm?"

Glorfindel pouts. "That won't cure my boredom."

"I know, but it is something for me to do."

"But...but..." He frowns. "What am I supposed to do?"

Celeborn chuckles. "I don't know... You could go talk with Gil-galad or Elrond..."

Glorfindel leers. "Talk? Or talk?"

Celeborn glares. "Talk."

He grins. "That's what you get for threatening to go to sleep."

"Hmph." Celeborn crosses his arms.

Glorfindel kisses Celeborn. "I love you."

"I love you too," Celeborn says softly.

Glorfindel snuggles at Celeborn's side and smoothes his hair. "Do you want to sleep?"

Celeborn looks at him for a moment. "I wouldn't mind it, as long as you're here."

Glorfindel smiles serenely. "If you want to, we can."

Celeborn grins. "I love this attention."

He laughs. "It's not like you get any from Galadriel."

"It's a wonderful feeling. I had almost forgot what this was like."

"I'll make sure you never forget."

Celeborn smiles. "How kind of you, love."

"It's the least I can do," Glorfindel says with a smile.

Celeborn rests his head against Glorfindel. "This is so lovely..."

"I know." Glorfindel closes his eyes. "I know."

Celeborn snuggles closer to Glorfindel and closes his eyes. "Do you want to sleep?" Celeborn opens his eyes and shrugs. "Well?" Glorfindel looks at Celeborn.

"Well." Celeborn looks back at him.

"Do you?"

"I don't know."

"Indecisive," Glorfindel murmurs.

"I know." Celeborn grins.

Glorfindel rolls his eyes. "At least you know."


"I'm thinking we'd get more done if we sleep," he murmurs sarcastically.

"Probably." Celeborn looks at him, smirking.

Glorfindel scowls. "You."

Celeborn smiles. "Yes?"

He rolls his eyes and kisses Celeborn. "I love you."

"And I love you," he says, gladly returning the kiss.

"So. Do you want to sleep or not?"

Celeborn looks at him with big eyes. "Do you?"

"Sleep or sleep?" He grins.

Celeborn shakes his head. "I don't know."

He growls. "It's not a life or death decision. Although it's swiftly heading in that direction."

Celeborn grins and kisses him. "You're cute."

"So you've said." Glorfindel sighs. "Now. Pick one."

Celeborn pouts, not willing to open his mouth. Glorfindel kisses him fiercely. "Now."

Celeborn kisses his ear, whispering, "No dear, you decide."

"But you're the one who suggested we sleep." Glorfindel kisses Celeborn's neck.

"Fine, if you want me to decide, we'll sleep." Celeborn frowns.

Glorfindel frowns too. "Fine."

"Okay." Celeborn cuddles up next to him.

"Good." Glorfindel kisses Celeborn.

"But I'm not sure if I can get to sleep..." he murmurs.

"Oh really?"

He nods vaguely. "Mmm."

"Why would that be?" Celeborn asks, interested.

"Oh...no reason," he murmurs.

Celeborn rolls his eyes. "Fine..."

Glorfindel smiles and pushes back Celeborn's hair, softly singing. Celeborn gazes at him fondly, listening carefully to him. He blushes slightly.

"Blushing, dear?"

"I can't help it."

Celeborn smiles at him. He smiles and continues the song, stroking Celeborn's hair. Celeborn sighs happily leaning against Glorfindel.

Glorfindel smiles at him. "You're sure you want to go to sleep, right?"

"Yes." Celeborn grins. "I'm not being indecisive."

Glorfindel chuckles. "Well, that's certainly true."

Celeborn smiles and strokes Glorfindel's face. "Mm hm..."

Glorfindel kisses Celeborn's forehead. "We'll leave for Imladris with Elrond and Gil-galad."

Celeborn takes a deep breath. "Okay."

"Ssh, don't worry, love." He smiles softly. "Galadriel will be hung over. And besides...if she inquiries, you can always say you're discussing politics."

Celeborn sighs. "Of course, of course. It will just be hard to leave Lorien."

"Was it hard to leave Lindon after ruling it?" Glorfindel asks softly.

Celeborn shrugs. "I suppose so. I don't think much about it."

Glorfindel snuggles up to him. "It's probably smart not to live in the past."

He nods. "I think it is..."

Glorfindel smiles. "Especially when the future is looking bright."

"Especially." Celeborn kisses him.

Glorfindel kisses back. "I love you."

Celeborn murmurs his agreement.

"Now...sleep." He smiles and kisses Celeborn's forehead.

Celeborn nods and rests his head on Glorfindel's chest. And so the two fall asleep, not to be disturbed until morning.

The End

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The characters belong to the estate of J.R.R. Tolkien and New Line Cinema. No profit is being made by the authors or the archivist and no disrespect is intented.

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