
by Minuial Nuwing

Rating: PG
Pairing: Erestor, Gil-galad, Glorfindel (Glorfindel/Erestor implied)
Summary: "He spent the night, no doubt, ensconced in Thranduil's bed..."

Warnings: Pointless fluff.

Note: For LJ's "hjhslib", who wanted to know just what Erestor was doing during the events of To Remember, a ficlet I wrote for her some time ago.

Imladris 2438 II

"He spent the night, no doubt, ensconced in Thranduil's bed."

"Much to Oropher's chagrin, I daresay." Gil-galad shot his companion a piercing look through the steam that rolled from their morning tea. "And much to your own, it would seem. Why the two of you do not call off this ridiculous charade and bind yourselves, like any other self-respecting elves..."

"That, my liege," Erestor retorted, dismissing the High King of the Noldor with a familiarity rooted in both blood and tears, "is a subject on which you had best remain silent." His eyes widened slightly, a flash of brilliant color under stark black brows, and he unsheathed his metaphorical claws. "How does Elrond fare this morning?"

"Very well, thank you," Gil-galad replied crisply, his glowering countenance at odds with the softness of his gaze. "He is yet sleeping."

Erestor grinned outright at the unconsciously possessive answer. "You are a fool, Ereinion," he said affectionately, his good humor restored. "But there is none I would sooner follow." Taking the empty mug from Gil-galad's hand, he urged, "Go, wake your sleeping prince. I am fine."

Rising uncertainly, Gil-galad reached down to squeeze Erestor's shoulder before turning to the door and the still-shadowed hallway. "Do not squander the days, my friend," he said quietly. "They are few and quickly passing."

Erestor poured himself another cup of tea, carrying it to the balcony to greet the fast-rising sun. "Good morning, Glorfindel," he murmured, raising his mug in wry salute. "He is right, you know. Against all reason and my own better judgement, I love you."

In Mirkwood, Glorfindel smiled, warmed by a vision of indigo eyes.

The End

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