
By Any Means Necessary
by Morgana

Part 21

Elladan felt truly content now that Elrohir was in his arms again. The younger half-Elf fit perfectly against him and he sighed blissfully. Elrohir promptly looked over his shoulder and Elladan smiled brightly. "I am so glad that we found you. It was ata'da who tracked you down. I might never have found you, emotional as I was."

Casting a glance at Celeborn, Elrohir couldn't help still feeling betrayed. His grandfather had somehow made him admit his feelings and attraction, and had then told Elladan. He no longer felt like he could trust the elder Elf and that realization made him ache inside, for Celeborn had always held a special place in his heart. He refrained from replying, not wanting to say anything spiteful. Celeborn's gaze unexpectedly caught his and he quickly averted his eyes.

Being honest with himself Elrohir had to admit that he understood why Celeborn had done it. His grandfather didn't want to lose him and watching Elladan suffer must have been hard on the silver-haired Elf. Yet, he couldn't find it in his heart to forgive his grandfather – not yet. He needed time in order to deal with what had happened.

"We will be home again within the hour," said Elladan, trying to make conversation now that the icy cold remained between Elrohir and Celeborn. "Hopefully Ada received the message and is on his way home."

Elrohir's head snapped back. "You did what?"

"We sent a messenger. Elrohir, we were under the impression that you were about to cut all ties. Ada deserves to know what is happening." Elladan pleadingly looked at his twin. "We were so worried."

"We still are," interjected Celeborn in a warm tone. He tried to catch Elrohir's gaze and when he succeeded, he smiled reassuringly. "I owe you an apology, pen-neth. I lured you into a state of relaxation before you felt comfortable enough to tell me, and once I knew what was happening, I had to act quickly."

Elrohir remained quiet and Celeborn took that as a good sign. Maybe the half-Elf was willing to listen to him. He guided his horse closer to the twins' and moistened his lips before he continued. "I have seen this happen once before and back then we weren't so lucky to reclaim the one who was pining for his brother. He died eventually. I didn't want Elladan to go through that. I want the two of you to be happy."

Elrohir snorted, but didn't scold his grandfather. Instead, he leaned into the comfort of his twin's body and closed his eyes. He wasn't really tired; he just wanted a moment of peace and quiet to sort out his thoughts, which raced in circles. As he stilled his thoughts, he became aware of the strengthened bond between Elladan and him. He sensed Elladan's mood, emotions and even caught some worried thoughts. His twin wanted him to accept this and forgive Celeborn, but Elladan was cautious not to say it aloud, afraid he would alienate Elrohir even further. That realization hurt.

There had only been one secret between them in all these centuries. He had kept his love a secret, and in the end, Elladan had found out anyway. "I cannot forgive you yet," he said eventually, meeting Celeborn's eyes hesitantly.

Celeborn knew it was the best he could hope for and nodded thankfully. "I will earn your trust again." He exchanged a look with Elladan when Elrohir closed his eyes. This would take time, but he was confident that Elrohir would forgive him eventually.

"Can we leave now?" Elrond expectantly looked at Glorfindel. The skies were clear and Arien warmed Arda. He was in a hurry to return to Imladris and, although he was trying to be cooperative, Glorfindel was testing his patience.

"Aye, we will leave, then." Glorfindel realized Elrond was capable of mounting Asfaloth and simply riding off without waiting for his escort to follow. "But we will ride together." Elrond might not admit it, but the enforced rest had done him good. The half-Elf looked less pale, the dark circles were fading and Elrond even seemed steadier on his feet when they made their way over to Asfaloth.

He helped Elrond into the saddle and then seated himself behind the half-Elf. Taking hold of the reins, he guided Asfaloth toward the sentries. "What do you think has happened to Elrohir?" During his sleep, Elrond had been restless, calling out to his youngest son.

Elrond swallowed hard. "Melme, it feels like he is fading. My bond with him is very weak."

Glorfindel involuntarily pressed his heels into Asfaloth's flanks, telling the horse to speed up. "Fading? And what about Elladan?" He didn't want to say it aloud, but if Elrohir was fading there was a chance that Elladan was too.

"I can still sense Elladan clearly. He seems troubled, but he is not fading." Elrond sighed distressed. "I cannot lose either of them, melme. My heart would break."

"I know that, nîn ind." He had seen the bond Elrond shared with all his children. The half-Elf's heart was filled with love and would break losing just one of them. He shuddered; Aiya, what if losing Elrohir will cause Elrond to fade? He had to prevent that from happening at all cost! "We will reach Elrohir in time."

"I hope so." Collapsing against his lover's warm body, Elrond drew in deep breath, unable to keep himself from brooding.

Celeborn felt relieved when they finally entered the Last Homely House. He shooed the twins toward their rooms, announcing he would make a quick trip to the Healing House to acquire some clean bandages, as he still needed to properly examine and bind Elrohir's injured arm.

Elrohir let Elladan guide him to their rooms and sit him down on his bed. Looking about, he realized he had missed home. It had been folly to run away, but at the time he had panicked.

"Gwenneth?" Elladan sat on his heels in front of his twin and waited for Elrohir to look at him. "Would you like to take a bath?" Elrohir would probably want to freshen up.

"Aye," said Elrohir hesitantly, "but I don't think I can manage alone." His arm still hindered him.

"I will help you," offered Elladan in a friendly and understanding tone.

"That's what I am afraid of," whispered Elrohir in an unguarded moment. Startled at hearing his words aloud, he stared at Elladan.

"I will behave," said Elladan, "if that is what you are afraid of." He would, however, tenderly care for his brother. "I like touching you, gwenneth."

Elrohir blushed weakly. "I know you do, but this feels... odd to me."

"Elrohir?" Elladan hoped his brother would open up further to him. They had already come a long way. "What is it?"

"For... years... I fantasized about you. About touching you," mumbled Elrohir, absentmindedly fumbling the fabric of his leggings. "I just have a hard time accepting that things have changed between us." Shyly, he made eye contact with his twin. "I want to touch you so badly."

"Then touch me, gwenneth," said Elladan invitingly. Gathering Elrohir's uninjured hand in his, he placed its palm against his chest. "Or would you prefer me removing my clothes first?" He grinned when Elrohir's blush intensified. "Aye, you would." Slowly, he rose from the floor and pulled his twin with him. "We will take that bath together and I will behave, but you may touch me in whatever way you desire."

Elrohir, nervous, swallowed hard. "Elladan, I..."

"Im mela lle, gwenneth. Everything is all right." Trying to soothe his twin, he stroked the long, slightly dust-covered hair. "We should wash this dust and grime off of you. And you must tell me how you ended up in that rock avalanche."

Finding back to his senses, Elrohir nodded weakly. "It was just pure stupidity. I panicked." He followed Elladan into the bathroom and watched his twin fill up the pool. He managed to remove his boots and leggings, but failed to unbutton his shirt.

Elladan, who had removed his clothes as well, turned to face his twin. I never realized how handsome you are, gwenneth.

"Diola lle."

Elladan's eyes widened. "You can read my thoughts?" It had happened on occasion, usually when they were emotional or injured, but not when they were calm.

Elrohir nodded once. "It must be due to our stronger bond."

"Let me help you out of that shirt." Elladan's breath caught in admiration, seeing Elrohir naked again. "I have never seen a more beautiful being before," he whispered, enfolding Elrohir in his arms.

"You promised to behave," mumbled Elrohir, his resolve to keep his hands off of Elladan weakening. Elladan was warm against him and when his twin led him into the water, the other half-Elf's erection bobbed against his thigh.

His twin was already hard, but Elladan remained true his word and behaved.

Once seated on one of the curved seats into the pool, Elrohir leaned back and rested his body against Elladan's. His brother's arm was still wrapped around him and he relished Elladan's closeness. "The bandages are getting wet." His arm and shoulder throbbed and he bit down the pain, not wanting Elladan to worry about him.

But the link told Elladan of his brother's discomfort. He was no healer and didn't know to treat the injury. They had to wait for Celeborn to return. In the meantime, he might be able to distract Elrohir from his pain. "You said you wanted to touch me."

Elrohir's eyes, which had closed, now opened. He stared at his older twin, wondering if he had misheard. Elladan was incredibly close and his presence was intoxicating. How many times had he dreamt of being with Elladan in this way? How many times had he fled into the bathroom to relieve the sensual tension that had life made so unbearable? And now Elladan was willing to make some of those fantasies come true? "Are you sure?"

Elladan left no more room for doubt when he rested his brother's hand on his erection. "This is how sure I am. This is how much I want your touch. Does this convince you?" He was painfully hard and Elrohir's fingers – ghosting over his hard flesh – only made him hungrier for this touch. "You may do whatever you want with me, gwenneth."

Elrohir, nervously, nodded once, slowly accepting that this was the way it would be. Tentatively, he curled his fingers around Elladan's erection, stroking experimentally. "Will you touch me as well?"

Elladan nodded, smiled and slowly pumped Elrohir's erection. "Kiss me?" He leaned back, as Elrohir gingerly claimed his lips. Eagerly parting his lips and teeth, he invited his brother's tongue into his mouth, engaging Elrohir in a passionate kiss. Unexpectedly, the younger half-Elf rocked against him and Elladan raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

Feeling Elladan's eyes on him, Elrohir blushed. "It shows, doesn't it?"

Careful to keep up the soothing strokes to the hard flesh, Elladan kept his younger brother on the edge. "What shows?" Looking deeply into Elrohir's grey eyes, he thought he saw a hint of silver in them, something which he had never seen before.

"You are my first," whispered Elrohir in a husky tone. "I never had a lover. My heart always belonged to you." Speaking coherently was becoming increasingly difficult now that Elladan was cunningly steering him toward release.

Elladan bestowed a gentle kiss onto the tip of his brother's nose. "I worried about that when I claimed you. I tried to be extremely careful. I was afraid I would leave you sore."

"I am a bit... sore," admitted Elrohir reluctantly, but then Elladan's strokes suddenly sped up and he threw back his head in delight. Elladan's erection escaped his fingers and the older half-Elf quickly moved closer, straddling his hips. Staring at Elladan, he saw the love and pleasure in his brother's eyes. It made him surrender to these exquisite sensations, thrusting into Elladan's hand. "Aiya, I am so close."

"Tell me. Tell me what would complete your happiness. Tell me what you really want." It was a dirty trick, but Elladan was under the impression that Elrohir was still keeping back and he wanted the whole truth. "What does your heart desire?"

"You," cried out Elrohir, finding release in the warm water. "I want to be inside you!"

Elladan nodded once and then cradled Elrohir against his chest after seeing the shocked expression in the grey eyes.

"I..." Rendered speechless by both the admission and his shattering orgasm, Elrohir sobbed softly against his brother's chest. "I don't know why I said that."

"You said it because it is the truth." Elladan pulled back so he could look into his twin's swimming eyes. "And once you claim me the circle will be completed."

Elrohir wiped away his tears, searching Elladan's eyes. "You would let me do that?"

"Not for you, for us, for I want you to claim me in turn. Gwenneth, the two of us are one and we always will be, no matter what the future will bring. Now that we stopped fighting this, we need to make our bond as strong as possible. I never want to face losing you again. I want us to be truly one."

Elrohir had listened in breathless fascination. "When you... When you made love to me, I... I felt different. Rationally I knew you were inside me, but there was one moment when it felt like I was taking you."

Elladan nodded firmly. "I know. It happened to me as well." He paused to gather Elrohir close to him again. Once the younger half-Elf rested against him, he supported his twin's arm, hearing Elrohir moan painfully. "Ata'da should examine your arm and shoulder."

But Elrohir's thoughts were elsewhere. "Right after we had joined our bodies together, did you feel that... warmth as well?"

"A soft glow."


"I felt it, Elrohir, and to be honest, I want to feel it again." Tangling his fingers in his brother's hair, he recalled he was supposed to clean Elrohir up. "I will wash your hair and then we will see ata'da. And gwenneth, please try to forgive him, for he means well."

"I will try," said Elrohir, sighing. "But I cannot make any promises, for he betrayed my trust."

"Give it time, gwenneth. Give it time."

Celeborn wasn't sure what to expect when he knocked on the door to the twins' rooms. Elladan had welcomed his help – interference – unlike Elrohir. Both half-Elves were dear to him and he didn't want to lose their affection. He simply had to regain Elrohir's trust.


Stepping inside, he scanned the bedroom. Elrohir stood in front of the window and was looking out over the valley, whilst Elladan was building a fire in the fireplace. "I brought clean bandages and I would like to examine your arm now – if you will let me." Studying the younger half-Elf, he encountered an unreadable expression in the grey eyes and he held his breath, waiting for Elrohir's answer.

"Gwenneth..." Elladan's voice echoed softly through the room, as the half-Elf advanced on his younger brother.

Elrohir sighed deeply and gave in. There was no use fighting both of them when he was in pain. His arm and shoulder throbbed angrily now that his panic had ebbed away, causing him to grow very much aware of his injury. He followed Elladan obediently and sat down on the bed. He hadn't bothered to put a shirt on and had only dressed in clean leggings. "You may check on my arm."

Celeborn released the breath he had been holding. "Diola lle." He realized that this was hard on his youngest grandson. After placing the clean bandages on the bed, he pulled up a chair and began to cut away the wet fabric. Apparently Elladan had judged it safer to keep the bandages in place whilst cleaning Elrohir up. From the corner of his eye, he caught Elladan standing at the head end of the bed, lending his younger brother his silent support.

"Are you in any pain?" Celeborn asked, placing the drenched bandages aside. Gently, his fingers probed the arm and then the shoulder joint, manipulating it cautiously. Elrohir hissed, answering his question without words. "Where does it hurt?"

"I am not sure," said Elrohir reluctantly. "It is my shoulder and my arm."

Celeborn rose from his chair and continued to manipulate the shoulder, drawing more pain-filled groans from Elrohir. "I cannot believe I didn't realize earlier that you have a dislocated shoulder."

"Dislocated?" Elrohir briefly made eye contact with Celeborn. "That must have happened when my horse threw me off. She panicked, seeing the rock avalanche."

"You probably landed on your shoulder," concluded Celeborn. "Elladan, would you assist me? We need to pop the arm back in." Looking at Elrohir, he added, "This will hurt."

"Do it. I can take the pain." He had endured worse! Gritting his teeth, he reluctantly leaned against Celeborn's body when the elder Elf began to ease the arm back into the shoulder joint. A nauseating 'plop' echoed through the room, signaling it had slipped back into place.

Elrohir gasped in pain and his face contorted, desperately trying to stop himself from whimpering. He refused to display his misery in that way. Staring at the floor, he tried to control the waves of throbbing ache that swept through his shoulder.

Celeborn, sensing Elrohir's pain, carefully bandaged the injured area and then created another sling for the half-Elf to rest his arm in.

Elladan, who had half held, half supported his twin, now moved in front of Elrohir and sat on his heels, making eye contact. He didn't need to see the pain in the grey eyes to know it was there; he felt it like it was his own. "It is done, gwenneth. Your shoulder can now begin to heal."

Realizing he should thank his grandfather for taking care of him, Elrohir mumbled, "Diola lle."

Celeborn felt disappointed, realizing Elrohir still refused to call him grandfather. "You should favor that shoulder for a few days, pen-neth. Your healing ability is not yet what it used to be."

Elrohir bit his bottom lip in frustration; he wanted to be alone, but Elladan and Celeborn refused to stop fussing over him. "I will be fine."

"I am sure you will, because we will look after you," said Elladan sternly. "Now what do you want to do?"

Elrohir wanted to shrug, but stopped himself just in time. "I don't know."

"Maybe you would like to rest?" suggested Celeborn, hoping Elrohir would lie down and sleep for some hours.

"Nay." Elrohir unexpectedly looked at his grandfather. "I don't want to be cooped up in my room. Can I go outside?"

Elladan cringed, but made sure Elrohir didn't see. "We could sit in the gardens for a while."

Elrohir smiled happily at that. "I will even eat something after our walk." The truth was that he was growing hungry.

Celeborn, realizing his presence was no longer needed, stepped aside. "I would love it if the two of you joined me for dinner."

Elrohir wanted to refuse, but sensing Elladan's eagerness to accept that invitation, he found himself nodding. "We will be there, then."

Celeborn left, and headed for Glorfindel's office near the barracks, knowing he would probably find Haldir there. He wanted to look upon his love and share a moment with him before duty called again.

Haldir's heart missed a beat, recognizing the firm footfalls in the corridor. He had long ago learned to recognize Celeborn's walk and now smiled, pretending to read a report.

"Haldir?" Celeborn's heart pounded madly in his chest, seeing his trusted march warden behind Glorfindel's desk. Haldir had been his confidant for many centuries and they knew each other well. At times, he even deluded himself into thinking that Haldir had feelings for him as well, but that was just wishful thinking. The march warden was intelligent enough not to lose his heart to the Lord of the Golden Wood, who was bound to Galadriel. "Did everything go well here?"

"Everything is under control," said Haldir, rising from behind the desk. "Did you find the elusive Peredhel?" He could tell Celeborn felt troubled, but also knew the elder Elf would tell him if his Lord thought he needed to know.

"Aye, we did. Walk with me?" Celeborn waited for Haldir to fall into step with him and then headed for the stables. "I want to go for a ride."

Haldir signaled for the attending Elves to get two horses ready and waited until Celeborn had mounted before he followed suit. Once they had left the stables and ventured into the valley, Celeborn made speed and Haldir was forced to do the same. What is it that vexes him?

The horses ran until they protested and Celeborn, feeling guilty, immediately slowed down, guiding them to the Bruinen. After dismounting, he encouraged them to drink some water and collapsed beneath an ancient oak tree. Burying his fingers in the earth, he drew his strength from the lands. He had almost forgotten about Haldir, but then the march warden sat down, reminding him.

Haldir remained quiet, waiting for Celeborn to tell him of his own accord.

After a few more minutes, Celeborn said, "We found Elrohir and he is back in Imladris. He dislocated his shoulder during a fall, but is no longer fading."

Haldir nodded once, and then decided to be completely honest with Celeborn. "I take it Elladan claimed him?" Celeborn raised an eyebrow and Haldir explained. "It is in the way they look at each other. They way they move. You might not notice this because you know them so well, but to the stranger they seem very much in love. I heard it before when they visited Lothlorien. Several Galadhrim told me so."

Sighing, Celeborn nodded. "Elladan claimed him and thus stopped Elrohir from fading." He studied his march warden and then ventured a guess. "You approve, then?"

"I was there when Elrond came to Lothlorien to be comforted after Elros' death. I heard his cries at night. We stopped Elrohir just in time. We might have lost him, much like we lost Elros."

"Their love was a tragic one," agreed Celeborn, "And it will greatly pain Elrond to tell his sons the truth, but I do think they deserve to know."

"It will clarify matters for Elladan and make Elrohir more willing to accept this." Haldir gave Celeborn a look filled with longing when the Lord of the Wood stared at the Bruinen and he quickly hid his desire, afraid of being caught by Celeborn.

Celeborn's eyes filled with fatigue, seeking out Haldir's hazel ones. "Will you watch over me whilst I tell our Lady was has happened here?"

"I will guard you with my life," vowed Haldir passionately. He would die, trying to keep his Lord safe.

Celeborn smiled, saddened, once more wondering how far his march warden's dedication ran. After nodding once, he drew in a deep breath and followed the bond that led him home.

Not betaread. All mistakes are mine.

Part 22

Galadriel stopped mid-sentence, sensing her husband's thoughts, as they entered her mind. She signaled for Arwen to stop talking so she could converse with Celeborn. Something important must have happened for him to contact her unexpectedly.

Nîn-bess, (my wife) I miss you so much. Imladris is beautiful and I wish you were here at my side. Celeborn's need to have her close resonated in his thoughts.

Galadriel smiled saddened, knowing that it wouldn't be long until they would be parted forever. She would travel to Valinor whilst Celeborn had chosen to stay on Middle-Earth. Both would face loneliness. They had been together for so long that she could hardly imagine a life without him and yet it would come to pass.

Nîn-hervenn, (my husband) I hear your words and share your desires and regrets, but please tell me what urged you to contact me. She looked at Arwen and quickly told her that Celeborn was farspeaking with her.

A smile surfaced on Arwen's face and she excused herself, giving Galadriel some privacy.

Celeborn? How does Elrohir fare? I felt it wise not to tell Arwen until I was sure what was happening. Galadriel wrung her hands, hoping her husband had been in time to stop Elrohir from making the biggest mistake in his life.

A rock avalanche stopped his flight. Celeborn sighed relieved. And Elladan claimed him for life. That should stop Elrohir from fading and choosing mortality. I think we prevented the worst.

And yet I sense you are still worried, hurt even. Galadriel rose from her chair and descended the talan, heading for the spring that supplied the water she needed to foresee the future.

I am worried, melme. (love) I tricked Elrohir into revealing his feelings for Elladan and by doing that, I betrayed his trust. I will have to work hard on regaining it. But I had no choice. I couldn't let the past repeat itself.

Galadriel nodded absentmindedly, filled the bowl with fresh spring water and stared into it. War will come over the lands...

Celeborn held his breath, realizing she was sharing a glimpse of the future with him and that made him wonder. They had been discussing Elrohir and now they were talking about war? Melme, I do not understand.

Now that Elrohir has been reclaimed, I trust Elladan and he will find their happiness in each other, but you, nîn-hervenn, you will be alone.

Celeborn's heart twitched in his chest. I wish you would reconsider and stay as well.

I cannot, sent Galadriel in a regretful tone, but there is another one.

Celeborn's eyes widened involuntarily. Galadriel filled his mind and he was solely focused on her. Another one? Meleth-nîn, (my love) I don't understand.

Galadriel laughed sweetly. I have known about your love for him these last few centuries, but I also know your dedication to me. Once I leave for Valinor I will set you free, Celeborn.

His fingers clawed at Imladris' soil. This was one topic he had managed to avoid for centuries and he felt overwhelmed and embarrassed now that she addressed it. Galadriel, don't do this, not now.

But you must know... She passed her hand over the water and images assaulted her. She screamed out in despair, witnessing the slaughter that was Helm's Deep. She stilled, seeing Haldir draw his last breath. Nay, I cannot allow this.

Galadriel? Celeborn, sensing her distress, involuntarily reached for Haldir's hand and squeezed tightly.

Listen carefully, melethron. (lover) An army will be send to Rohan to stop Saruman's foul creatures, but the price will be high. Too high. Haldir will fall.

Celeborn whimpered. Nay, not Haldir!

But... This is just one possible future. Now that you know what will happen you may influence it. I suggest you secretly join our army, but don't reveal yourself until after the battle. Cover his back and Haldir might live.

Your heart is kind to warn me, nîn-bess. It shows how much you love me and I could never betray you by taking Haldir for my lover after you left. Only the Valar can undo our vows.

We will discuss this matter later, said Galadriel; the strain of farspeaking with Celeborn was wearing her out. I will inform Arwen of what has happened and she might want to return to Imladris. In the meantime, keep Elrohir safe for me and support Elrond; he will need it. Smiling melancholy, she sent him her love and her goodbyes. Im mela lin, nîn celeb orn. (I love you, my silver tree.)

Im mela lle, Galadriel. His heart despaired, feeling her retreat and he reminded himself that he would be alone until the end of Arda after she sailed for Valinor.


Blinking once, his surroundings came into focus again and he stared into Haldir's worried, hazel eyes. He will die. Galadriel said that he would fall in Rohan. I cannot allow that to happen. I will keep him safe. Once Galadriel is gone, I will need him to keep me sane and grounded.

"I am fine," he forced himself to say and then realized that he had a death grip on Haldir's hand. When he released the march warden's hand, he found that his grip had left imprints on the Elf's skin. "I am fine," he repeated, reassuring Haldir. "We will now return to the Last Homely House."

Haldir nodded, remaining quiet. He had no idea what had passed between his Lord and Lady, but he could easily tell that Celeborn was even more worried than before and he vowed to ease his Lord's mind in whatever way possible.

Erestor waded into the small pool, situated in the center of Thranduil's bathroom. The water was pleasantly warm and he added some fragranced oils in order to keep his skin smooth and subtle. He still snickered softly, and shook his head, recalling Thranduil's stricken face when his lover had realized his mistake. He did hope Thranduil would never use ink for lubrication again, but he couldn't be angry with his lover for grabbing hold of the wrong phial in the midst of their lovemaking.

The warm water eased his sore muscles and he relaxed. Thranduil was turning out to be a very committed and passionate lover and he wondered when the Sinda would finally exhaust him. Judging by the pace Thranduil was setting, exhaustion would hit him shortly.

Stretching his body, he purred softly. He could get used to this. Thranduil was absolutely smitten with him, and adored him. Even the King's advisors had gladly accepted his presence at the council. It seemed he would be very happy here in Mirkwood, something he had never expected when Elrond had sent him on this mission.

He purred contently, sliding his hand down his body to remove any remnants of the ink that might still cling to his body. Closing his eyes, he softly whispered his lover's name, wishing Thranduil were here with him now.

Suddenly, the hair at the back of his neck stood rigid. He opened his eyes and carefully searched his surroundings. Gooseflesh formed over his entire body and the urge to leave the pool right that instant overwhelmed him. It felt like someone was watching him and it was a menacing stare.

Hoping he had soaked long enough to make the ink disappear, he grabbed a large towel and wrapped himself up into it, leaving the pool. The uncanny feeling remained and he quickly left the room, closing the door behind him with a soft thud. Something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Now you know how he lured your King into believing him. He stepped into that pool to clean Thranduil's seed from his body. He is letting your King use his body to find relieve, and once Thranduil is completely under his spell the Noldo will make his move. You cannot allow that to happen. You are Thranduil's protector. Oropher asked you to look after his son.

Belldoron nodded his head once. The voice was right. But how to properly deal with the Noldo? The voice had reminded him earlier that Erestor deserved to suffer for putting Thranduil under his spell and he was inclined to agree.

First, you will make him suffer and only then will you kill him.

Part of him suddenly reacted, rebelled to the voice. You want me to kill him? But Elves do not slay each other!

But this one is a Noldorin Elf! He probably participated in the kinslayings! You would do everyone a favor by ending his life! Thranduil is his current victim and you might find your King with a slit throat one day. Do you really want that to happen?

Nay, of course he didn't, but part of him was still reluctant to slay another Elf. Thranduil and his advisors might not realize he had acted in his King's best interest and banish him. He didn't want having to leave Mirkwood over a Noldorin Elf.

Frustrated sensation slithered into his mind and he tried to resist the suggestions the voice was whispering into his mind, but he caved in eventually. You are right. The Noldo deserves punishment for bewitching Thranduil, but he wasn't sure he could end another Elf's life.

We can worry about that later, whispered the Shadow into Belldoron's mind. First you need to get him alone. Then you can hand out his punishment.

I will get him alone, vowed Belldoron, and he will pay for using Thranduil in that way. He will beg for mercy before I am through with him.

Pleased at sensing Belldoron's resolve, the Shadow retreated.

Belldoron now descended the talan after having watched Erestor bath. The Noldorin Elf didn't know it yet, but his days were counted.

Thranduil frowned, catching Erestor shiver violently. The dark-haired Elf was merely wrapped up in a towel and the dark eyes moved restlessly in their sockets. It appeared something had upset his lover and he was eager to find out what it was so he could fix it.

Erestor shivered, still unable to name the source of his discomfort. "I felt like I was being watched."

"That is possible," admitted Thranduil. "This talan is not like the Last Homely House. You can actually look into many quarters." Thranduil felt worried, sensing his lover's discomfort. "I could have my rooms guarded if that makes you more comfortable."

Erestor shook his head. "I don't think that will be necessary. It was just a momentary feeling."

But Thranduil caught his lover's shivers nonetheless. Who would be watching you? And why? He decided to take this serious, however. He had learned to trust Erestor's instincts these last few weeks. For now, he could only try soothing his distraught lover. Curling an arm around Erestor, they stood face to face.

"You seem to be growing stronger," said Erestor pleased, as his fingers moved through his lover's long mane. "The grey is fading and your old golden sparkle is returning."

"All because of Vilya. I am greatly indebted to Elrond."

"I am sure he will consider this alliance sufficient payback," said Erestor reassuringly, leaning into the embrace, which Thranduil now completed. He really felt content, resting his head against the Sinda's shoulder. "Who would have thought I would find happiness here in Mirkwood – in your arms."

Thranduil smiled warmly. "And who would have thought I would ever let a Noldorin Elf get this close to me? You are in my veins, nîn-cuil."

Erestor smiled apologetically. "Not again, melamin. I need to recover. You are exhausting me." Then, adding a more teasing question, he said, "Did you manage to rearrange your desk? Did you get rid of that phial of ink?"

Thranduil nodded his head and a very sincere expression appeared on his face. "I did. Fortunately, the ink can be easily removed. I might have been able to explain my black fingers, but I would rather not have to."

Laughing softly, Erestor took Thranduil's hand in his and led his lover to their bed. After dropping the towel, he moved between the sheets. Arien had set and Ithil had risen. It was time for them to rest and get some much needed sleep after having been plagued by nightmares for so many nights. He patted the space next to him and watched Thranduil strip. Contentedly, he noticed that the Sinda was already putting on some weight after only a few days. Vilya had been Thranduil's salvation.

Thranduil slipped between the covers and immediately opened his arms so Erestor could move into them. "I will put you in charge concerning this alliance. Do whatever you have to do in order to make it a success. Mirkwood needs all the support it can get." Temporarily owning Vilya was already strengthening the lands -- and him as well.

"There will be no nightmares tonight," whispered Thranduil knowingly and he recalled his private vow to fill their nights with moans and lovemaking. But Erestor seemed tired and not in the mood for more exploration. Maybe he had been a bit too enthusiastic and Erestor needed a chance to recover. Nuzzling his lover's throat, he then looked into his lover's expressive eyes. "What do you want? Sleep or...?"

"Sleep, definitely," replied Erestor firmly. "I need to rest."

Pleased with himself, Thranduil smiled cockily. "I still plan on tying you to my bed and ravaging you."

"I know you do," whispered Erestor, his voice filled with desire. "But not tonight. I want to sleep in your arms tonight." Until now he had held Thranduil close, but he would love to be held in turn. Sighing, he snuggled closer to his lover's warm body. In their sleep, their minds would gravitate toward each other and through their link they would know instantly, should the nightmares return after all. "Quel kaima, melamin." (Sleep well, love.)

Thranduil pressed a passionate kiss onto the top of his lover's head and curled up around the dark-haired Elf. Possessively, he rested one hand on Erestor's buttock, squeezing gently. You are mine now and I will keep you until the end of Arda.

"Would you mind sitting down, êl (star)?" Elrohir didn't want to admit to being tired, but these last few days had taken their toll on him.

"There is a nice shadowed spot," said Elladan, pointing at an old oak tree. His heart fluttered, hearing Elrohir's old nickname for him. Elrohir hadn't called him that since this nightmare had started and hopefully it indicated that his younger twin had forgiven him.

They walked over to the tree and sat down; Elladan with his back against the tree trunk and after a moment's thought, Elrohir stretched out, lying on his back and resting his head on Elladan's thigh. Arien played with the leaves above their head, creating a golden blanket, which made Elrohir smile with contentment.

"Do your arm and shoulder still hurt?" Elladan carefully maneuvered Elrohir until his younger brother was as comfortable as possible. He then rested a hand on his brother's brow and stroked the skin tenderly. "I was so afraid I would lose you, gwenneth. I would have tracked you down to the Great Halls if necessary."

Elrohir sighed; he had realized that his salvation lay with Elladan and he was working hard on accepting the fact that his brother loved him. It would take time for him to fully accept this, but he was trying.

When Elladan bowed down and kissed him, he gingerly returned the kiss and instantly caught the pleasure and approval that his older brother radiated. I do love you, êl. Please be patient with me.

You have all the time you need, replied Elladan compassionately. Leaning back against the tree, he savored their love and closeness.

Elrond felt energized, finally making out the outline of the Last Homely House in the distance. Only a few more moments and he would be home again. "I want to talk to my sons the moment we arrive," he told Glorfindel. "And you won't carry me! I can walk unaided."

Glorfindel pretended to pout. "But I like carrying you! Then I can press you close to me." Seated behind the half-Elf, he felt it was time to ease Elrond's mind a little. The Peredhel was obviously upset and tense, and he wanted to distract Elrond from the problems he would face shortly. Pressing himself closer to Elrond's back, he rubbed himself against the half-Elf. He transferred the reins to his left hand and used the other to steal into Elrond's shirt, rubbing the flat abdomen. "And you should rest first, melamin." He still thought it unwise of his lover to leave Mirkwood in such a hurry. Had the half-Elf properly rested, Elrond might have recovered from the spider's poison by now. But no, Elrond had insisted they traveled while he was still weak.

"I can rest later." Elrond involuntarily held his breath, feeling Glorfindel's fingertips manipulate one already hard nipple. Fortunately he was wearing a warm cloak that shielded him from eventual curious looks, but he still thought Glorfindel was pushing the envelope. "Not here. Not now."

But then Glorfindel's erection pressed against his buttocks and he moaned his need. He wanted to make love with the Elda as well, but he had to check on his sons first.

Glorfindel, sensing Elrond's protest, removed his hand and tried to behave as they made their way onto the courtyard. Surprised, he realized Haldir and Celeborn were there as well, dismounting from their horses.

Elrond had also seen them, and his heart pounded wildly, realizing he had been right. Something was amiss, why else would his father in law unexpectedly visit Imladris? "Celeborn?" His voice sounded much too weak and he cringed, seeing the silver-haired Elf's instant concern.

Celeborn quickly left the horses in Haldir's care and advanced on Elrond. He grew worried, seeing the half-Elf's pallor and the partly hidden bandages beneath the cloak. "By the Grace of the Valor, what happened to you, Elrond?"

Realizing Glorfindel wanted him to help Elrond dismount, he opened his arms and caught the Peredhel when the Elda lowered his charge. He enfolded the half-Elf in his arms and led him toward a low wall where Elrond could sit down. "You are injured."

Elrond smiled grimly. "What a brilliant conclusion, Celeborn."

"What happened to you?" Concerned for Elrond's well-being, Celeborn pushed the fabric aside and realized the half-Elf's side and shoulders were bandaged.

"Mirkwood's spiders happened. They attacked and Elrond refused to obey when I told him to make a strategic retreat." Glorfindel joined them and frowned, seeing Elrond's face had turned even paler.

"You told me to flee!" spat Elrond at the Elda. "I never fled for an enemy before and I refused to start there and then!"

"He is too stubborn for his own good," whispered Glorfindel in a doting tone and then leaned in closer to press his lips on Elrond's. The half-Elf froze against him and he instantly realized his mistake. What had possessed him to kiss Elrond in the presence of Celebrían's father? Would Celeborn understand and allow this or...? Pulling back, he pleadingly stared at the silver-haired Elf. "I can explain..."

But Celeborn raised a hand to silence the Balrog Slayer. "There is no need to apologize. Galadriel and I have seen this possible future for the two of you."

Elrond trembled due to the stress of traveling and Celeborn's unexpected, mellow reaction. "You will allow this?"

Celeborn let out a deep breath. "When Celebrían left she told you to love again. We Elves live too long to go through life without love." Celeborn's eyes twinkled with mirth. "And I must say you made an excellent choice, Elrond. Glorfindel is certainly more than worthy of you."

Glorfindel and Elrond felt relieved now that this matter had been dealt with. Recalling his reason for coming here, Elrond locked eyes with Celeborn and said, "I need to see Elrohir. Is he well? I trust he is here? I am so worried. I felt our link weaken and hurried back here." He felt slightly reassured, knowing Celeborn wouldn't be standing here this calmly if his son was in mortal danger.

"Elladan took him to the gardens," said Celeborn in a thoughtful tone. The fact that Elrond had picked up on Elrohir's pain didn't surprise him. Elrond and his sons had always been close, whilst Arwen had shared such a bond with Celebrían and later with Galadriel.

"But he is well?" Elrond successfully struggled back to his feet. He swayed and instantly felt Glorfindel wrap an arm around him for support.

"He is well now." Celeborn considered how much he should tell Elrond, considering the half-Elf's weakened state.

"I knew something was wrong!" Elrond was upset again and tried to speed up and head for the gardens, but Glorfindel slowed him down before he could stumble over his own two feet.

"Ride Asfaloth," suggested Glorfindel, instinctively knowing it would be impossible to convince Elrond to wait for the twins in his rooms.

Elrond glared at Glorfindel for stopping him in his tracks, but then relented and allowed the Elda and Celeborn to help him into the saddle again. "I ride alone." He didn't want his sons to pick up on his weakness immediately.

Glorfindel nodded, but rested a hand against the small of Elrond's back for support.

"And now tell me what happened to Elrohir!" Elrond probed Celeborn's eyes when the silver-haired Elf finally looked at him.

Celeborn decided that Elrond needed to know the truth, but first he mimicked Glorfindel's action and established contact by supporting Elrond as well. Sensing the tremors that rocked the Peredhel's body he realized he had to tread carefully. "History was about to repeat itself," said Celeborn, maintaining eye contact with the half-Elf. He briefly hesitated again, wondering if Elrond wanted Glorfindel to know what had happened in the past.

Elrond wondered why Celeborn had stopped, but then caught the silver-haired Elf's probing glance directed at the Elda and realized the true intent of his friend's words. "Nay... not again." A terrible burden settled on his shoulders and he bowed his head in defeat. It couldn't have happened again!

Glorfindel, alarmed, looked at Celeborn questioningly. He disliked the fact that Elrond was even more distressed now.

"But this time no one died," said Celeborn, whilst soothingly rubbing Elrond's back. "Elladan found out the truth and stopped Elrohir from fading... and from running away."

Alarmed, Elrond searched the elder Elf's eyes. "What do you mean?"

"Elrohir tried to run away, but Elladan and I tracked him down and brought him back. He was caught by a rock avalanche and broke his arm and dislocated his shoulder."

"But you said Elladan stopped Elrohir from fading," Glorfindel mumbled, thoroughly confused. He was definitely missing a giant piece of this puzzle.

"I will explain later," said Elrond, realizing he had to be completely honest with Glorfindel and with his sons, but he dreaded confiding in them. Suddenly Celeborn's soothing presence calmed him and he recognized the manipulation for what it was. The silver-haired Elf had used this special gift before, when he had lost his wife, Celebrían. He had been inconsolable back then and only Celeborn had managed to comfort him.

Glorfindel reluctantly accepted that Elrond wasn't going to explain now and that he had to wait. However, he could tell that something greatly burdened his lover and his heart went out to him.

Elrond's eyes searched his surroundings and he quickly located his sons, which were resting and enjoying Arien's kind rays. His first look was for Elrohir, who looked at peace and comfortable in spite of his obvious injuries. "He is alive..."

Celeborn nodded and tried to reassure Elrond by touch, rubbing the half-Elf's lower back.

"Help me down. I want to greet them." Elrond glowered at both of them, as they seemed reluctant to comply. "Now!" His sons needed him strong, not displaying his weakness.

"But we will stay close," said Glorfindel in a slightly disapproving tone as Celeborn and he helped Elrond dismount.

Elrond growled softly and then rearranged his cloak so the twins wouldn't notice his injuries right away. "We are taking them back inside. I want them in view until I talked with them." Feeling Celeborn's hand descend onto this shoulder made him waver, and he now faced the silver-haired Elf, who stared at him compassionately.

"Elrohir feels guilt and shame because of this. You need to talk to him. Tell him about Elros." Celeborn had kept his voice low and silent, not wanting Glorfindel to catch his words. Elrond had to decide when he would tell his loved ones, as it had become obvious that the half-Elf needed to share this secret with his family at last.

Elrond nodded once and then stepped away from them, advancing on his sons, aching to wrap his arms around Elrohir in particular.

Not betaread. All mistakes are mine.

Part 23

Elladan was the first one to see Elrond approach. His breath caught, realizing something was amiss with the elder half-Elf, but he held his tongue as he didn't want to put even more pressure on their first encounter after having claimed his twin. He quickly searched his father's eyes and sighed relieved. Elrond seemed mostly happy to have found them, but Elladan also identified concern in his father's eyes. "Elrohir? Ada is here."

Elrohir trembled momentarily and then lifted his head, making eye contact with Elrond. He held his breath involuntarily, seeing Celeborn and Glorfindel were also present. "Celeborn probably already told Ada what happened."

Inclined to agree, Elladan gathered his brother's hand in his and squeezed gently. They would face Elrond together.

Slowly, Elrohir managed to get to his feet, aided by his brother. He briefly considered sweeping Elladan's arm away from his waist, but needed the support his brother offered, and leaned into the embrace, desperately hoping that their father would understand what had happened.

Elrond opened his arms and enfolded his sons in them. He rested his head against Elladan's shoulder and enjoyed the fact that they were united again. Sensing his son's tension, he pulled away to make eye contact with Elrohir. "I sensed you were fading and hurried back here."

Swallowing hard, Elrohir nodded once. He simply accepted that his father knew, and replied, "But I am fading no longer."

"Because of your brother." Elrond forced himself to smile, but privately he felt greatly burdened. "We need to talk about this in depth, but first I need to make sure you are healing." Expertly, his hands probed Elrohir's bandages. He had to compliment Celeborn; the elder Elf had done a good job at keeping the twins safe. "Will you follow me back inside?" His strength was beginning to fail him and he leaned heavily against Elladan, who gave him a concerned look.

Glorfindel, who had watched closely, now approached. "Your father is injured and needs rest." He ignored the enraged look that Elrond gave him and wrapped an arm around his lover's waist.

"Injured?" His problems forgotten, Elrohir pushed Elrond's cloak aside and found the bandages. "Ada! Why didn't you tell us?" He exchanged a concerned look with Elladan, and his older twin also folded an arm around their father's shoulder. "You should be resting in your rooms," said Elrohir in a chiding tone.

"So should you," interjected Celeborn calmly.

Elrohir gave his grandfather an unreadable look. "You are right. We will all return to the house." Right now, he didn't want to verbally fight with his grandfather. Getting Elrond to lie down was more important.

Elrond, leaning on his son and his lover, allowed them to walk him to the Last Homely House. Looking at Elladan, whose brow carried a deep frown, he realized he couldn't postpone this talk much longer. "We will retire to my rooms. Elladan, Elrohir, I want you to stay as we need to talk."

"Don't you think you should rest first?" Glorfindel cringed when Elrond glared at him.

Elrohir quickly came to the Elda's rescue. "Ada and I will rest and Elladan can keep us company."

"Glorfindel should stay as well," mumbled Celeborn, taking Asfaloth's reins.

Elrohir frowned at that, but decided not to comment on it.

Elrond however, nodded tiredly. "You are right. Glorfindel needs to hear this as well." He wasn't ready yet to tell his sons about his new lover, but the Elda was entitled to know what had transpired in the past.

Glorfindel nodded firmly. He saw the doubts in Elrond's eyes and was determined to live up to the challenge. He would stand at the half-Elf's side and support him.

Celeborn discretely left them alone, as he already knew what Elrond needed to tell his loved ones and he hoped that the half-Elf would find the strength and courage to get it all out in one go.

Glorfindel then led Elrond to the bed, but his lover protested and made for the comfortable chair near the window instead. "You should lie down," said the Elda in a worried tone, but Elrond's expression told him that his lover was determined to sit up. Gathering a blanket from the bed, he arranged it, making sure Elrond was warm.

Now that Elrond refused to lie down, Elrohir wasn't inclined to rest on the bed either. After signaling Elladan, his older twin moved a chair close to Elrond's so Elrohir could sit down close to their father.

"Ada?" After seating himself, Elrohir gathered his father's hand in his. Elrond seemed distant and lost in thought, which worried him.

Drawing in a deep breath, Elrond nodded once, determined to do this now. But first he needed to know Glorfindel still supported him. Reaching out with his other hand, he pulled the Elda close, who now perched on the armrest, making sure they were close.

Elladan walked over to them and came to a standstill behind his brother's chair. He rested his hands on Elrohir's shoulders for silent support. He had no idea why Elrond was this apprehensive, but they would give their father all the time he needed.

Elrond finally found the courage to clear his throat and start. Elrohir was rubbing the back of his hand and Glorfindel had claimed the other. Leaning against the Elda, he savored having his loved ones close.

"Ada, what is troubling you?" Elrohir moistened his chapped lips, hoping Elrond would finally confide in them.

Elrond sighed distressed and his eyes filled with old tears, recalling the past. His voice was monotonous and devoid of any emotion when he finally spoke. "Elros and I were close as well. Being twins, we never were apart. We lost our parents at a tender age and only had each other. We found comfort in each other's presence and were hard to separate."

Glorfindel and the twins exchanged a puzzled look, wondering why Elrond was brining up Elros. Elrond hardly ever mentioned his lost twin brother.

"We never took lovers, afraid our mates wouldn't understand our closeness and try to pry us apart. But we didn't mind as we shared a bond deeper than that of lovers." Elrond finally released the first tears and he instinctively rubbed his face against his lover's arm, hoping Glorfindel understood.

And the Elda did. Using his free hand, he stroked his lover's long, dark hair. "You can tell us." He was beginning to feel apprehensive, realizing what might follow.

"Then things changed. Elros became distant. He would leave for days without telling me where he was headed and each time he came back, the gap between us had further deepened. We drifted apart and the pain I was in continued to grow."

Elladan, understanding his father's pain best, placed a loving kiss on the top of his brother's head.

Glorfindel, finally realizing the truth, tensed.

But Elrond was oblivious to his lover tensing up and continued with blind eyes, which stared at the floor. "Then he told me he had chosen to be mortal. He had made me choose first and then he had chosen the opposite. My heart cried in pain, realizing he had tricked me. Because of his Elven blood he would live longer than any Man, but he would die eventually. He had ripped my heart in two and I was devastated." Elrond sighed, and tried to compose himself again. "One day Gil-galad and Celeborn visited. I was instantly drawn to Gil-galad, but lacked the confidence to act on my feelings. Instead, I found myself turning to Celeborn for help."

Elrohir now sucked in his breath. "Ada?"

A forced smile appeared on Elrond's face. "Your grandfather is more powerful than you know. He consoled me and even tried to talk some sense in to Elros, but my brother refused to talk anymore and left. I was devastated and joined Gil-galad's army."

Elrond wasn't sure he had the strength to continue, but then Elladan handed him some water and he sipped thankfully. He had to do this now. It would clarify things for his sons and Glorfindel had to decide where he stood where their new relationship was concerned. "Elros refused to see me until his dying day. When I finally shuffled into his rooms, I found a mere shell of the Elf he had once been. I knelt at his side and gathered his hands in mine." Elrond's voice took on a distant tone as his mind traveled back in time.

His eyes filled with warm tears, looking upon the wasted body of his twin. Elros' hair had turned white over the years, what was left of it at any rate. Bald spots showed on his head and the once vibrant grey eyes had darkened with the years.

Elros was too weak to move about, but when their eyes met, Elrond read recognition in them. "I tried so many times to see you, but you never allowed me close. I thank you for talking to me now."

"I have to make my peace with you, gwenneth," whispered Elros in an exhausted tone. "I know you have many questions."

Elrond collapsed and threw himself at his brother, whose arms opened to accept him. Hot tears crawled down his face and made contact with Elros' skin. "Why?"

Elros flinched, hearing the amount of pain in his twin's voice. Oh, how he wished he could take it away and replace it with happiness. "For your own best." He knew his words would enrage Elrond and they did.

Elrond jerked away from his brother and glared at him. "You tore my heart in two and then rejected me. How could that have been in my best interest? You are my twin. The other half of my soul!"

Now that he had nothing left to lose, Elros raised a shaky hand and touched the tears that clung to his twin's face. Bringing a fingertip close to his lips, he tasted the salty liquid. "Don't cry for me, gwenneth."

"My heart has been weeping for centuries!" Unable to maintain eye contact any longer, he rested his head on Elros' chest. His twin's fingers ran gently through his long mane and his pain doubled. "I missed you! I missed your touch! Your mind!" Even now Elros' thoughts were still hidden from him.

"Gwenneth, I don't have much time left. I am dying and before releasing my last breath I want to ease your pain. I left because I loved you too much."

Elrond's eyes widened and he quickly sought out his twin's orbs. Aiya, the light in them was fading and it wouldn't be long until he had to say goodbye to Elros for all eternity. "I won't let you die."

"I am mortal now," said Elros gently. "You cannot keep me alive."

"Why?" Elrond suddenly recalled Elros' words. "You loved me too much? Why does that mean?"

"I loved you as I would have loved my mate. Aye, I took a wife, and sired sons, but I never felt the same passion for my wife as I felt for you."

The horrid truth slowly registered with Elrond. "Love? Passion?" Shaking like a leaf, he stared at his older brother.

"I fell in love with you, gwenneth, and I desired you in a way no brother should. I had to choose mortality and reject you. I couldn't allow you to fall into disgrace with me. I had to protect you from my lust, gwenneth."

Elrond's eyes burned. "Lust or love?"

"Both, I suppose." Elros sighed deeply. His strength was leaving him. "It was my last wish to look upon your face once more, gwenneth. That is why I allowed this visit."

Elrond's heart contracted painfully. "I could have stopped you back then... If only I had known!"

But Elros shook his head. "Nay, I wouldn't have allowed it. My love would have tainted you. This was for the best."

"You should have told me! You should have given me a choice! Now you made it for me and I never had a chance to keep you with me! Why didn't you tell me?"

Elros' eyes now also swam with unshed tears. "I am the older one, gwenneth. I needed to protect you from myself. I truly believed I did the right thing. I still believe that."

"I don't!" Elrond, finding it hard to control his temper, stared at his twin. "I would have accepted this. I would have loved you in turn. Don't you know I am nothing without you? These last few centuries were..." His voice trailed off, recalling the loneliness he had faced. Not even Gil-galad's love had changed that. "I felt crippled!"

"I am sorry, gwenneth, and now... Now I will leave you again." A gentle warmth started at his toes and was slowly making its way up to his waist. "I always thought death's touch would be cold, but it is warm." Elros managed a weak smile. "Elrond, meleth-nîn, I am sorry that I hurt you. But I didn't have a choice." The warmth had now reached his waist and slowly advanced to his chest. "You are strong, gwenneth, and you will survive without me. You always do."

Elrond, bursting out in sobs, gathered Elros in his arms and rocked his twin frantically. He knew he should slow down the movement, but couldn't. He was losing his mind. "Nay, don't die. Don't leave."

Elros smiled against his twin's shoulder. "I will always be with you in your heart, melme." Gathering his last strength, he pried one of Elrond's hands open and placed a silver hair clip in it. "Remember me kindly and with love, Elrond. I cherished this hair clip because it reminded me of you. You went through a transformation when I severed the link and you will change again after my death. But please keep our love alive in your heart and don't let it turn into hatred. Maybe one day you will find love again and give this clip to the one you love."

Elros' eyes began to close, but he managed to whisper one more sentence. "Im mela lin, gwenneth." Those words carried his last breath away and when he died, he felt contented because he was in his twin's arms.

Elrond's sobs turned into screams and Gil-galad hurried into the room. Struck by the scene he was witnessing, he remained at a respectable distance. After giving Elrond time to begin grieving for his twin, he knelt behind his lover and slowly pried Elrond loose from his twin. "I have you now." He rocked Elrond and comforted his lover as Elrond grieved for his twin.

It took Elrond long moments to regain his senses and when he did, the pain hit even harder. Pleadingly, he looked at Gil-galad. "I don't know what to do." He was enfolded in a tight hug, and Elrond opened his right hand, recalling Elros had pressed something into his palm when he had died. The butterfly clip lay in the palm of his hand and mocked him. If only Elros had told him the truth before choosing mortality! "He has been fading for centuries," he realized horrified. "And I could have stopped it, if only he had told me."

Gil-galad held his lover close, braving that first emotional storm that now overwhelmed Elrond, holding him close and rocking him.

Elrond blinked. His mind had taken him back to that dreadful day and he had lost himself in his memories. "I didn't want to remember that..." His voice slowly faded away and suddenly he was pushed aside, as Glorfindel squeezed himself onto the chair, partly pulling him onto his lap. Had he been fully alert, he would have protested, but now he simply accepted the comfort the Elda offered.

"Ada!" Elladan had left his place at Elrohir's side and now knelt in front of his father. He thanked the Valar that he had been spared his father's fate and that he had managed to claim Elrohir as his own. The pain that stared back at him was awfully familiar.

Elrohir sat frozen, finding it hard to believe his father's tale, but looking at Elrond's lost expression and at seeing the tears, he realized his father had been brutally honest with him. And I almost did the same thing to Elladan! Pushing his chair closer to Elrond's, he squeezed his father's hand reassuringly. "The past didn't repeat itself, Ada. Elladan claimed me and I am slowly learning to accept our new relationship."

Elrond blinked, hearing his youngest son's words. "That is good." He was confused and lost in his memories, uncertain how to find his way back to the present.

"What happened next?" asked Glorfindel, who buried the half-Elf in a tight hug. So far the twins weren't questioning his actions and he hoped Elrond and he wouldn't give away their new relationship just yet.

"Gil-galad saved me from insanity. He helped me recover. Though I am not sure I ever completely recovered." Elrond swallowed hard and suddenly his eyes danced wildly in their sockets. "But then disaster struck again."

Glorfindel already knew what Elrond would say next. "You lost Gil-galad at the Battle of the Last Alliance."

Tears ran hotly over Elrond's face. The half-Elf tried to compose himself, but failed, reliving unspeakable anguish. "I wasn't so much fading, as trying to take my own life. I was suicidal when the war was over and was looking for a way to join Gil-galad in the Great Halls."

Elrohir gave Elladan a worried look. I would have sentenced you to either insanity or fading had I refused you. It was the first time he felt relieved and even happy that he had accepted Elladan's love for him. "Aiya, Ada, I am so glad you failed to take your life."

Elrond blinked once. "Erestor, who had fought alongside Gil-galad and I, realized the danger and took me to Lothlorien. I don't remember much of that trip. All I recall are horrible nightmares and trying to end my life several times. Erestor stopped me. I think he even tied my wrists to make sure I didn't try again."

The twins were openly crying, and Glorfindel rocked his charge slowly. All three of them realized how hard this was on Elrond. "Take your time, meleth-nîn."

Elladan and Elrohir's gazes locked, hearing that endearment, but Glorfindel didn't seem to have noticed his slip. Revelation upon revelation unbalanced them and they decided to deal with one thing at a time. They could address their father's love life later.

Elrond drew in a deep breath and leaned heavily on Glorfindel, relishing his lover's presence in this dark hour. "Erestor talked to Celeborn and Galadriel. Celeborn was considered a great healer and Erestor hoped he could help me. After Celeborn had reassured Erestor that he would look after me, Erestor returned to Imladris to prepare everything for my arrival in a few moons. Erestor always trusted me to overcome this."

Elrond sipped from the water when Elladan handed him some more and gave his oldest son a thankful look. He was so glad that Elladan hadn't shared his fate. "I was completely unresponsive when Celeborn first talked to me." He locked gazes with Elrohir. "He 'tricked' me into telling him about my pain in the same way he made you talk about it."

Elrohir nodded, his mouth turning dry. He was beginning to understand why Celeborn had been that determined to make him talk. "You told him?"

"I told him everything. I told him about Elros and my twin's love for me and then about Gil-galad. My deepest wound was the one Elros had inflicted and he coaxed me in to letting go of my self-hate. You see, I blamed myself for my twin's death. With Sauron I knew I faced an enemy much stronger than me, but I could have saved Elros, if only I had been more persistent. I have never let go of my guilt completely, but Celeborn helped me heal."

Elrohir now felt guilty for having treated Celeborn with such cold fury and contempt. He realized he had to apologize for his crude behavior. "How does Celeborn do this?"

Elrond understood at once. "It is his voice and his touch. They are soothing and lure you into a trance. You will tell him everything he wants to know. Later, he used it to comfort me." Elrond sighed and pressed closer to Glorfindel, who was still holding him and was running his fingers through his dark hair.

"Then, during one of his visits, Celeborn wasn't alone. Celebrían had come with him. It was hard not to hear my sobs at night and her heart urged her to comfort me. At the beginning, I pushed her away. But then Celeborn stopped his visits and Celebrían came to me instead. After a while she gained my trust and I willingly told her everything. Slowly, I began to sort out my thoughts and emotions and she was a great help and support."

Elrond looked Elrohir in the eyes. "We fell in love." Then his gaze shifted to Elladan. "I never wanted to give my heart away again, but it just happened. She knew about my emotional scars and was prepared to walk the rest of the way with me." His fingers curled possessively around Glorfindel's, holding on tight. "It turned out that Celeborn had set me up. He had conspired to bring us together."

A smile curled Elrohir's lips, finally realizing Celeborn was more complex than he had ever thought possible. "So he got Nana and you together." And Celeborn was the reason Arwen, Elladan and he had been born. He really owed his grandfather a huge apology!

"Galadriel and Celeborn arranged for our marriage and I brought Celebrían to Imladris. We were happy here... until that fated day." Elrond seemed to shrink into himself, resting against Glorfindel. "No more, I beg of you." He was emotionally drained and needed to rest. "I felt you needed to know why Elros was lost to me. For every day, during these past few millennia, I wished I could turn back time and reclaim him."

Elladan nodded his head. "I understand." He paused to gather his thoughts and then continued, "Elrohir and I were worried you would never accept this and banish us."

"Banish you?" Elrond's eyes widened, panicking. "Never! I don't want you to leave! I wouldn't survive losing you!" He tightened his hold on Elrohir's hand, making sure his youngest son couldn't leave. "You have no idea how relieved I am that Celeborn interfered and that you accepted Elladan as your mate. I have watched the two of you closely these last few decades, and was afraid that history would repeat itself. I am so glad Celeborn got to you in time."

"I realize that now as well," said Elrohir in a guilty tone. "I was angry with him for betraying my trust and telling Elladan, but now I understand why he did it. I will offer him my apology."

Elrond, fatigued, nodded against Glorfindel's shoulder. "I won't ever judge you for your love, Elrohir," he said, looking at his sons. "I just ask of you not to leave Imladris. At least not for a while."

"We will stay," said Elladan quickly. "And you can nag Elrohir about resting and I can fuss over you in turn." Glorfindel coughed and Elladan shot him a curious glance. "Or do you want to fuss over Ada?"

"He already fusses over me, Elladan," whispered Elrond, blushing weakly. "We are in love." He cringed; this was so much for his sons to take in! "I hope you will understand that—"

Seeing his father's uncertain expression, Elladan soothed him. "We understand. We always thought there was something going on between the two of you and we accept this."

"You do?" Elrond sighed relieved. "I am glad to hear that." His eyes closed and his fingers relaxed in sleep.

"He needs rest," said Glorfindel, who gathered Elrond in his arms. Elrohir let go of his father's hand, and the twins followed Glorfindel to the bed, where the Elda lay down his charge. "He has exhausted himself in order to get here."

Elladan folded an arm around his twin's shoulder. Both felt the need to talk about their father's revelations and they gave Glorfindel an apologetic look.

"Off with you," said Glorfindel, interpreting their expressions correctly. "I will take good care of your father. Just stay inside the house. He will want to see you again shortly – just to convince himself the two of you are fine."

The twins nodded and then left their father's rooms. Elrohir suddenly stopped his twin in his tracks and made eye contact with him. "Elros told Ada when it was too late."

"That could also have happened to us, hadn't it been for ata'da." Elladan rested his hand at the nape of his twin's neck and slowly brought their lips closer together. A surprised groan escaped him when Elrohir reacted passionately.

Elrohir pressed his length against his twin, plundering the sweet mouth. When they pulled apart, things had changed between them once more. The bond vibrated with energy, making them very much aware of the other. Elrohir gathered his courage and then whispered, "Im mela lin, gwaniur."

Elladan reacted by hugging Elrohir close. Now that his youngest twin had finally spoken those words, he was confident that everything would be all right in the end.

Not betaread. All mistakes are mine.

Part 24

Celeborn had stretched out on his bed, trying to clear his mind now that things had calmed down. Maybe he could spend the evening with Haldir, at least he hoped so. He needed a moment of quiet.

But it seemed he wouldn't get it, as someone knocked on his door. He was tempted to act as if he wasn't in, but relented when Elrohir called out for him. After getting to his feet, he walked over to the doorway and opened the door. "What are you doing here, pen-neth? Shouldn't you be with Elladan and your father?"

Elrohir nervously shuffled his feet. "May I enter?" He didn't want to apologize in the corridor, but he would do it, if Celeborn wouldn't let him in. "I want to tell you something."

Celeborn figured Elrond had told Elrohir about Elros and stepped aside, letting the troubled younger half-Elf enter. He closed the door and then signaled for Elrohir to follow him. They seated themselves near the fireplace and Celeborn crossed his arms in front of his chest – waiting.

"I was wrong," said Elrohir in a timid voice, hesitantly locking gazes with Celeborn. "Ada told me what happened to Elros and I am glad that you told Elladan. I just didn't understand."

Celeborn nodded once and then waited for Elrohir to continue. It was obvious his youngest grandson needed to get more off his chest.

"Ada also told me what happened to Elros and that you took care of him after Gil-galad died. You also made sure Nana and Ada got together. I need to apologize for my crude behavior and I want to thank you for everything you did. Without you, we might have lost Ada and none of us would have been born."

Celeborn failed to keep up his stern appearance and gathered Elrohir's hand in his when his grandson reached for him. "You are forgiven, pen-neth. And I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me too."

"Of course!" Elrohir sighed contentedly when Celeborn pulled him into an embrace. "I am so sorry! I didn't understand why you acted like that."

Celeborn held his grandson close and only released Elrohir after the half-Elf had calmed down. "You do realize that your father will need you close for quite some time?"

Elrohir nodded, looking into his grandfather's eyes. "I feel guilty for what Elros did."

"Oh, pen-neth, don't. There is no need to feel guilty for something Elros did. Your father will always mourn the loss of his twin, but he has found great happiness with his family. Support him."

"I will." Elrohir pulled away and rose from the chair. "I should seek out Elladan. There is a lot we need to talk about."

"But of course." Celeborn got to his feet as well. "I should tell you that I cannot stay much longer. Shortly I will leave to aid the Fellowship in Helm's Deep. As your father is still recuperating, Haldir and I will join this army. And you," he told the half-Elf, realizing what Elrohir wanted to say, "Elladan and you will stay here. I won't allow you to join us."

"Ada didn't mention anything about an army," said Elrohir thoughtfully.

"That is because he doesn't know yet. Galadriel tried to farspeak with him, but Elrond is too focused on you and didn't notice." He smiled. "It was most fortunate that I picked up on Elladan's thoughts when your father couldn't hear them."

"Aye, it was." Filled with genuine gratitude and love, Elrohir embraced his grandfather tightly. "I am more grateful that you will ever know."

Celeborn smiled into his grandson's long, raven hair. Oh, I know, pen-neth. I know.

After spending a peaceful night in each other's arms, Erestor was the first to wake. Arien shone strongly in the blue sky and the darkness seemed to have left the lands. Turning toward Thranduil, his breath caught, seeing the once grey mane now sparkling golden in the sunlight. "You are beautiful," whispered Erestor awed.

For the first time since his arrival in Mirkwood, he was convinced that they would defeat evil and that Thranduil would make a full recovery. The love that he felt for the Sinda overwhelmed him and he pushed down the sheet that covered Thranduil. He licked his lips appreciatively, finding his lover erect.

Moving cautiously, he knelt next to Thranduil's body and bowed forward until his tongue came into contact with his lover's hard flesh. Thranduil moaned, but didn't wake up. Parting his lips, he took in more of the length, suckling greedily. As he glanced at his lover, he realized Thranduil wasn't waking up yet and he smiled wickedly.

He curled his fingers around the Sinda's hard flesh and then closed his lips over the head.

Now that did get Thranduil's attention. His eyes immediately regained their emerald glow, and as he looked at his dark-haired lover, a flash of desire moved through him. Was he strong enough to finally claim Erestor? Did he want to rush this or did he want to take his time and do everything right? Looking at the bobbing head, he tangled his fingers in the raven mane and urged Erestor to slow down.

Slightly confused, Erestor made eye contact with his lover. Thranduil's grip on his hair suddenly tightened and pulled him away from his groin. His lips eagerly descended over the Sinda's and he gave in, savoring his lover's eagerness. "Do you want me now?" Erestor ached to be touched, but Thranduil seemed indecisive.

"Not yet. Not like this." Thranduil ran a finger over his lover's lips. "Not while darkness hovers over our heads." Then, he smirked. "But there are other ways..."

Curiously, Erestor raised an eyebrow. "What do you have in mind?" His body hummed with anticipation.

"Move onto your hands and knees." Thranduil sat upright, claimed his lover's lips and after bruising them, he turned Erestor around. He was hard, painfully hard and he needed release.

Erestor trembled from excitement, feeling Thranduil move into place behind him. He wondered what the Sinda was up to. Thranduil had told him earlier that he didn't want to fully claim him yet, but the position he was in made him wonder. The hot head of his lover's erection pressed against his buttocks and he sucked in his breath. He wanted nothing more than to be ravaged.

But Thranduil sighed and didn't change his mind. He guided his erection between Erestor's thighs and then told his lover to press them together, creating enough friction that would make him come.

Erestor, wanting to feel Thranduil push him down now that he couldn't feel his lover inside him, lowered himself and pressed into the mattress. That way his erection rubbed against the sheet, giving him just enough stimulation to eventually reach orgasm himself.

Following his lover down, Thranduil pressed close to his mate's body and then set a slow thrusting rhythm. Biting down in Erestor's neck, he marked the Noldorin Elf as his own. "Oh, I hope the day will quickly come that I can claim you as you deserve to be claimed." Thrusting, he slid his hands up and down Erestor's body, hoping his lover would reach orgasm first. He wanted to feel the dark-haired Elf tremble beneath him. Acting on instinct, he wetted one fingertip with saliva and gently entered his lover's body, seeing out the hidden gland.

Erestor was quickly losing his mind and Thranduil rubbing his sweet spot pushed him over the edge. "I want you... inside me!" Climaxing, he trembled helplessly. A moment later, hot cream dripped down his thighs, proof that Thranduil had reached orgasm as well.

Holding onto Erestor, Thranduil panted softly. He belatedly realized that he was still pressing his lover down, but Erestor didn't seem to mind. Resting his head on Erestor's shoulder, he felt at peace and complete.

Briefly, Erestor closed his eyes. Each time that Thranduil made him come his orgasm felt more intense and spectacular. He couldn't help but wonder what explosion would rock his world should the Sinda finally claimed him.

Now you saw it with your own eyes. Now you know for certain how this Noldo bewitched your King. Don't you think he needs to be punished?

Belldoron nodded firmly. Aye, I need to take action. I cannot let this continue! Erestor had to be stopped!

A meeting is scheduled for this afternoon. Erestor doesn't know about it and won't attend. You can get to him when Thranduil is talking to his advisors. But you need to find a hiding place first. Where will you take him? Make sure you cannot be tracked down. You don't want to be interrupted when you extract revenge for your King.

I know a place where no one ever comes. He wouldn't be found until it is too late. Part of his Elven heritage still fought the vile influence of Sauron's Shadow. He had always been an honorable warrior and didn't want to slay one of his own kind.

We will see what sort of punishment this Noldo deserves. I am sure we will find ways to avenge your King's honor.

The whispering voice left his mind, but his intentions still remained. He would make sure that Erestor wouldn't manipulate Thranduil ever again!

Glorfindel had hoped that Celeborn would postpone his visit until the next day, as Elrond needed rest, but now the Lord of the Golden Wood was seating himself next to his lover's bed. "Would you like me to leave?" It was possible that Celeborn wanted to talk to Elrond in private.

"Nay, stay. That way I only have to say this once."

Celeborn's voice woke Elrond and he reluctantly opened his eyes, wishing he could have slept a few more hours. His eyes focused, and seeing the smile on the silver-haired Elf's face, he figured Elrohir and Celeborn had talked.

"So you finally told them?" Celeborn leaned back into the comfort of the chair.

"I did. I no longer had a choice." Elrond pushed himself into a sitting position and smiled thankfully when Glorfindel fluffed his pillows and eased him back into them. "I gather Elrohir apologized?"

"He did." Celeborn smiled. "I am glad that I was in time to prevent history from repeating itself."

"So am I. You have my eternal gratitude." Elrond accepted the cup of tea Glorfindel handed him and sipped slowly. "They will work out."

"Aye, they will. But that is not the reason why I am here." Celeborn cleared his throat, catching Elrond's puzzled expression. "The Fellowship has reached Rohan and soon they will head for Helm's Deep. Galadriel foresaw a great battle in the keep and we should honor our alliance with Men and support them."

Elrond sighed; his instincts had warned him sacrifices would have to be made. "I will lead this army."

"Nay, you are in no condition to lead them. You need to recover." Celeborn had seen Glorfindel tense, hearing Elrond's words. "Haldir will lead them."

"Haldir?" Glorfindel frowned. He had thought Celeborn would assume command. Looking at Elrond, he saw a similar surprise in his lover's eyes.

"You won't go?" Elrond studied Celeborn, realizing he was missing something.

"I will travel to Helm's Deep as well, but incognito. And I have my reasons for doing so. Don't ask me to explain them to you, because I won't."

Elrond nodded once. "I learned to trust you and your judgment a long time ago. It will be as you said. Haldir will lead the army."

"Excellent." Celeborn rose from his chair. "Haldir and I have to prepare for departure. We will leave tonight."

"But you still have to assemble our guards!" Glorfindel felt this was rushed. They should prepare more carefully.

"We don't have any time left to spare," said Celeborn. "As it is, we will have to travel without pauses to reach Helm's Deep in time."

"May the Valar bless this undertaking," said Elrond, giving his father in law permission to do whatever was necessary to ensure Saruman and Sauron wouldn't be victorious.

Celeborn inclined his head in goodbye and then left the room. He had much to do.

Haldir drew in a deep breath, finding out about his next assignment. "This is a suicide mission."

"Aye, and therefore they need a compassionate leader who will want to keep as many alive as possible. That is why I chose you." Celeborn vowed again that he would keep his love safe.

"I will carry out your orders, as I always do," said Haldir calmly, "But I do not expect many to survive." He felt more emotional than he showed. This meant he had to say his goodbyes to Celeborn, as they would probably never meet again. "I am honored to have served under you, my Lord."

Celeborn's throat tightened with emotion. "We will meet again, Haldir."

"Will we?" Haldir shook his head. He had to get out now, before he became emotional. Whispering, he said his final farewells, "Aa' lasser en lle coia orn n' omenta gurtha." (May the leaves of your life tree never turn brown.) Gathering his cloak around him, he hurried out of the room, his heart breaking because his love would never be.

Celeborn watched him leave. "I will cover your back, melethron, and we will meet again!" Quickly, he gathered his things and secretly joined the army that would shortly leave for Helm's Deep.

Erestor enjoyed having some time to himself and he decided to pay a visit to the lake, remembering their first encounter there Sitting down on a log, he looked out over the silver-colored lake. He was immensely grateful that Elrond had sent him here, for now he had found true love. Thranduil was everything he had ever wanted in a lover – and more.

Smiling contentedly, he was too focused on reliving their first encounter to hear the approaching footfalls. Then, suddenly, something hard struck the back of his head. A sharp pain swept through him and his world darkened, falling into consciousness.

Belldoron grinned menacingly now that the accursed Noldo lay sprawled at his feet. Blood dripped from the back of Erestor's head, and the Elf remained motionless when Belldoron hoisted him onto his shoulder to carry him off to his secret hiding place.

This was just the beginning of Erestor's punishment.

"My Liege!" Pethnathron (Wordweaver) jumped to his feet when his King swayed and then collapsed. Thranduil's oldest and most trusted advisor managed to prevent a fall and gently eased his ruler back onto his chair. "Sire, what is ailing you?" Worried, he made eye contact with the other advisors, who had grown silent, concerned as well.

Thranduil reached for the back of his head and groaned in pain. "Erestor..."

Pethnathron quickly steadied his ruler, now that Thranduil was pushing himself to his feet again.

"Erestor is in pain. I can feel it." Misty eyes scanned all present and he quickly realized who was missing. "Where is Belldoron?" But why would his trusted seneschal do anything to hurt his lover? For he knew Erestor was badly injured; their link told him so. "Fetch Belldoron! I want to talk to him, now!"

A guard hurried out of the room to do his ruler's bidding, hoping he would easily locate their seneschal.

"Send for Lindir as well," commanded Thranduil, who now leaned heavily on Pethnathron. "We need to find Erestor as quickly as possible," he said, confiding in his advisor and wishing Legolas were still here. He needed someone he could trust unconditionally.

"Do you think Belldoron is involved?" The advisor hoped not. Belldoron and he had worked very well together these last few centuries.

"I cannot believe Belldoron would hurt Erestor, but..." Vilya sparkled at his finger, giving him the strength he needed to continue. "But the darkness is still present in my lands and it may have targeted him, now that I have proven immune." But why was he discussing this? He was wasting valuable time. "Inform the guards that Erestor is injured and that I want him found. Bring him to me the moment he is located!"

Pethnathron signaled for the captain of the guards to approach and relied Thranduil's orders to him. The Elf left at once, hoping to quickly find the elusive Noldo. Turning his attention back to Thranduil, he found his ruler back on his feet again, not swaying this time. "Please stay here, Sire. The guards will find Erestor and bring him here. You need to be patient."

Thranduil glowered at his advisor, knowing Pethnathron was right, but he wanted to join the search party himself. "He is unconscious and I cannot see his surroundings. We will have to wait until he wakes up again. The last image I received was one of the lake. He was down there when he was attacked."

"Then I will tell the guards to start their search there. In the meantime, would you sit down? I know that you feel stronger, but you are not yet strong enough to venture outside on your own."

Thranduil growled, but gave in. "Tell them to hurry and then report back to me."

"I will." Pethnathron left to supervise the search and hoped they would find the Noldorin advisor quickly.

Elrond had made his way over to the window – unaided, but watched by a concerned Glorfindel, who stayed close just in case he had overestimated his strength. "They are leaving," he said in a somber tone. "Most of them will never return to their families. This is a terrible price to pay."

Glorfindel wrapped his arms around Elrond and pulled the half-Elf close to his chest. "You didn't have a choice. The Fellowship needs all the help it can get. I know I sound terribly selfish, but I am glad you aren't leading this army."

Briefly, Elrond felt enraged, but then realized Glorfindel just wanted him safe because the Elda loved him. The last Elf now vanished from sight and he swayed on his feet. "I need to lie down, melme."

Glad that Elrond was finally giving in to the need to rest, Glorfindel assisted the half-Elf back to the bed, where he helped Elrond to lay down.

"Will you join me? I need you." Elrond raised an arm and pulled Glorfindel close.

"Don't you think we should disrobe first?" It was night and they would be going to bed anyway. "We might sleep more comfortably without these suffocating robes." It was no secret that he preferred to wear a tunic and leggings.

"I won't stop you," mumbled Elrond. He had spoken the truth earlier; he needed Glorfindel close. He needed Glorfindel even more now that the Elda had finished undressing them. Pressing his now naked body against Glorfindel's, his hands traveled down his lover's spine. "I need you tonight." He wasn't sure if he was pressuring Glorfindel, but the truth was that he felt utterly alone after having to relive losing Elros, Gil-galad and Celebrían. He needed to know that he wasn't alone and that someone loved him.

Glorfindel understood, having heard Elrond's broken tone when he had told the twins about the past. "You want me..." he repeated Elrond's words, nodding once. "Tell me how, melamin."

"I need to feel you inside me," admitted Elrond, blushing weakly. He needed to be claimed, to feel loved. "Just inside me."

His lover's need was clear to Glorfindel, who realized the Peredhel wasn't in the mood for much foreplay. All Elrond wanted was to feel connected and loved. "Do you have something that will ease my way in?"

"There is oil in the bathroom." He watched his lover make his way into the bathroom and admired the agile, elegant body. He craved Glorfindel, and his body cried out for the blond's touch.

Glorfindel exited the bathroom, carrying a crystal phial filled with oil. Standing at the foot end of the bed, he stared appreciatively at his lover's wanton display. Elrond had parted his legs, inviting him to take him. "How do you want to do this?" He wanted to put as little pressure as possible on the injured side and shoulder.

"Curl up behind me." Elrond rolled over onto his uninjured side and pulled his knees to his chest. "Now, melamin, please." He had never begged before, but he needed Glorfindel now!

Glorfindel spooned up behind his lover and pulled Elrond close to his chest. At first he wondered why the half-Elf had chosen this position, but then he understood. Lost lovers were still too vivid in Elrond's memories and this way his lover could pretend he was making love to Gil-galad. The High-King had saved him from insanity after Elros had died. Glorfindel should feel disappointed, but didn't. Elrond had suffered so much that he was glad he could help ease his lover's pain in this way.

Opening the phial, he coated his erection with the oil and then positioned himself at his lover's entrance. Only a week ago he had dreamt of taking Elrond, but now that he had attained his goal, he didn't feel as smug as he had thought he would. Instead, he felt a deep love for the half-Elf.

"Now, please." Elrond had tightly closed his eyes and bit on his lower lip, feeling Glorfindel inch inside. The pain was worse than he remembered, but then again, Glorfindel hadn't properly prepared him. I want it this way.

Instinctively sensing his lover's needs, Glorfindel buried himself to the hilt and then seized all motion. "Is this what you need?" He wrapped his arms around Elrond and held him close. It was hard not to start a thrusting motion, but Elrond's needs came first. There would be other times for them to make love.

A single tear flowed from Elrond's closed eyes and he nodded gingerly. He needed to feel connected, not alone.

Glorfindel licked the back of his lover's neck, and unable to hold back any longer, he began to thrust slowly, shallowly, not wanting to cause Elrond any discomfort.

Each thrust stroked that special gland inside his passage and slowly, Elrond's lax sex grew erect. In the end, he pumped himself hard, and began to rock back.

Taking this as his cue to speed up, Glorfindel wrapped his legs around Elrond. Pistoning in and out of his lover's passage, he quickly reached orgasm, releasing his seed deep within the Peredhel's body. Suddenly, he caught himself hoping that his lover would call out his name when he came, but feared it would be someone else's.

Elrond moaned softly, realizing Glorfindel had found release inside his body and came as well. The tears on his face dried and he sighed deeply, realizing everything had turned out well after all. He had lost Elros, Gil-galad and Celebrían, but Glorfindel loved him and he wasn't alone anymore. Looking over his shoulder, he stared into his lover's dilated pupils. "It is you who I love, nîn bellas. It will take me some time to rid myself of these ghosts, but knowing you love me will give me the strength I need."

It was more than Glorfindel had hoped for. Still riding waves of ecstasy, he claimed Elrond's lips, sealing their love with a kiss.

Not betaread. All mistakes are mine.

Part 25

Erestor woke to a terrible throbbing in his head, which instantly made him nauseous. His vision was blurred, his hearing impaired and his stomach was doing sickening somersaults. Unable to hold back, he threw up this morning's breakfast. Shaking like a leaf, he wiped his lips, and then raised his eyes, trying to identify his surroundings. It was dark and due to his headache it proved impossible to locate the doorway. He focused on touch instead, and realized he was lying on a cold stone floor. Underground. Someone took me underground.


Thranduil's thoughts crashed into his mind, making him tremble vehemently. Hearing his lover's voice in his head added to his pain and he whimpered softly. He crawled into a corner and wrapped his arms around his head, hoping the pounding would stop.

Erestor! Answer me!

Thranduil sounded distressed and Erestor wanted to reply, but the throbbing pain made it hard for him to think rationally. I am here.

Where is here?

There was an urgency in the Sinda's voice that finally registered with Erestor, and he tried harder to get the pain under control. I don't know. It's dark and cold in here. Huddling in the corner, he tried to slow down his ragged breathing. I don't feel well.

Hold on, nîn-cuil. I will come for you myself. It is only a matter of minutes.

Don't know if I can... Hurts... The surrounding darkness disorientated him and he closed his eyes in an effort to focus himself. Because he was that concentrated, he picked up on the approaching footfalls. Someone is coming... Hurry!

I will!

Thranduil's voice faded from his mind, but his lover's presence remained, which gave him the courage he needed to face his kidnapper. Trying to identify the figure that now appeared in the darkness, the first thing he noticed was the golden hair, which shone radiantly. "Belldoron?" Why would Thranduil's seneschal strike him down?

A growl escaped Belldoron's throat. "You will control my King no longer."

"Control?" What was Belldoron talking about? "I don't control your King!" If anything, Thranduil controlled him!

"I saw you. Saw how you manipulated my King by flaunting your body and getting up on all fours. I know your plans, but Elrond and you won't succeed in taking Mirkwood away from us."

Erestor tasted blood on his lips and realized he had to act quickly, but his thoughts tumbled over each other, making it impossible for him to come up with a plan. He had to trust in Thranduil. He had to believe that the Sinda would find and free him. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"I will leave you here. No one will find you and you will slowly rot away." Belldoron moved back toward the doorway. "It wants me to ravage you and thus kill you, but I cannot do that. Closing this door behind me already weighs heavily on my mind."

"It?" Erestor frowned and then wished he hadn't. Groaning in pain, he curled up in a fetal position. Thinking hurt! All he wanted were Thranduil's arms around him so he would know he was safe.

"You should have stayed in Imladris. Coming here was a mistake." Belldoron's fingers curled around the door handle and then pulled it shut.

Whimpering at the loud, metallic sound, Erestor failed to stop the tears that flowed down his cheeks. The pain was too much! Thranduil, where are you?

Pethnathron was at Thranduil's side when the King led the guards into the caves. In his hand he carried the keys that gave him access to the dungeons deep within, where he expected to find his lover. "I want Belldoron apprehended." It was clear now that his seneschal was responsible for Erestor's abduction, as only the King and his seneschal possessed the keys to this underground complex.

"It will be done," said the commanding officer, who directed the guards to the corridors, making sure Belldoron wouldn't escape them.

Briefly stopping in his tracks, Thranduil closed his eyes and reached within. He caught Pethnathron's surprised gasp and realized he wouldn't be able to keep this a secret much longer. "Aye, we are bound to each other. His mind and mine are linked."

The intelligent advisor deduced the truth. "Thus stopping you from fading."

"Aye, and now be quiet. I need to concentrate." Hopefully the link would pull him into the right direction. Erestor was in pain and he needed to locate his mate now! Drawing in a deep breath, the connection between them stirred, pulling him to the right. "He is in the old dungeons." Eager to be reunited with his lover, he marched into the corridor. Sudden tumult caught his attention and he walked toward the guards, who were holding someone down. "Belldoron."

Subdued, the seneschal stared at this King, realizing the golden glow had returned to the mane and the emerald eyes sparkled again. "You are already improving, Sire." He nodded determinedly, certain it were his actions that were helping Thranduil recover. The one thing however, that he couldn't figure out, was how Thranduil knew where to look for the Noldo. His ruler was still under Erestor's influence, why else would the King rush down here?

"Where is he? What did you do to him?" Enraged, Thranduil towered above Belldoron, who had been forced to his knees by the guards.

Belldoron glared at his ruler. "He is manipulating you! You cannot see it, but I do! I took him here so he could no longer control you!"

Thranduil growled angrily. The dungeons below were a maze and it would take precious time to locate Erestor, and judging by the pain his lover was in, he might not have that much time left! "Where did you take him?"

Belldoron shook his head. "It is right. It told me that this Noldo controls you. What we did was right!"

Thranduil's suspicions were finally confirmed. "It? You hear whispers in your mind?"

Belldoron glared at him. "I acted in your best interest!"

Realizing he was wasting time, Thranduil stepped up to Belldoron and then placed Vilya against his seneschal's throat. The flesh exploded with flames, as Vilya burned the Sinda's skin. Belldoron whimpered pitifully.

"Now, tell me, where is Erestor?" Thranduil carefully observed his seneschal and could see the exact moment complete awareness returned to his old friend.

Confused, Belldoron's eyes widened, staring at his King. "What? Where?" He shook his head, trying to clear it, and then swallowed hard, realizing what he had done. "I don't understand..." What had possessed him to kidnap Erestor?

"Sauron's Shadow took possession of your mind, but it couldn't bear Vilya's presence." Getting impatient, Thranduil pulled his seneschal onto his feet after signaling for his men to back down. "Where is Erestor? And how badly injured is he?"

"I struck him," whispered Belldoron guiltily. "I cannot believe I did that." Looking Thranduil in the eyes, he realized his King wouldn't easily forgive him. He would be fortunate if he wasn't banished from Mirkwood for the rest of his life. "I had no idea what I was doing," he offered apologetically.

"We don't have time for this," said Thranduil firmly. "You will take me to Erestor, now!"

Belldoron nodded. "Follow me, Sire."

Thranduil signaled for his men to keep an eye on Belldoron and then followed his seneschal into the deeper parts of the caves.

How could this have happened? Belldoron didn't understand how he could have let the Shadow control him in that way. It had twisted his perception, making Erestor the evil one, whilst it was becoming clear to him that the Noldo meant a great deal to Thranduil. When he had looked at his King earlier, he had seen love in his ruler's eyes. I never wanted to hurt anyone. His entire life had been dedicated to honor and to serving his King and now this had happened. He wanted to apologize again, but his ruler's violent expression told him not to bother. The only thing Thranduil wanted was to be reunited with Erestor. Thranduil loves him.

Finally he saw the truth. They were making love and I thought Erestor was using his body to control Thranduil, but I was wrong. Hanging his head in shame, he sped up and so did Thranduil.

Thranduil flung the door open and stormed inside. His Elven sight allowed him to make out Erestor's huddled form and within seconds, he was at his lover's side, wrapping strong arms around the dark-haired Elf. He didn't stop to consider if he was strong enough yet to lift Erestor, he just did, and carried his lover out of the dungeon.

"Send for a healer!" Attending to Elrond was one thing, but having to tend for his lover was different. He wasn't sure how he would react when more pain had to be inflicted in order for his lover to heal.

"Sire, what do we do with Belldoron?" Pethnathron knew his old friend had been under the influence of evil, but he also realized that there was the danger of the Shadow taking possession of the seneschal again.

"Confide him to his rooms and posts guards. I will deal with him later!" Thranduil marched out of the underground complex and began to climb the talan to his private rooms. Suddenly Lindir appeared at his side and he signaled for the white-haired Elf to follow him.

"Is he...?" Lindir was worried for Erestor and wanted to help.

"He is unconscious. Belldoron knocked him down." Warm blood dripped onto his hands and he knew he had to attend to Erestor quickly. As they reached his private rooms, they found two healers already present. Both carried bowls filled with water and pouches with healing herbs.

Thranduil lay Erestor down on his bed and then stepped aside, allowing the healers to attend to his lover's needs. His hands shook and he felt confused, but he still watched every move the healers made.

"We are hoping to stop the bleeding," said one of the healers, who was cleaning the wound, pushing dark hair out of the way. "And he will need to rest for some time. He might be concussed."

Thranduil nodded, distrusting his voice. He listened closely when the healer continued.

"We will clean and bandage the wound. I suggest you make sure someone sits with him for the next few hours."

Thranduil nodded again and now exchanged a glance with Lindir. "One of us will be here at all times."

The white-haired Elf wrung his hands, worried now that Erestor remained unconscious. "It was fortunate you knew where to search for him."

"Our bond told me. Never before was I so happy to be connected to him." The bond that had accidentally formed between them, had now saved Erestor's life. "Belldoron won't cause any more problems, I will see to that." He gritted his teeth and assisted the healers when they carefully bandaged their patient's head.

"We will return in one hour to check on him," said one healer, inclining his head in respect. "Don't worry too much, Sire. We are confident that he will recover."

Thranduil thanked them and after they had left, he slipped into place next to Erestor, pulling his mate into his arms. "Lindir? I will take the first watch. Return here in four hours."

Lindir nodded and left as well, giving Thranduil the privacy the Sinda craved.

"I almost lost you. I wasn't alert enough. I should have known the Shadow would find another to torment. I will be more careful in future." Carefully, he pulled Erestor toward him, hoping his lover felt his closeness, even in his sleep. "You are safe now."

"You wanted to talk to me?" Elladan entered his father's room and was relieved to see that Elrond was doing better. A good night's sleep had taken care of the dark circles beneath his father's eyes, which were gone now. Elrond was finally recovering.

"Aye. Please sit down, ion-nîn." Elrond, seated in a comfortable chair in front of the window, smiled warmly at his son.

After seating himself, Elladan returned the smile and waited for his father to explain.

Elrond opened his right hand and revealed his brother's silver hair clip. "You now know its history."

"Aye, Elros gave it to you." Elladan's eyes narrowed slightly, wondering what his father was up to.

"I want you to have it, Elladan." Elrond bend forward and pressed the hair clip into his oldest son's hand. "You kept your brother from fading. You succeeded where I failed."

"You didn't fail!" objected Elladan in a strong tone. "Elros never gave you a choice."

"And Elrohir wasn't planning on giving you one either," said Elrond, sighing distressed. "I wouldn't have survived losing Elrohir. Or the both of you. The past is very vivid right now and the pain is very real once more, but I find comfort in the fact that Elrohir accepted you."

Elladan stared at the hair clip. "Elrohir should have this." Seeing his father's puzzled expression, he explained. "Elrohir is the brave one to accept me. He was scared, ashamed and felt guilty. It would have been easy for him to reject me, but he didn't."

"Then you may give it to him," said Elrond, smiling. "I am so proud of the two of you." Then his smile faded and a sad expression colored his eyes. "I just wish Elros had—"

Unable to watch the pain in his father's eyes, Elladan jumped to his feet and crossed the distance between them. Leaning in closer, he buried his father in a tight hug. "We cannot change the past and we cannot live in it. You have built a life here, in the present, Ada, your future lies with Glorfindel. Allow Elros to find his peace and forgive him. Focus on Glorfindel and your children, your loved ones."

Elrond chuckled. "I might make you my new chief advisor, ion-nîn. I need one now Erestor won't return to us."

Elladan's eyes widened and he pulled away to make eye contact with Elrond. "He is not coming back?"

Elrond chuckled again, realizing Elladan didn't know about Thranduil and Erestor yet. "You had better sit down, pen-neth."

Elladan listened, stunned, whilst his father told him about Thranduil and Erestor.

"Elrohir?" Elladan walked up to his twin, who had for some reason returned to their mother's favorite bower. Seating himself behind Elrohir, he pulled his brother's back toward his chest and folded his arms around him.

Elrohir smiled, feeling Elladan this close. "Don't worry, êl, I am fine. Just remembering Nana."

Elladan rested his chin on his brother's shoulder. "Still feeling melancholy?"

"Not really. I am happy, actually." Elrohir moved in the embrace until he was face to face with his twin and then wrapped his arms around Elladan's waist. He studied Elladan's eyes for a long time. "You want to tell me something."

Elladan revealed the hair clip to his younger twin. "Ada gave it to me. He is still hurting because of Elros, but he might be able to move on, now that he has Glorfindel's love and knows we won't repeat Elros' mistake."

"I almost did," admitted Elrohir in a choked tone. "Like Elros, I didn't want to give you that choice. I wanted to protect you."

"Let us not talk about that. We should look toward the future instead." Agile and trained fingers moved through Elrohir's long hair, fastening the hair clip. "Please wear it. You would make Ada and me very happy if you did."

Elrohir nodded once. "I will wear it then." A thoughtful expression appeared on his face. "Will you return here with me after Ithil has risen?"

Elladan arched an eyebrow questioningly.

"I want to... to complete the circle tonight," whispered Elrohir shyly.

Elladan's eyes glowed with pleasure, realizing what his twin was trying to tell him. "You will claim me in turn?"

Elrohir bit his bottom lip and nodded again. "If you will let me."

"It is my greatest desire," replied Elladan sincerely. Smiling warmly, he kissed Elrohir, wishing night had already arrived. At last, we will truly be whole.

Haldir's heart was heavy, leading Imladris finest guards into the Hornburg. Théoden, Aragon and Legolas came to greet him and he gave in, feeling Aragorn's relief at having his support and allowed the possessive hug. After speaking formal words with Théoden, Haldir allowed Aragorn and Legolas to walk with him. It would only be a few hours until the expected attack and they talked about past, present and a future they were scared to think of.

Legolas seemed unbalanced and inquired if there was any news of Mirkwood and its ruler and Haldir regretted having to disappoint his friend. The only thing he could tell Legolas was that Elrond and Glorfindel had returned, whilst Erestor had remained in Mirkwood. Troubled, Legolas had then excused himself and Aragorn had done the same, following Legolas in case his friend needed comforting.

Alone, Haldir ventured onto the defense wall and stared into the distance. Many of his men would die tonight, and only a small percentage would live to see another sunrise. Would he die as well?

Until now he had stopped himself from exploring that option, but now that he had arrived, he had to consider this possibility. Looking out over Rohan, he wished he'd had a chance to say goodbye to his brothers. Rumil and Orophin would mourn his passing, but he hoped they would find the strength to continue without him.

And then there was Celeborn, who had remained behind in Imladris. In one of his pockets, he carried a letter, written during the one break he had allowed himself and his men on their way here. It contained a declaration of love for Celeborn, but he knew very well that his Lord would never read it. If he died, the letter would be either buried of burned with him.

He had lived long and had been relatively happy. Seeing his brothers grow up had been his life's joy, and now he had to let go of them. Rumil, Orophin, I already miss you. And Celeborn, nîn ind, I hope you will be well and happy for the rest of your life. I would have given everything I own to be in your arms just once.

Sighing, saddened, he closed his eyes in order to hold back tears of sorrow. Composing himself, he pulled his cloak close and waited for Saruman's army to appear.

Celeborn studied his march warden's lone silhouette as Haldir's eyes searched the valley. He had mingled with his men, and the few that had recognized him, had sworn they wouldn't betray his secret. It was important to cover Haldir's back in the heat of the battle and he was afraid that if his march warden knew he was here, Haldir would be distracted, trying to keep him safe.

This time I will watch over you. In the past, Haldir had kept him safe. It was time to return the favor.

When the attack finally came, Celeborn wondered if anyone of them would survive. Ten thousand of Saruman's creatures were invading the Hornburg after breeching the defense wall. He constantly kept a close eye on Haldir and managed to remain in his march warden's proximity.

His heart ached, realizing one Elf after another was dying at the hands of the Uruk-Hai. Everywhere he looked, he saw fallen Elves, their eyes glazed over in death.

He sucked in his breath, seeing the lost and sad expression in Haldir's eyes now that his men were dying all around him and Celeborn instinctively moved even closer to him.

Celeborn was also the first to see an Uruk-Hai sneaking up behind Haldir. This must be it! Galadriel hadn't told him how and when Haldir would die, but his instincts were warning him to be extremely careful.

Rushing forward, he blocked the attack that was aimed at Haldir's back.

The march warden, finally realizing the danger, turned around and instinctively knew he would have been dead, had this Elf not covered his back. He didn't have the time to whisper a thank you, as more Uruk-Hai attacked. Fighting back to back, Haldir and Celeborn took out several Uruk-Hai, including the one who had attacked him in the back.

"Come with me!" Celeborn, realizing they were fighting a lost battle, took charge and pulled Haldir inside the main hall. Shouting his orders, he told his men to reassemble and take positions deep within the Hornburg, as their prime objective had become protecting the women and children.

Pushing a wooden door close, Celeborn rested his back against it and tried to slow down his breathing. Haldir was staring at him in shock; apparently he had been discovered.

Haldir shook his head in disbelief. "Celeborn?" Never before had he addressed his Lord in that way, but surprise and confusion had gotten the better of him.

Now that they faced death, Celeborn's courage increased and he boldly reached for Haldir's waist, pulling him close. He brutally claimed the other's lips, bruising them in a passionate kiss, and then released the silver-haired Elf. His eyes twinkled mischievously, seeing the disbelief in Haldir's hazel eyes. "I will explain later," he said quickly and then reestablished his hold on the younger Elf's body. Pulling him along, he was determined to keep Haldir safe. Losing him was one price Celeborn wasn't willing to pay.

Not betaread. All mistakes are mine.

Part 26

Now that the battle for Helm's Deep was over, it was time for them to mourn the dead. Legolas, after finding out about Celeborn's presence, had joined the two Lothlorien Elves and they tried to console each other. When the moment of burial finally came, they sang a last lament in goodbye.

Later, Aragorn implored Legolas to join Gimli and him, and the Mirkwood Elf relented, realizing that Haldir and Celeborn wanted to mourn in private. Finding out that there was still no news about his father Legolas forced himself to hope for the best.

Celeborn looked at Haldir and saw a blank stare in the hazel eyes that made him shiver. They hadn't had any time yet to wash away the blood and he now led his march warden to the baths. It was silent here, as it was the midst of night and most survivors were trying to comfort each other or had fallen asleep due to exhaustion.

The empty stare remained and Celeborn decided to take charge. He removed Haldir's clothes, and then his own. Next he led his charge to a large bathtub and sat down opposite Haldir. Haldir was shivering and his brown eyes swam with emotion. Acting instinctively, Celeborn reached out and gathered Haldir in his arms. He sucked in his breath in surprise, feeling Haldir return the embrace possessively.

Haldir finally made eye contact and Celeborn recognized the lost look in the brown orbs. It wouldn't be the first time that survivors turned to sex for comfort. But he was still bound to his wife and wasn't sure he could do this.

Nîn-hervenn, came Galadriel's voice unexpectedly. I have been with you with in mind. I know the horrors the two of you endured and you have my blessing, nîn celeb orn. Bring peace and comfort where it is needed. Shortly, I will travel to Valinor, leaving you behind. My heart will feel lighter, knowing you won't remain behind alone.

As unexpected as her presence had appeared, it left his mind again. Celeborn shook his head, wondering if he had just imagined hearing her voice. But no, he still felt the echo of her mental touch.

"My Lord?" Haldir had grown worried, seeing the distant expression in Celeborn's eyes. At first he hadn't really registered that Celeborn had undressed him and then guided him into the warm water, but now he was very much aware of his Lord's presence. "Is something wrong?"

Celeborn shivered momentarily, realizing he had just received permission to make love to Haldir. Composing himself, he probed the hazel eyes, which were full of questions. "No words..." he whispered, leaning in closer and kissing Haldir. The younger Elf yielded at once and he accepted the invitation to explore when Haldir parted lips and teeth.

Haldir wasn't sure what was happening. Celeborn had never shown an interest in him before and this sensual attack took him aback. "What about your Lady?" He panted softly, as Celeborn's tongue left a wet trail on his throat to reach a pointed ear. Groaning, he threw back his head and surrendered to his Lord.

Celeborn, already erect, took his time to lick Haldir's skin, suckling the flesh and leaving a passion mark on the Galadhrim's throat. He moved even closer and let his fingertips explore Haldir's muscled chest. The march warden's nipples grew hard beneath his touch and wickedly, he pushed his hands beneath Haldir's buttocks, lifting him.

Realizing Celeborn's intent, Haldir parted his legs. His heart missed a beat, finding Celeborn lifting them further and resting his ankles on his shoulders. He was wide open and vulnerable and had no idea how to react, feeling a probing finger at his entrance. Aye, he wanted this, but Celeborn was married to Galadriel!

Seeing doubt in the hazel eyes, Celeborn soothed him. "Don't worry about her. She knows and approves. Galadriel will leave for Valinor shortly and wants me to find a new lover. She actually suggested you."

Haldir's eyes widened; Celeborn's admission came unexpected. "Me?"

"Aye, you." Celeborn cringed, privately, seeing memories of their fallen comrades slip back into the hazel eyes. "Trust yourself to me. Don't think. Don't speak. Just feel."

Haldir had dreamt of this moment for so long that he simply nodded his head, accepting what Celeborn was willing to give him. He tensed momentarily, as a probing digit slid into his passage. He'd had lovers, male and female, but usually he was the one on top. Having this done to him was a novel experience and he closed his eyes in bliss when Celeborn's fingertip rubbed a nub, causing sensory overload. He yelped his need and rocked forward, trying to intensify the sensation.

Having desired Haldir for so many centuries, Celeborn was overcome by need and passion. Demonstrating his strength, he easily lifted Haldir and deposited his new lover on the floor, following suit. He opened the phial filled with bath oil he had found near the bathtub and rubbed the sticky substance onto his hard flesh. Seeking out widened pupils, he parted his lover's legs, settled between the muscular thighs and placed himself at the guardian's entrance. Then he froze and waited.

Haldir nodded once, giving Celeborn permission to do whatever his Lord desired.

That was the signal Celeborn had been waiting for. Slowly, he breached his lover's tight opening and sheathed himself.

Beads of sweat appeared on Haldir's brow, trying to accept and welcome the invasion, but it hurt -- more than he had thought possible.

"It will get better," soothed Celeborn. One more inch and he had buried himself to the hilt. Lifting Haldir's legs, he rested the calves on his shoulders. "You are beautiful in your need. So vulnerable, so trusting."

Haldir's fingernails scratched the stone floor, when Celeborn's first thrust moved him over the cold tiles. The pain was still present and he wondered if this was it. Which surprised him. When he had been on top, his partner had always seemed to enjoy it. But this was pure torment!

Sensing Haldir's tension, Celeborn lowered his lover's right leg and supported it. Now that the angle of his thrusts was slightly different, he hit his lover's prostate with the next stroke.

"Ai!" Haldir whimpered softly, but then an incredible wave of pleasure washed over him. With each of his lover's strokes, the pain diminished and was replaced with pleasure. Growing hard as well, he now met each of Celeborn's thrusts and even began to push back, arching his back in an attempt to take in move of his lover's length.

"Touch yourself," panted Celeborn softly. He took hold of Haldir's hand and placed it on his lover's hard flesh. "Bring yourself to orgasm for me." Setting a lazy but deep rhythm, he watched entranced, as Haldir pumped himself. He could sense his lover's impending release and delivered several thrusts, brutally aimed at his lover's prostate.

Haldir screamed his need, finding release. Warm cream erupted from the slit and soon his hand was covered with the warm substance. The fact that Celeborn continued to thrust, made him whimper. The pleasure was almost unbearable.

Celeborn collapsed on top of Haldir, with his lover's passage contracting around him. His orgasm hit him hard and he came inside his lover's body, sealing the bond between them. At that moment, Galadriel set him free and he claimed Haldir as his new lover. No one else would ever touch the march warden in that way!

Still shaky, Haldir raised a hand and rested it on Celeborn's back, rubbing soothingly. He had no idea why this had happened and how this would affect their future, but he knew he would cherish this moment as long as he lived.

Celeborn remained close whilst they bathed and dressed in clean clothes, delivered by Théoden's servants. He could tell that Haldir felt uncomfortable, lost and confused. They needed to sort this out, but already there was talk of Aragorn leaving and Théoden gathering his men from all over Rohan. Now that they had come this far, they couldn't turn their back and would march with the army until Saruman and Sauron had been defeated.

"Haldir?" Celeborn rested a hand on Haldir's shoulder and slowly turned him around. Realizing that Haldir didn't dare meet his gaze caused him heartache. "Be assured I love you, Haldir. And I promise you that we will talk once we find a quiet moment. I wanted for this to happen. I wanted to make love to you."

"Love..." Haldir's voice faded slowly. "Do you love me?" Until now he had thought Celeborn had taken him in a moment of lust, but now the elder Elf was speaking of love!

"Aye, love." Celeborn smiled and brushed Haldir's brow with his lips. "I would never have taken you if I didn't love you. I do."

Haldir managed a shy smile. "But what of your Lady?"

"She will sail for the Undying Lands and has set me free. I chose you as my new mate. My heart has yearned to be united with you for quite some time and she knew of this. She is happy for us."

Haldir found that hard to accept, but nodded eventually. "So I am yours now?"

"Aye, mine," purred Celeborn possessively. "And once this war is over we will take up residence in Imladris. We will be happy there."

"And my brothers? May they join us?"

"If that is their desire, aye." Celeborn fingered a lock of Haldir's silver hair. "Do you believe me when I say that I love you?"

Haldir nodded. "I do, but it is unexpected."

"Not so unexpected for me, melme." Celeborn privately thanked Galadriel for her warning and permission, and was determined to make sure the two of them returned to Imladris alive and well.

Thranduil stayed awake and watched over Erestor whilst the raven-haired Elf slept. It was a healing sleep and Thranduil hoped his lover would be coherent when he woke up.

Lindir came and sat with Erestor, giving Thranduil a chance to deal with Belldoron. Thranduil ordered the guards to keep a close eye on Belldoron after talking to his seneschal, who deeply regretted his actions. Slowly, he was becoming aware of the fact that the Shadow could corrupt anyone around him and that he had to be very alert.

Hours later he returned to his rooms and his heart contracted with regret, realizing he hadn't been there when his lover had woken up. Erestor was sitting up, leaning heavily into the pillows piled against the head board and the brown eyes were still slightly glazed, but made eye contact at last.

Thranduil hurried over to his lover's side, and after thanking Lindir for caring for Erestor, dismissed him. He wanted to be alone with his lover.

"I knew you would come for me," whispered Erestor. His head still hurt and he hoped Thranduil wouldn't make any noise.

"I felt your pain as if it were mine," mumbled Thranduil, realizing Erestor's need for silence. Seated on the side of the bed, he gathered his lover's hand in his. "I never suspected the Shadow had gained such a tight hold on Belldoron."

"What did you do to him?"

"I confined him to his quarters."

"I doubt evil will succeed in corrupting him again. Belldoron knows he has to be careful now." Erestor blinked. Arien's light hurt his sensitive eyes.

Thranduil rose, closed the curtains and returned to his lover. "You are confined to bed for the next few days. The healers want you to rest."

"What are your plans for Belldoron?"

Thranduil sighed; he had hoped Erestor wouldn't push the matter, but he should have known better. "I don't know. He isn't really to blame as someone else was directing his actions."

"I agree." Still feeling weak, Erestor closed his eyes. "We should give him another chance."

Thranduil felt relieved. "Belldoron served me faithfully for many centuries. Mirkwood needs his experience and guidance, especially now that Legolas isn't here."

Erestor sighed deeply. There were many things he wanted to discuss, but right now, he was too tired to address them. "Will you hold me?"

Thranduil acted at once. He disrobed and then slipped beneath the covers.

Erestor made himself as comfortable as possible and fell asleep in his lover's arms.

Elladan felt nervous. Elrohir had acted shy during the rest of the day and knowing what was going to happen between them made his heart flutter wildly. "Gwenneth?"

Elrohir had led him here, after meeting him at their mother's bower, and they now sat with their feet dangling in the water of the Bruinen. It was dark, and Ithil was their sole source of light.

"Aye?" Elrohir smiled warmly, wrapped his good arm around his twin's waist and leaned against him for comfort. "It is perfect here, isn't it?" It was quiet and peaceful. All he needed were the stars above, the soft breeze in his hair and Elladan beside him.

"Do your shoulder and arm still hurt?" Elladan wondered how Elrohir wanted to do this. Seeing his younger twin nod, he realized he might have to take the lead after all.

"It still hurts, but the pain is bearable." The truth was that Elrohir was trying to move as little as possible, careful not to put any pressure on his shoulder. "Maybe we should postpone this?"

"Do you want me?" Elladan searched his brother's identical eyes and read the desire in them. "You do."

"But I cannot do it –properly," whispered Elrohir embarrassed.

Elladan raised a hand and touched the hair clip. It kept the long, dark hair out of his brother's face and also reminded him how fortunate he was that Elrohir was still here with him. "May I undress you?"

Shyly, Elrohir nodded. "I hope I won't disappoint you."

"You cannot possibly disappoint me, gwenneth." Elladan was extremely careful when he removed his twin's shirt. Seeing the bandages reminded him how close he had come to losing Elrohir.

"Are you going to undress as well?" Elrohir blushed. He wanted to see his twin naked and run his hands over Elladan's body.

"Impatient, aren't we?" Elladan teased lightly, but complied, removing his shirt as well. "Lie down, gwenneth." Gently, he lowered his injured twin onto the grass. He was careful not to put any weight on Elrohir, straddling him. Leaning in closer, his tongue dashed out and licked his way down his twin's chest.

Elrohir giggled helplessly, feeling Elladan's tongue tease his belly button. But the laughter resonated in his shoulder, making him whimper. "I am sorry. I—"

Elladan silenced him with a passionate kiss. Whilst engaging his twin's tongue in an ancient duel, his fingers found the laces to his brother's leggings. Releasing Elrohir's lips, he slid the fabric down, freeing Elrohir's erection. The younger half-Elf was hard with need and the tip of the hard flesh already glistered with beads of pre-ejaculate. Licking his lips appreciatively, he removed his own leggings, enabling full body contact; skin on skin. Moans escaped them simultaneously.

Elrohir reached for his brother's face, caressing it and brushing strands of damp hair behind Elladan's ears. "I wish I could give you more pleasure. If only I hadn't broken my arm and dislocated my shoulder!"

Elladan searched his brother's eyes, wondering if his mind was playing tricks on him. He could swear he saw silver specks in his twin's gray eyes. "I am sure you will return the pleasure tenfold, gwenneth, because that is your very nature."

"Now, êl?"

Elladan understood; the same need had also taken hold of him. Reaching out, he managed to open the phial filled with oil he had brought. The soft mew that tumbled from Elrohir's lips when he coated his twin's shaft with the slick substance made him even hungrier for the intimacy that would follow shortly. "I want to feel you inside, gwenneth."

Nodding his head, Elrohir's eyes widened, realizing his twin's intent. He sucked in his breath and then yelped in pleasure. Elladan was slowly lowering himself onto his hard flesh and entering that tight channel felt like nothing he had ever experienced before. He raised his good hand and entwined their fingers.

Lost in passion, Elladan shifted until the hard flesh inside him rubbed against his prostate. "I am afraid I won't last long." He wanted to blanket his twin, but knew that was out of the question. He had to keep his weight off of Elrohir. Experimentally, he raised his hips and then slowly impaled himself again. The groan that slipped from Elrohir's lips made him smile. "Your first time, gwenneth?"

"Being inside someone?" Elrohir blushed. "Aye. An now I know why I waited. Why I never took a lover. I was waiting for you. I just never thought we would end up as lovers."

"Soulmates," corrected Elladan, rising again. "My heart." Setting a slow rhythm as to not overwhelm his twin, he continued to whisper each time he impaled himself. "My lover... My brother..."

Elrohir used his good hand to pull Elladan toward him, desperate to taste his twin's lips again.

Elladan indulged him, suckling on Elrohir's bottom lip whilst riding him. Their gazes locked and he gasped; the gray had faded and had been replaced by silver. He almost panicked, but then Elrohir raised his hips, driving himself home.

Passion took over and they moved together in an ancient rhythm, eager to complete the other and thus reach bliss.

Elrohir tumbled over the edge first, taking Elladan with him. Both climaxed simultaneously, giving them a chance to experience the other's pleasure. They let go of their thoughts, worries and doubts and simply existed in the other's mind. The circle had finally been completed and they both realized that this was the way it was supposed to be. They couldn't exist without the other and the link that tied them together was incredibly strong. No one would ever be able to tear them apart.

When Elladan finally found himself inside his brother's mind, he pulled away, restoring them to their original state. He regretted losing this oneness, but at the same time the power that coursed through Elrohir worried him. His twin's eyes were completely silver now; all gray had vanished from the pupils. He wasn't sure if it was just a temporary effect due to their lovemaking or lasting. Only time would tell.

To Elrohir, feeling Elladan leave his mind was devastating. Instinctively, he reached out and created a tight hold on his twin, making sure Elladan couldn't slip away from him.

Satiated, Elladan allowed Elrohir to hold him. Unable to avert his eyes, he nearly lost himself again. Then, something registered. "Your arm. Your shoulder."

"The pain is gone."

Elrohir's voice sounded melodic, entrancing, and Elladan swallowed hard, wondering what had happened during their union.

Don't worry, gweniaur. This is the way we are supposed to be; part of each other and alive in the other's mind. The silver slowly left his eyes and the familiar gray color returned.

Accepting his twin's words, Elladan rested his head on Elrohir's chest, enjoying his twin's possessive hold.

Everything is well now. Everything is right. Now rest, gweniaur, and let me watch over you.

Elladan's eyes closed, realizing he could hear his brother's heartbeat, which was beating the same rhythm as his.

Where am I? Confused, Elrond tried to make sense of his surroundings. He was sure he had never been in this hall before. Its walls were covered with brilliantly woven tapestries, depicting Middle-Earth's history. As a lore master, he could only reach one conclusion. Am I dead? How did I die? The last thing he recalled was falling asleep in Glorfindel's arms.


Elrond gasped in shock, hearing a voice he hadn't heard for millennia. Suddenly he felt scared to turn around and face the one standing behind him.


Shaking over his entire body, Elrond forced himself to face his twin. His breath caught, seeing Elros stand before him. His twin looked like he had before choosing mortality, untouched by time. But one thing was different; his twin's usually gray eyes now shone silver. "I don't understand." Shocked, his legs gave way beneath him and he collapsed onto his knees, staring at Elros.

"The Valar allowed me to wait here until the time comes to be reborn. They also gave me this one last opportunity to talk to you." Elros walked toward his twin and knelt in front of him.

Staring at his mirror image, Elrond hesitantly lifted his right hand to touch his twin's face. Encountering warm, soft skin, he erupted into wild sobs. "Elros!" He flung himself at his brother and hugged him tightly, never wanting to let go again.

Elros, having expected this emotional storm, soothingly stroked his brother's hair. "I missed you, gwenneth."

"And I missed you!" Elrond continued so shake in his twin's arms, unable to believe any of this was really happening. "Did I finally lose my mind?"

"Nay, you didn't." Elros rocked him, whispering soothing words. "The Valar allowed me to hold you one last time. And I am so proud of you, melme. Your sons overcame their doubts and fears, and opened their hearts to each other. It is their love that has given us this one moment in time."

Elrond forced himself to calm down. He gently caressed his brother's face, imprinting the expression in those unreal eyes. Elros radiated warmth and tenderness and he reacted instinctively, relaxing and trusting his twin unconditionally. "You don't know how many nights I spent tossing and turning, wishing we could speak one last time."

"But I do, gwenneth." Elros fingered a lock of his twin's hair. "I watched you; I still live in your heart. As long as you live, part of me continues on as well."

"I... I made so many mistakes," whispered Elrond, feeling miserable. "I didn't see that Elrohir was fading and if it hadn't been for Celeborn—"

"Hush now, lirimaer. Don't you know that this was always out of your hands? Elrohir makes his own decisions. You are not to blame for them. You did the best you could. You raised three lovely children and found love again. I must say that I am impressed. A Balrog slayer..." He chuckled softly, searching his twin's eyes. "Glorfindel loves you very much."

"And I love him," said Elrond slowly. "But I love you as well."

"Of course you do," soothed Elros, realizing his twin was upset. "I never doubted your love for me. But we couldn't be."

"So... You approve of my relationship with Glorfindel?"

"But of course, gwenneth! Though I feel a bit envious." Elros smiled warmly, wishing this moment would never end, but he was running out of time. "Just once, gwenneth. Will you allow me to kiss you just once?" The memory of their kiss would remain with him until the end of Arda. It had to.

Elrond nodded once, and then took the initiative, touching his lips to Elros'. Moans left their lips, as Elros parted his teeth. His hold on Elros was still strong, but Elrond could feel his twin slip away from him. His eyes misted over, seeing his brother's form fade. He held on as long as possible, but in the end only an echo of his twin's voice remained.

"Love Glorfindel and cherish him. And keep Elrohir and Elladan safe. You might also want to keep a close eye on Celeborn. That Elf could never be trusted!" An amused laugh accompanied those last words, hoping Elrond would never forget him.

"Elrond? Elrond!"

Hearing his name, Elrond's eyes opened. Glorfindel was staring at him in obvious distress and Elrond felt guilty for worrying his lover. "All is well, melamin. It really is." Carefully favoring his injured side, he pulled the Elda close, until Glorfindel was snuggled against him. "Finally, everything is as it is supposed to be."

Not betaread. All mistakes are mine.

Note to the Tolkien purists: Aye, I know Elros isn't supposed to be in the Great Halls of Waiting as he became mortal. The 'purists' can look upon the scene as just a dream which Elrond's guilty mind produced!

Part 27

Note: Set after ROTK (Well, Aragorn has been made King, but Elrond returned to Imladris after Arwen got married and didn't leave for Valinor. AU!)

"Is there a special reason for your nervousness?" Gimli had seldom seen Legolas this restless. During their journey to Mirkwood, the Elf had set a murdering pace and even Arod had protested at times. Sitting behind Legolas and with his arms around the blond's waist, Gimli regretting being unable to see his companion's facial expression.

"Aye, there is." Until now, Legolas had only confided in Aragorn about his father's condition and he realized Gimli should be told as well. Once they met Thranduil it would be rather obvious why he was this worried about his father. So he told Gimli about Dol Guldur, Sauron's Shadow slowly consuming his father and his fear of not finding Thranduil alive.

Gimli had mixed feelings about this. For Legolas' sake he hoped that the Elf's father was well, but his family still hadn't forgiven the Woodland King for the treatment Gloin had suffered centuries ago. In the end, he said, "I am sure he is strong enough to survive."

"I hope so!" Legolas' hands shook and clutched the reins awkwardly. Their talan came in sight and involuntarily he held his breath. His sharp eyes searched the talan and found it swarming with Elves, and activity. But he couldn't make out his father's form. They would have let me known if he had died. He was clinging to hope furiously.

"Legolas!" Pethnathron was the first to welcome the Prince home and shook Legolas' hand after the blond had dismounted. Next, his gaze was aimed at Gimli, displaying great curiosity. "And this is?"

"I am Gimli, son of Gloin." Whom your King imprisoned! But Gimli refrained from adding that, not wanting to start off on the wrong foot.

"You are welcome here, Gimli," said Pethnathron, also keenly avoiding addressing the past. Then his gaze shifted back to Legolas. "I assume you want to see your father?"

Legolas' heart jumped with joy. "He is still alive, then?"

Pethnathron chuckled. "Very much alive. There is much I need to tell you, but let us seek out your father first. He is supervising the guards' training."

A smile blossomed on Legolas' face and enthusiastically he nodded his head. Lowering himself onto one knee, so he was level with the Dwarf, he said, "I was so afraid I would find a mere corpse..."

"Lead on, Legolas, I will follow." Gimli smiled encouragingly and tried to keep up with Legolas, who now started to run toward the training grounds. He remained at a respectful distance when they reached the guards, not wanting to be in the way now that Legolas would be reunited with his father.

"Ada!" Legolas flung himself at his father, wrapped his arms around Thranduil and hugged him tightly. The mere fact that Thranduil was still alive made him shake with relief. Realizing that he was hugging a strong, muscular form, he pulled away to study his father.

A familiar, golden glow had replaced the dull, gray hair and his father's green eyes sparkled like emeralds. Thranduil wore his green, leather uniform and a sword was girded around his waist. "You look... well." He could hardly believe that he had his father back.

Thranduil, still recovering from holding his son in his arms this unexpectedly, smiled broadly. "Legolas, I knew you would arrive shortly, but you could have let me known in advance."

Legolas shook his head in amazement. "You look like you did before the Shadow --"

Thranduil silenced him by placing one finger against his son's lips. "Don't mention him in Mirkwood. His presence is gone and I want to keep it that way. When the Ring was destroyed Arien enveloped Mirkwood and chased away all remaining darkness. Since that day, life has returned to normal. And so have I."

"You have made a complete recovery!" Then Vilya caught his attention. The stone glimmered in the golden sunlight and he frowned, realizing his father was wearing one of the three Elven rings of power.

"It lost its power when the One Ring was destroyed," explained Thranduil, "But it sustained me in the meantime."

"How did you come by it?" Legolas had forgotten about Gimli, who remained close to Pethnathron.

"Elrond took the ring to Mirkwood and allowed me to wear it. Without it, I might not have survived." Thranduil raised a hand and ran it through his son's golden hair. "You are a hero, ion-nîn. At times news of your adventures reached Mirkwood and you made me very proud. You will make an excellent ruler one day." Giving in to his need, he buried his son in a tight hug.

Gimli, embarrassed to be watching such an intimate scene, cleared his throat and wondered what to do. He had expected Thranduil to be haughty and arrogant, but the Sinda emanated warmth and friendliness.

"Aiya, Ada, I forgot." Legolas freed himself of his father's embrace and after taking hold of Thranduil's arm, he walked toward the Dwarf. "I know it has been a while since a Dwarf set foot in Mirkwood, but this is Gimli, my most trusted friend. He has saved my life in battle many times."

Thranduil raised an eyebrow. "Gimli..." The name sounded familiar. "Ah, son of Gloin?" An amused expression appeared in his feline eyes, but he forced himself to remain polite and friendly. "Any friend of Legolas is my friend as well. You are welcome to stay here and mingle. I assume you would prefer a shelter on the ground instead of climbing the trees with us?"

"Aye, I would." Gimli didn't know why, but Thranduil was grinning at him.

"I will see to it that a shelter is erected. Belldoron, will you take care of it?" Thranduil had reinstated Belldoron at Erestor's request and Belldoron worked hard to win back the trust he had lost.

"And now let us eat and drink to celebrate your return." Thranduil grinned at Gimli. "I am afraid you will have to climb a tree after all."

Apprehensively, Gimli looked up at the large trees. "I will manage. I managed in Lothlorien, I will manage here."

Thranduil exchanged a look with Pethnathron, hoping his advisor got the hint and would look after the Dwarf whilst he reacquainted himself with his son.

Legolas had seated himself on the floor, cross-legged, and opposite his father. Thranduil poured them fresh spring water and then leaned back into the pillows which had been piled in one corner of the room.

"I can hardly believe you have been restored to your old form. I expected... a ghost. A mere shell of yourself. I still remember how weak you were when I left."

"Much has happened since then." Thranduil moistened his lips, wondering how to tell Legolas about Erestor. "You are right; I was very weak when you left and I might not have survived, but some things happened that upended my life."

Growing curious, Legolas leaned in closer. "Elrond brought Vilya to you?"

"That too, but something else happened as well." Thranduil was about to tell Legolas about Erestor, when the dark-haired Noldo walked into the room, only clad in a loose nightshirt.

Legolas eyes widened, seeing Erestor in that state. The fabric of the nightshirt was transparent and left nothing to the imagination. What also puzzled him were the braids the advisor were wearing; lover's braids. The last time Erestor and he had talked, he had been fairly sure the Noldorin Elf hadn't had a lover.

"Melamin, I..." Erestor stopped mid-sentence and froze in his tracks upon seeing Legolas. Oh, this was bad. This wasn't the right way for Legolas to find out. "I apologize. I must have taken a wrong turn. I was on my way to my quarters."

But Thranduil wouldn't have it and jumped to his feet. Legolas' eyes stung his back, as he made his way over to his lover. He folded one arm around Erestor's waist and pulled him close for a passionate kiss.

Erestor's eyes revealed the shock he felt at being kissed in Legolas' presence, but slowly the expression changed to one of love and passion. Unable to stop himself, he answered the kiss with equal passion.

Legolas' eyes had widened at seeing them kiss, and now a slow smile spread over his face. "I assume this is what upended your life?" He rose from the floor and walked toward them.

Hearing Legolas' voice, Erestor pulled away from Thranduil, actually scolding his lover for his bold move. "You could have been a bit more tactical and discrete!"

Legolas stopped walking and watched them, bemused.

"I was about to tell him - discretely - when you walked in here wearing... that!" His eyes appreciatively took in his lover's form. "You are the one who should be more discrete!"

"You told me to wear this!" Erestor shook his head. "Aiya, the things I do for you and then I am repaid with more scolding!"

"Oh, I can think of others ways to repay you." Placing his hands on Erestor's buttocks, he pulled his lover close.

Legolas, still amused, discretely cleared his throat. "Ada? Erestor?"

Erestor sighed resigned. "Legolas probably already figured it out, but you should tell him at any rate."

"I will, nîn-cuil." Thranduil gathered Erestor's hand in his and led his lover over to the pillows, where he pulled him down to sit beside him.

Legolas took his former place again and studied them. The love they radiated was palpable, and although he had no idea how this had come to pass, he was happy for them.

"Erestor stopped me from fading by bonding with me," said Thranduil in a doting tone.

Now that did surprise Legolas. "Bonding?" He had realized that they were lovers, but they were bonded as well?

"It was the only way to stop him from fading," explained Erestor calmly. "And it happened by accident. He was dying and I pulled him back from the brink. After that, the link remained."

"And we are in love, very much so," continued Thranduil in a loving tone. "I never thought I would ever trust a Noldorin Elf, but I do trust and love Erestor with my entire heart."

Feeling mischievous, Legolas asked, "And did you already formally propose to him, Ada?"

Thranduil coughed, trying to buy himself more time. But Erestor's look told him that every possible answer would be accepted. "I plan on doing so. We decided to wait until evil was destroyed and..."

Legolas held his breath, but then grinned brilliantly when his father shifted until he was kneeling in front of Erestor.

"Legolas made a valid point. I should propose to you and make this official." Thranduil rubbed his lover's fingers, wondering what wedding band would suit his dark-haired lover best. He was sure he could have one designed that would truly express his love for Erestor.

Erestor's eyes had widened slightly. "But melamin, we are already bonded. The bond we share is strong, stronger than any marriage could create."

"But I want to make this official and I need to hear it," Thranduil confessed. Holding his lover's gaze, he asked, "Will you stay with me? Share your life, thoughts and feelings with me? Will you be my mate for life?"

Erestor panicked momentarily. "Thranduil, are you sure? I cannot give you any children and—"

"I already have the best heir a man can wish for," said Thranduil quickly. "Say yes, nîn-cuil and let me make you happy."

Raising one hand, Erestor caressed his lover's face. "Aye, I accept you as my mate."

Thranduil smiled warmly, wrapped his arms around Erestor and lifted him.

Erestor instinctively wrapped his arms and legs around the Sinda, wondering what had gotten in to Thranduil.

Legolas, having a fairly good idea what his father had in mind, said, "I wish you two a lot of happiness." Winking at his father, he whispered, "Don't ever do anything stupid to lose him." Erestor was a good friend and he was happy that his father had found love again. He excused himself and left smiling brilliantly, hearing Erestor's soft objections to being carried into the bedroom. He could only hope for Erestor's sake that his father would calm down. He had the feeling that his father was a passionate, as well as an inventive lover. Aiya, I don't want to think about that. He was glad they were happy, but he didn't want to think about them getting physical.

Thranduil's unexpected outburst of passion and desire overwhelmed Erestor, who was now gently deposited in the center of his lover's bed. "What do you think you are—"

He was cut short as demanding lips closed over his. Thranduil pushed his legs apart and he eagerly obliged, allowing the blond to slip into place between his thighs. Oh, my, this is it. Thranduil had been determined to wait until evil had been defeated before making him his, and apparently the Sinda had decided the time to claim him was now.

A muffled protest tried to flee his lips, hearing Thranduil rip his nightshirt apart, uncovering his naked body. He sought out his lover's feline eyes and panted softly, seeing the possessiveness in them. Thranduil's tongue now entered his mouth, exploring and tasting him. This will be hard and fast. They had been building up to this moment for months and their lust would burn like a blazing fire.

Thranduil let go of his dark-haired lover in order to undress himself. Once he was naked, he moved back onto the bed, but now behind Erestor. Kneeling, he pulled the raven-haired Elf onto his lap, making it very clear how hard and needy he was. He guided Erestor closer to him, gently coaxing him into leaning back his head and then licking the sensitive skin of his lover's throat. His hands tried to cover as much of Erestor's body as possible. Tweaking hard nipples, he drew the groans, which his lover emitted into his mouth. One hand trailed down the advisor's abdomen, finally encountering his lover's erection.

Erestor felt on fire. Thranduil held him firmly in place, making sure he wouldn't slide down his lover's lap and the blond's hard flesh already snuggled into his cleft, trying to locate the entrance to his body. They had to slow down! But his body begged to differ. He wanted to be taken, finally claimed after months of teasing. Leaning back against Thranduil, he surrendered and moaned his permission, telling his lover to do as he pleased.

Never before had he felt the need to submit. Maybe it was because he trusted Thranduil unconditionally, or maybe he wanted to let go of his responsibility for a brief moment. These last few months had been exhausting and he had watched over Thranduil night and day. It was time for him to let go and entrust himself to his lover.

Folding one arm around Erestor's waist, Thranduil slowly lowered his lover onto the bed, face down.

Erestor wanted to raise himself onto all fours, but Thranduil gently pushed him down until he was resting comfortably on the bed. His hard flesh rubbed against the sheet and he impatiently parted his legs, giving his lover complete access.

Thranduil's heart filled with love and lust, seeing the dark-haired Elf's wanton display. He lowered himself as well, blanketing his lover's body and thrusting teasingly between the parted buttocks. Drops of perspiration and pre-ejaculate mingled and flowed down the cleft.

Erestor raised his hips, trying to meet each of Thranduil's thrusts. "I need you... inside me... now!"

Thranduil nodded, teasingly bit beneath his lover's ear, and then reached for the phial of oil that Erestor had placed on the nightstand weeks ago, an ever present reminder of how much the advisor wanted to make love with him. Coating a finger with the oil, he placed it at his lover's entrance. He took his time massaging the guardian ring. "Or do you want me to tie you down to my bed?"

Erestor squirmed beneath his lover. Reaching out with his hands, he curled his fingers around the bedposts, holding on as he rocked back on the finger. "I will pretend." He wasn't going to postpone this because Thranduil wanted to tie him down! They could do that the next time they made love. His needed to be possessed!

Thranduil understood. "Then hold on tight, nîn-cuil, for I plan to ride you hard."

Moaning his approval, Erestor managed to look over his shoulder at his lover. Thranduil's pupils had dilated and the blond was now kneeling behind him, letting a generous amount of oil drip onto his shaft. Thranduil gripped his hips hard and Erestor moaned, feeling the blunt and demanding head of his lover's erection push inside. He maintained his hold on the bedposts when Thranduil sheathed himself. His lover's heavy sacs hit his buttocks, telling Erestor that the blond had buried himself to the hilt.

Thranduil felt huge inside him and he was thankful when his lover gave him a moment to get used to the invasive feeling. Not daring to breathe in too deeply, he simply lay there.

Thranduil gripped his lover's shoulders and then delivered the first thrust.

"Ai!" Erestor yelped softly, as his prostate was rubbed for the very first time by his lover's hard flesh. He buried his face in the pillow and bit his bottom lip until it bled.

One of Thranduil's hands buried itself in his long, dark hair. Erestor felt like losing his mind, when the strokes continued, each massaging his sweet spot. Suddenly Thranduil slightly changed position, grabbing his hips and pulling him further onto his length. "Ai... O.... Mela..." Rational thought deserted him, as he was being rocked on his lover's length.

Entranced, Thranduil stared at his lover's squirming body. Running a hand over the back, he then reached beneath Erestor to curl his fingers around his lover's weeping member.

Erestor was no longer capable of thinking, and reacted instinctively, pushing back to make sure Thranduil rubbed his prostate again.

Losing himself in the sensation of burying himself in his lover's tight passage, Thranduil gave in and sped up. Pounding into Erestor's willing and warm body, he utterly possessed his lover, directing their every move, making sure the dark-haired Elf found release first. With a few firm strokes, he brought Erestor to orgasm.

His world seemed to explode and Erestor closed his eyes as a wave of ecstasy washed over him. Spending himself onto the sheet, he trembled over his whole body, but Thranduil continued to thrust and he continued to push back.

"Ai, Erestor..." Thranduil closed his eyes in utter bliss, feeling his lover's inner muscle clench him. Burying himself with one final, and brutal thrust, he found release inside his lover's shaky body. Exhausted by the intensity of their lovemaking, he collapsed on top of Erestor.

Erestor yelped helplessly. The fact that Thranduil had collapsed, and was still blanketing him, caused his lover's still hard flesh to penetrate him even deeper.

Realizing his lover's distress, Thranduil wrapped an arm around Erestor's waist, and rolled them onto their sides. But he still remained locked inside his lover's body, wanting nothing more than to stay there for as long as possible.

Both Elves were panting hard and Erestor threw back his head, resting it on Thranduil's shoulder. The blond reacted at once, delivering a passionate kiss to the soft skin of his lover's throat, marking him.

Erestor slowly grew aware of the fact that Thranduil was still hard -- still inside him. He had never felt anything more sensual before and it took his breath away. Possessive arms pulled him close and he grinded his buttocks against his lover's groin, relishing the feel inside him.

Thranduil finally managed to steady his breathing and soothingly stroked his lover's hip.

"You are very passionate, Thranduil."

The blond chuckled softly. Erestor had obviously enjoyed being on the receiving end of that passion.

"A dream finally came true," whispered Erestor. Thranduil shifted behind him and he sucked in his breath when his lover's hard flesh rubbed against his prostate.

"I plan to sleep like this... Are we agreed?" Privately, Thranduil vowed to cherish and love Erestor until his dying day.

"Agreed," whispered Erestor. He had never felt this loved before. "But stop moving about or else I cannot sleep."

"Your wish is my command." And Thranduil meant every word of it.

Elladan and Elrohir stood close together, watching Glorfindel and their father kiss. "Why do they have to do that in front of us?" Elladan was happy for them, but actually witnessing them making out was a bit too much.

"They are happy," said Elrohir in a thoughtful tone, checking if his hair clip was still in place. The first time Elrond had seen him wear it the half-Elf had smiled in surprise. Now wearing it had become a habit. Each morning, Elladan would use the butterfly clip to fasten his twin's braids.

Elladan snorted, and Elrond picked up on the sound. But the Ruler of Imladris couldn't be bothered and bestowed another quick kiss on his beloved's lips. Ever since he had talked to Elros, his heart felt much lighter and he had forgiven himself for his past mistakes. His prime objective right now was making sure his sons were happy and that Glorfindel felt loved.

"I can see them!" exclaimed Glorfindel, pointing out a party of several Elves to them.

Now that Arwen was married and Aragorn King, Elrond had decided to return to Imladris instead of sailing to Valinor with the other Ringbearers. He had assured them that he would follow one day, but for now he wanted to be with his lover and his children. He wasn't ready yet to leave them behind.

Celeborn and Haldir now joined them as well. The two silver-haired Elves were smiling warmly at each other and Celeborn had a predatory hold on his lover's hand, making sure Haldir couldn't leave unnoticed. Haldir had been insecure at first, but before she had sailed to Valinor, Galadriel had told him that she approved and he had become more confident since. He was a passionate lover, and eager to please. Celeborn in turn, was doing his best to keep Haldir satisfied.

The silver-haired Elves joined the twins and Elrohir gave his grandfather a warm look. Elrohir had long reached the conclusion that they owed their happiness to Celeborn.

Elrond regretted pulling away from Glorfindel, but being the host, he had to formally greet his guests.

Thranduil rode at the head of the party, with Erestor at his side. Pethnathron and Belldoron had also joined them on this trip. Thranduil regretted having to leave Legolas behind, but someone had to look after his kingdom! He chuckled privately, recalling that Gimli was still residing in Mirkwood. Seeing the Dwarf had been a surprise and he had briefly been worried that Gimli would prove as irritating as Gloin, but that hadn't happened. So he had allowed the Dwarf to stay and keep Legolas company until the two could leave to explore the caves Gimli continued to talk about.

"Greetings, Thranduil," said Elrond in a warm tone. Then his gaze shifted to Erestor. His former advisor practically beamed with happiness and the love that he encountered in the dark eyes made him smile. "I am honored to welcome you to Imladris."

Thranduil dismounted and then waited for Erestor to join him. He took hold of his lover's hand and greeted Elrond in turn. "I am glad to finally be here. Erestor has told me many things about this beautiful valley and I am looking forward to exploring your lands." As his gaze fell on the twins, he chuckled. It was obvious they had taken after Elrond and not Celebrían. For one moment old heartbreak returned, being reminded of a much younger Elrond who he had once loved.

Do I need to feel jealous, melamin? Erestor gave Thranduil a probing look.

Nay, you don't. I love only you. Eager to reassure his lover, Thranduil brought Erestor's hand to his lips and kissed the knuckles.

Elrond and Glorfindel chuckled softly, happy to see the other two Elves this devoted to each other.

"Before I forget..." Thranduil briefly released Erestor's hand and removed Vilya, which he now presented to Elrond. "I am eternally indebted to you."

Elrond accepted the ring and slid it into a pocket. He was more interested in the other ring Thranduil was wearing.

Erestor had noticed Elrond's curiosity and presented his own wedding band to the half-Elf. The ring was made of mithril and in its heart was a green stone, which mirrored Thranduil's eye color.

Elrond's attention returned to Thranduil's ring and realized its stone was the same color as Erestor's eyes. "I am happy for the two of you."

Glorfindel stepped up to Thranduil and offered him a tour of the Last Homely House before taking the King to the rooms he would share with his mate, whilst Elrond fell into step beside Erestor.

Studying his former advisor, Elrond reached the conclusion that Erestor literally glowed with love and happiness. "I am happy that things worked out for you. When you accidentally bonded with Thranduil I was afraid you faced a loveless future."

"By any means necessary," said Erestor smugly. "That's what you told me, and that's what I did." And by doing so, he had found a true love that would last eternity.

The End

Not betaread. All mistakes are mine.

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