
Something Back
by Sian

Chapter 15

It was raised voices, the slamming of a door, and a voice crying, "Ada!" that pulled Gil-galad from slumber. His hand unconsciously moved across the expanse of bed, but instead of warm flesh, all he encountered was cold sheets. Gil-galad rose groggily on one arm and looked to the door as it opened and Elrond returned to the room. The Peredhel looked upset, and a fierce frown was upon his brow.

"Was that Arwen I heard yelling?" Gil-galad asked voice still husky and rough with sleep.

Elrond sat beside Ereinion on the side of his bed. "Ah, she is angry with me."

Gil-galad placed a hand upon Elrond's tense back, ignoring the slight jump the half-Elf made at his touch. They still had much to do to return them to the comfort they once felt in each other's presence. "What is she angry about?" Gil-galad asked.

Elrond sighed. "She resents and blames me for Estel's decision to seek out his kin in the North," Elrond moved away from Gil-galad's touch. He did not see the flash of hurt in Gil-galad's eyes as he moved to a small table and poured himself a glass of juice.

Gil-galad rose and swung his legs to the floor. He dragged the sheet to cover his nude lower body. "Does she have grounds?" he asked simply, knowing too well Elrond's need to manipulate his love ones' lives for what he perceived as the greater good. Elrond, Gil-galad knew, did not do this out of malice or any need for control, but the half-Elf felt strongly that he knew what was best for his loved ones' and had no plans to ignore the means at his disposal to accomplish those goals.

Elrond glared at Ereinion, ignoring the flash of heat that rose in his loins, at the vision Ereinion made, sitting nude, draped only in a bed sheet. "No!" he snapped. "I had nothing to do with Estel's desire to leave Imladris."

"But you have in the past?" Gil-galad asked. Elrond looked guilty, and Gil-galad had his answer. "Why?" he asked simply, knowing that Elrond would understand what he was asking.

The look on Elrond's face went from anger and irritation to heart-rending sadness. The emotion on the half-Elf's face cause tears to prickle in Gil-galad's eyes.

"I know what you would say. That it is the One's will, and the Valar's design. That a father should accept that his only daughter has found true love... nay, that the father should rejoice in that! But tell me, Ereinion, how can any father not fight with every fiber in his being to halt that love, when it will cost him his daughter? Indeed, when that love would cost her very immortality? So yes, I have schemed and interfered. I cannot sit idly by and accept this latest plan of the Valar as I have all the other fates they have tossed at my family. I would regret it for eternity if I did not at least try and keep my Arwen with me." By the time he finished speaking, Elrond's face was wet with tears.

Gil-galad rose and wrapped the sheet about his waist. He approached Elrond tentatively, not sure if the Peredhel would accept his comfort. But Elrond did allow himself to be drawn into Gil-galad's strong arms and held tightly. Gil-galad knew that Elrond's gift of foresight had shown that the Evenstar of their people would be joined to the King of Men, that Elrond's blood would once more enrich the lines of the Kings of the West. All Elves had some endowment of foresight, but none to the extent that Elrond and Galadriel possessed.

Should foresight be called gift? Gil-galad did not truly believe so. He had suffered nightmares of his own death weeks before the actual event, and he did not possess even close to the full powers of Elrond. The Ring of Air, Gil-galad knew, enhanced Elrond's natural abilities, and this sent a stab of guilt through Gil-galad. He had burdened the half-Elf with more than just his death. He could argue with Elrond about the futility of fighting against fate, but that would accomplish nothing. Elrond would do what he felt he must. All Gil-galad could do was what the Valar had wanted, and that was to be here, to offer his love, his comfort, and support to Elrond.

Elrond pulled back gently, giving Ereinion a small smile of thanks, embarrassed by his show of emotion. Wordlessly he moved to the wardrobe and pulled clean robes and leggings from within. Anxious to change the subject, he said, "The day is mostly gone. It amazes me that none have intruded." Elrond pulled out a thick crimson robe and handed it to Ereinion.

Gil-galad showed none of his earlier restraint; instead, he flung the sheet back onto the bed and pulled the robe about his body, smiling to himself as his bare form captured Elrond's attention. He indicated the tray Elrond had earlier obtained the juice from. "This speaks of Erestor's fine hand, I imagine, and none would dare disturb his Lord and face Erestor's wrath." Gil-galad moved to the table and took a seat awaiting Elrond so they could share the bounty on the tray.

Elrond shook himself; the sight of Ereinion's body had wiped away all thought but those of the morning and what had occurred between them. "Yes, it seems that Erestor has assured us some privacy this morn," he moved to take a seat across from Ereinion, and once more the air between them became tense and uncomfortable.

Gil-galad cleared his throat and accepted the cup of tea Elrond handed him. "I have noticed that your Seneschal seems not to fear Erestor. Indeed, Glorfindel appears to hold the Advisor in high esteem and seeks to court him."

Elrond laughed and flashed Ereinion a grin. "Ah, it has been quite amusing to watch such a courtship. Erestor has led Glorfindel about for months now, but he will not commit to the Seneschal until Glorfindel ceases his philandering ways. Glorfindel does not even realize what Erestor is about. My money would be on my Chief Councilor."

The laughter eased the tension between them, and their talk became more light-hearted. Gil-galad went on to tell Elrond that he had agreed to assist Glorfindel with training and even take a turn or two at patrols. "Unless you also, Elrond, would like to put me to work?" Gil-galad asked, ignoring Elrond's brief frown at the news he would be leading patrols soon. Elrond would have to accustom himself to Gil-galad's new role on Arda. He might not be a King of Elves any longer, but Gil-galad was still a warrior and he could help defend his land and loved ones.

Elrond looked thoughtful for several moments, and then he pushed his plate aside and regarded Ereinion silently for several minutes. "Ereinion, well do I remember when our thoughts would turn fanciful in the days of old, and we would discuss our choices if given a second chance to do what we desired instead of what duty thrust upon us. So I ask you, Ereinion, what would you like to do in this day and Age, in your second chance?" Elrond smiled at the look of surprise dawning on Ereinion's features.

Gil-galad laughed and bestowed a brilliant smile upon his love. He grew thoughtful, but quickly a light appeared in his eyes. "Metals," he said, and his grin grew. "I would like to work in the forges and create with tools and, my hands. That is what I would do, Elrond!"

Ereinion's joy and excitement were contagious and the rest of their meal was spent discussing what Ereinion wanted to create. Cleaning and refreshing themselves was also carried out still in light-hearted conversation, and only at the door to Elrond's room did unease grip them once more. After they exchanged nervous smiles, Elrond finally reached out for one of Ereinion's hands and placed a gentle kiss on it. "I will see you at the evening meal?" he asked.

Gil-galad nodded and leaned down for a slow careful kiss. He brushed his lips softly over Elrond's, feeling the trembling in the Peredhel's lips. "And then we can come back here, to bed, together?" Gil-galad asked.

Elrond could only nod. Already his body reacted to the promises in Ereinion's voice. He watched that broad back as Ereinion headed towards the barracks, before he too left and headed towards his neglected office. Elrond was unable to suppress the fanciful sigh that left his lips or the slightly naughty smile that followed.

Gil-galad was watching two of the young recruit's spar, when his attention was caught by the twins' activities across the training yard. The pair, for all appearances, was engaged in their own sparring, but it was their manner that gave Gil-galad pause. Their efforts with swords were half-hearted, with frequent smiles and smirks at each other. But it was the touching that was most revealing: a brush of an arm or hand across the chest, legs intimately pressed together as they thrust and parried, the telltale flush across high cheekbones as the two exchanged whispers. Gil-galad had seen the signs before, though not as far progressed as the twins' actions, but the emotions were similar.

Gil-galad was taken back to a scene in Lindon Ages ago. Elros and Elrond were sparring together when suddenly Elros had thrown down his sword practically ran from the field, leaving his twin staring after him in confusion. Gil-galad had watched the match and had recognized Elros' reaction for what it was... sexual attraction. Elrond had never realized the feelings his twin had for him. He had been oblivious to Elros' struggle with emotions that were not brotherly. Gil-galad had suffered along with Elrond when Elros had chosen the path of Men, and had seen the desolation Elrond had felt, made all the worse for not understanding why Elros had chosen that fate.

Elladan and Elrohir had finished their exercise and were headed back towards the Halls. The touches were subtle, but to one who had seen the signs before, they were telling. Gil-galad could almost feel their arousal and hunger for each other on the air. Now, seeing this new pair of Peredhel twins, he could not but think that their love was the way it should be.

Gil-galad dismissed the young warriors and as he gathered together the weapons, his thoughts turned to the Valar. Had they known of the twins' relationship was that their reason for wanting intervention and counseling by Gil-galad? If that was their design, they were going to be very disappointed, he speculated. Perhaps someone who had no knowledge of twins and their special closeness could find wrong in their love. But, Gil-galad had spent much time around Elros and Elrond and had seen first-hand the bond between twins. He could not find it in his heart to denounce Elladan and Elrohir.

Gil-galad shook his head. He did not truly believe that the Valar disapproved of Elladan and Elrohir's love for one another. They would not have placed such importance on the twins' choice, if that were the case. Their words to Gil-galad had been more to the effect that they wished the pair to make the choice of the Eldar, not that of mortality. Surely, if the Valar planned on denouncing the brethren, it would please them if the pair stayed on Arda? To convince the twins to be counted among the Eldar has been a condition of his return, and now Gil-galad knew why the twins were conflicted about their choice. How to approach them with this knowledge was what Gil-galad needed to figure out.

Chapter 16

Gil-galad had not been able to erase the image of the twins from his mind the rest of the day. He went about his duties, but always in the back of his thoughts was what to do about Elladan and Elrohir, and what he had witnessed on the training fields. Gil-galad knew his duty was laid upon him by the Valar themselves. He was to convince the Peredhil twins that they belong among the Eldar and not with their sister among Man. But how he was to accomplish that task was the quandary. The Valar had warned Gil-galad to say nothing of their designs, but he knew that Galadriel and Elrond himself knew some of the Valar's plans. He had not broken the rules and told Elrond and Galadriel anything, but they in their wisdom suspected much of the Valar's designs. If Gil-galad could say nothing of the Valar's will, what could he say to the twins to convince them of their acceptance in Valinor?

Gil-galad's thoughts were so occupied with the Peredhil twins that it was only as he approached a door that he realized it was the door to Elrond's chambers and not his own guest room. He stopped, uncertain. They had agreed to meet later, but Gil-galad did not know if his welcome was, in fact, assured in Elrond's rooms. It was too new, this being with Elrond, and Gil-galad still did not trust that Elrond had accepted him back into his life. Being in one's bed did not a relationship make. Gil-galad took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Elrond?" he called, but there was no answer.

Gil-galad walked through the study into the bedroom, only to find that it too was empty. He heard the sound of water running and noticed the bathroom door was ajar. Moving soundlessly, he glanced in the room. Gil-galad bit his lip, barely able to contain his groan. The view before him was stunning and oh so enticing. The figure before him was bent over at the waist, adding oils to the running bath. Gil-galad's gaze was caught and held by the pert, tempting backside facing him so brazenly.

Gil-galad stepped back behind the door, grinning as the Elf went about the bathroom, humming while gathering towels and other soaps. In near record time, Gil-galad had himself stripped, clothes flung haphazardly about him. He crept back around the corner and watched, mouth watering as the Elf bent once more to run a hand through the bath water.

Perfect, Gil-galad thought. The Elf had not entered the bath as of yet. Soundlessly, putting the skills learned as warrior to use, Gil-galad crept up behind the unsuspecting form. His arms wrapped firmly around the form and his face buried itself in rich chestnut locks, chuckling at the squeal Elrond let out as Gil-galad wrapped him firmly in his embrace.

"A squeal, Elrond?" Gil-galad shook with laughter and tightened his hold as Elrond began struggling. "What would your subjects say to the Lord of Imladris squealing like an elleth?"

Gil-galad roared with laughter as Elrond turned in his embrace and struck Gil-galad's chest several times with an angry fist. His laughter faded, however as he looked down into those silvery-gray eyes, falling into those tempting traps once more. Gil-galad's hunger came roaring back, and he covered Elrond's mouth with his own. He plundered, tasted, and conquered. Their first time this morn had been Elrond's; this was all Gil-galad's. Little time did he give the Peredhel to adjust before he swept Elrond along lust's path.

Elrond could do nothing but moan into Ereinion's mouth. Hands tangled in his hair, holding his head still for Ereinion's mouth and tongue. Then those strong warrior's hands swept down his back to cup his buttocks, squeezing firmly and bringing their bodies flush together so Elrond felt Ereinion's arousal strongly against his own. Elrond whimpered and thrust his hips sharply against Ereinion's, his arousal grown full and heavy. Elrond groaned aloud as a fist in his hair pulled his head back, and a hungry mouth attacked his throat, leaving red brands in its wake. Their arousals slid heavily together, both moaning at the heat this caused.

Ereinion pulled Elrond down onto the bathroom floor. He knelt between the half-Elf's legs, spreading them wider with his hands. His sapphire gaze blazed down at Elrond, and Elrond could not help but shiver. Ereinion's possession of him he remembered well, and his arousal weep freely at the thought of feeling that heavy length inside him once more. Ereinion's hand reached down into the oil-slick water, wetting his hand, and he reached down, his fingers disappearing between Elrond's legs. Elrond's back arched and he cried out as two fingers entered his body without warning. His length twitched, and he moaned in bliss as Ereinion's fingers curled, hitting his pleasure spot, changing the discomfort to bliss.

Gil-galad looked down at the vision laid before him. Elrond's body glowed from of the moisture of the bathroom. His face was flushed also with desire, eyes pure silver, and his mouth open with moans spilling forth. Those eyes... they had always been Gil-galad's weakness. Now they burned him with their need and desire. Gil-glad could not resist their lure any longer.

With barely contained need he added another finger, stretching Elrond's opening and finding his pleasure spot again and again until the Peredhel was arching up and crying out continuously. He withdrew his fingers, ignoring Elrond's cry of disappointment. Plunging his hand once more into the oil-rich water, he wrapped his hand around his own length, hissing in pleasure as he slicked himself well. Gil-galad moved back between Elrond's raised knees. His hands grasped Elrond's hips and pulled the half-Elf's body flush against his own. One hand grasped his length as he guided it to Elrond's opening.

"Ready?" he rasped, his voice hoarse with need. Elrond could only nod at him, and with that permission, Gil-galad slid fully inside, sheathing himself to the hilt.

Elrond cried out as Ereinion's full length breeched his body. He had forgotten, his body had not remembered the fullness, the stretch, and the heat that came from Ereinion's possession of his body. He heard Ereinion groan from above him, but could do nothing but gasp as Ereinion began thrusting, his full length striking that nerve in Elrond that had stars dancing in his eyes. Elrond's hands hung onto sweat-dampened shoulders. He could do nothing but hang on as his body was repeatedly breeched.

The rush was like a storm... a bolt of lightening. No slow build up of desire, just fast and furious need. Orgasm did not gently arrive, no, it poured through them and out their mouths in moans and screams. Elrond sobbed, body shaking, and unable to speak, to plead for an end, yet never having felt this fire in his veins. His sobs turned to relief-filled moans as his length was grasped and stroked strongly. His seed pulled from him explosively to wet his chest and stomach.

Gil-galad roared as the passage around his arousal tightened and clenched. His cry of "Elrond!" bounced off the tile floors and walls and echoed out into the bedroom and beyond. Gil-galad fell onto Elrond's exhausted body and was welcomed by open arms. Several moments did they spend just catching their breath and lying in each other's arms. Gil-galad finally rolled off Elrond and lay dazedly, staring up at the ceiling.

Elrond grinned as he rose and stood over Ereinion. "Come, love, the bath is still warm enough. Join me." Elrond held out a hand to assist Ereinion, laughing as the former King moaned as he rose to his feet.

"How can you move?" Gil-galad asked.

Elrond flashed Ereinion a wicked grin as he stepped into the warm water. "You did all the work, maethoren vorn." (My dark warrior)

Gil-galad could not help but laugh at the light-hearted and devilish look upon Elrond's face. Such ease he had not seen since his own arrival. Gil-galad grinned as he joined Elrond in the tub. He leaned back, letting Elrond draw him back against the Peredhel's chest. "Pen órn," he growled and Elrond laughed again, lightening Gil-galad's own heart even more. (Impetuous one)

Gil-galad could only sigh. They were all right...

Chapter 17

Ithil bathed the lovers in silver light. The only sounds that broke the stillness of the night were the gentle whispering and the faint rustle of bed sheets. "I believe now," Elrond whispered.

"What do you believe, meleth?" Gil-galad asked. (Love)

"That the Valar did indeed send something back just for me," Elrond stated before he covered Ereinion's lips with his own once more. Then the soft night air was graced by tender moans and breathless sighs.

Over the next two moons, Gil-galad watched the gwanûn closely but no opportunities for approach came to him. Not known for his patience, finally Gil-galad snapped, and walking determinedly towards the twins, he asked for a moment of their time. Leading the perplexed pair outdoors, he headed for a private corner of Imladris' vast gardens. Taking a seat, he waved edgily for the twins to seat themselves.

Gil-galad ignored Elladan and Elrohir's frowns and ran a hand through his hair, frustrated, and just started talking. "I have not the skilled tongue of Erestor or the patient wisdom of your Ada, so I am just going to say what is on my mind." At the pair's nod, he continued. "The Valar know of your love for each other and of your bond. They accept it and want you to choose the path of the Eldar and not that of Men." Gil-galad's breath left him in rush, the relief at finally being able to say that to the twins leaving him light-headed.

The twins said not a word, but regarded Gil-galad as if he had grown another head. They appeared stunned, disbelieving, and not a word passed their lips for several moments. Finally Elladan broke the silence, asking the question that was on both their minds. "How do we know this to be true? What if this is some kind of trap to get us to Valinor, only to punish us for our choice?"

Gil-galad flinched. What was he to say? Perhaps the Valar's exact words needed to be revealed. "I do not know what they would have me say to you. All I can do, it seems, is to break the rules they sent me back here under and reveal to you their exact instructions to me. But before I speak further, I must reveal some history. Will you listen?" Gil-galad asked.

Elrohir's face was blank, but Gil-galad could detect a hint of fear in the younger twin's eyes. Elladan, however, looked furious, the elder brother being well known for his shortness of temper. It was to him that Gil-galad's appeal was directed the most. It was Elladan's nod for him to continue that spurred Gil-galad on.

"You know some of the things I will mention, such as your Ada losing his parents at an early age, and that Elros chose the path of Men. Then Elrond faced loss again when I died at the Dark Lord's hands, and finally the passing of your Nana to her retreat over the Sea. The Vala Vairë had spun heartache after heartache in the tapestry of your Ada's life. After so much loss she felt that it was time the Valar rewarded your Adar for all his sacrifices to Arda. When I was summoned before them, I was given specific instructions as to the reason for my return. I was told not to reveal the reasons to you, but to help you see why I believe that the Valar accepts your love for one another. I am going to break that rule." Gil-galad paused and looked closely at the brethren. They in turn were watching him closely and this time, he received the approval to continue from both Elladan and Elrohir.

"I was to be returned to Elrond because the Valar wanted to give him some happiness and someone to comfort him. Elrond's role in the future of Middle Earth is important, and the Valar could not afford his loss from grief. I speak, of course, of your sister's future choice. Arwen will choose to join her destiny to the world of Man, just as Elros did. Your Ada has seen this, as has Galadriel. You also have had some foresight regarding her future. But what troubled the Valar was that you both had not made your choice, or perhaps that you were hesitant to be counted among the Firstborn. Either way, this worried the Valar, so in addition to my presence providing Elrond with strength and comfort; I was also to seek you out and convince you to accept the gift of the Eldar." Gil-galad mentally winched at that last falsehood, but explaining the subtle manipulations the Valar had employed on him would be a mistake, and not inspire trust in the twin's.

Gil-galad lowered his head, pausing in his telling to gather his thoughts. He was unsure just how much to reveal to the Peredhil twins, but it was Elrohir who asked the question, and Gil-galad could not refuse to answer.

"How did you know of our bond? Elladan and I are careful, and I am curious as to how you discovered our love of one another," Elrohir asked.

Gil-galad regarded the brethren for a moment before he answered. "I had watched as another pair of twins struggled through feelings much like your own, and the aftermath was one of heartbreak. I could not do that once again. So to answer your question, to one who has seen the signs, the secret is known." Gil-galad watched as understand lit the twins' features, and he knew no more needed to be said; they knew of whom Gil-galad spoke.

"So you believe that the Valar truly desire us to choose the path of the Eldar based on their instructions to you upon your rebirth?" Elrohir asked.

"Yes," Gil-galad answered.

"We have longed to be reunited with our Nana someday." Elrohir looked to his silent twin, and something seemed to pass between them. "We will think on all you have said, Gil-galad, and we thank you for approaching us." Elrohir rose and held out a hand to his brother. Of the pair, it was Elladan who appeared the most deeply troubled, and Elrohir seemed to almost tenderly lead his older brother away.

Gil-galad sat silently, watching them depart. He was deeply troubled, wondering if he had handled this task correctly. He only prayed that he had not made the situation worse.


It was with a heavy heart that Gil-galad joined Elrond in their quarters that evening. He had been preoccupied most of the day, his mind turning about what had been said and not said. Gil-galad accepted Elrond's welcoming embrace; if he hung on a little longer and more desperately than normal, Elrond did not remark upon it. Gil-galad inquired of Elrond about his day and honestly tried to listen to what the half-Elf was saying. They both went about refreshing themselves for the evening meal. Gil-galad must have asked the right question because they were able to depart for the dining hall without Gil-galad's absentmindedness being addressed.

The evening meal was as succulent as usual and the company as congenial, with one marked absence; the twins did not join their friends and family that evening. Elrond did not seem upset at their absence, but did direct the servants to take a tray to the brethren's quarters. Gil-galad made it through the evening meal, the after-dinner entertainment in the Hall of Fire, and all the way back to their quarters before Elrond finally spoke of Gil-galad's distraction, but the half-Elf's words were not of inquiry; instead, Elrond shocked Gil-galad.

"So tell me, Ereinion, did you convince my sons to follow the path of the Eldar?" Elrond asked, moving away from Gil-galad to sit on the bed. He watched Gil-galad closely, a slight almost smile upon his face. "Did you think I did not know? I knew before my sons did of their bond and their love for each other."

Gil-galad stumbled towards Elrond sitting heavily next to the Peredhel. "I did not think you knew," he whispered.

Elrond reached for one of Ereinion's hands. "Just as you did not think I knew that the love Elros felt for me was not only the brotherly kind."

Gil-galad knew not what to say. He would have never guessed that Elrond had known of Elros' feelings, or that he would be as accepting of his own sons' relationship as he appeared to be. Gil-galad really did not want to ask, but he had to know. "You knew of your brother's feelings?" At Elrond's nod he continued. "But you did not return his feelings?" Gil-galad tensed, mentally bracing himself for the answer. He could not imagine that Elrond had not returned Elros' love. Never had he seen a bond like theirs, until he witnessed that of Elladan and Elrohir.

Now it was Elrond who looked down, unsure of himself, and so very sad at the memories this conversation invoked.

"By the time I realized what my twin was feeling, it was already too late for us." Elrond raised his eyes to meet Ereinion's gaze, frank honesty and heart-rending sadness in his pewter gaze. "I could not return his love, for I was all ready in love with someone else," he stated simply.

"Me?" Gil-galad whispered.

Elrond nodded and gladly went into Ereinion's embrace allowing those strong arms to comfort him.

Chapter 18

Elrohir lay upon the bed, arms wrapped tightly about his elder brother. Elladan had reacted the most emotionally about Gil-galad's revelations, and the oldest Peredhil twin was overwrought. Elrohir rubbed a soothing hand through Elladan's dark chestnut locks and rocked his beloved in his arms. Elrohir himself was not sure what he was feeling. Gil-galad had shared his knowledge of the Valar's will, and Elrohir found he believed the former High King. His assurances meant they could go home with the rest of their kind. Elrohir had not wrapped his mind about that notion as of yet, but now his biggest concern was Elladan.

"Elladan, meleth, speak to me." Elrohir pleaded. His twin had said nothing since they left Gil-galad in the gardens. They had come straight to their quarters, where Elladan proceeded to curl up in a tight ball upon their bed.

Elladan said nothing, but only rolled over, a fierce need in his silvery-gray eyes. Elladan roughly covered his twin's mouth with his own, kissing Elrohir desperately, as if he were trying to lose himself inside his brother. He gave Elrohir no time to adjust. Elladan's hands frantically tugged and ripped at his brother's clothes, hungry to touch flesh. He finally released Elrohir's lips only to attack the smooth, enticing skin of his twin's neck, sucking and biting at the skin there until it was red with dark marks standing out brightly. His hands raced up and down Elrohir's body, each stroke rough and ravenous in its need, pinching nipples and fisting his brother's length harshly.

Elrohir made no complaints or tried to stop his brother in any way. He could read Elladan's need and could do would do nothing but offer whatever his beloved brother needed. All Elrohir could do was moan and arch up into his twin's rough mouth. One particularly harsh bite around his nipple sent Elrohir's hands fisting through the silky hair that draped over his body. Elrohir allowed himself to be rolled over, and he cried out as his back received the same rough kisses and caresses. "Elladan," he moaned, as his twin licked a path down his spine, ending at the swell of his buttocks.

"On your knees, seron vell," Elladan ordered his brother.

Elrohir groaned and pulled his body up till he was spread wide, his backside offered to Elladan's hungry eyes. Elrohir cried out and flung his head back as Elladan swept a wet tongue across his entrance. Strong hands spread Elrohir wide open, and his body shook, his hips moving back to meet Elladan's demanding tongue as it breeched his body. Pleas and cries spilled from his throat as that slick muscle thrust into him again and again, making Elrohir prepared and wet for his twin's possession. Elrohir almost screamed as Elladan wrapped a tight fist about his length, stroking from root to tip and gathering Elrohir's seed in the palm of his hand. Elladan grasped his own arousal, his tongue not leaving his brother's body. Stroking himself roughly and gathering the excess moisture, he coated his length with their combined seed.

Elladan rose up and moved close behind his twin. "Ready, meleth?" he rasped.

"Ah, Elladan, now please!" Elrohir moaned, then he cried out as Elladan slid inside in one long thrust. The burn and stretch made Elrohir breathless, and he fought to unclench his muscles.

Elladan's hands grasped Elrohir's hips hard enough to leave bruises. He breathed heavily, trying to stave off his release, but the clenching and unclenching of Elrohir's channel around his length made that difficult. Elladan ran his hands up his twin's tense back, smoothing the tight muscles, wrapping his arms about Elrohir's chest. Elladan rose up, sitting back upon his heels and pulling Elrohir with him until they both were upright. He wrapped secure arms about his twin, and kissed the moist shoulders. "Ride me, Elrohir nín," he ordered.

Elrohir trembled as his body adjusted to his brother's girth, groaning as Elladan pulled him upright, causing the tip of Elladan's arousal to rub against his pleasure nub. His hands went to rest on Elladan's thighs, fingers curling into fist. He answered Elladan's command and began moving up and then back down on his brother's length, each downward thrust striking deep inside him and sending his restraint spiraling more and more out of control. Elladan's hands played with his nipples and sucked and bit along his neck, making Elrohir cry out his twin's name.

Elladan thrust up hard, marking his brother's neck with bite after bite. They moved together faster as release approached, Elladan driving forcibly upwards, and Elrohir slamming himself down hard harshly onto Elladan's length. Elladan stilled his cry of orgasm in the flesh of Elrohir's neck as his brother's channel tightened impossibly about his arousal, pulling his release forcibly from him, and milking his length with squeeze after squeeze. Elladan felt his brother's seed hit his hand as Elrohir came as well. Elladan collapsed atop his twin, still buried deep inside as tiny trembles shook his frame.

They lay still joined, Elrohir with arms flung out, pinned by his twin's heavy weight, boneless, and spent. "Talk to me now, Elladan," he whispered voice still heavy.

Elladan did not remove his face from its hiding place in Elrohir's hair, but his whisper could be heard. "I am confused and know not how to speak of what I wish," he murmured.

Elrohir urged his twin off him and rolled over quickly to pull his elder brother in his arms. He met those slightly ashamed gray eyes with his own calm gaze. "Tell me," he urged, squeezing his brother tighter in his embrace.

Elladan sighed and placed a small kiss upon his twin's lips. "I want to believe Gil-galad. I," he paused and lowered his gaze as if unsure about what he said next. "I would like to be reunited with Nana, but I am afraid that she will not be the Naneth we remember.

Elrohir nodded. He too wished to see their nana again, but he sensed that was not all that troubled his elder brother. "What else, Elladan? There is something else troubling you. Spill it," he ordered.

Elladan pulled out of his twin's embrace and sitting up, folded his hands in his lap. "I have thought ahead several times to what our futures would be like if we chose one path or the other. Fear of our welcome in Valinor dominated my thoughts. The very thought of our love being judged wrong, and being parted, makes that choice seem impossible. But the alternative, the doom of Men to grow old and die that also causes me great fear." Tenderly he brushed strands of his beloved twin's dark locks back from Elrohir's face. "The very idea of watching as time changes your features, as it makes your graceful limbs feeble with age, and as it finally kills you... I do not think I would be able to stand that, Elrohir."

Elrohir pulled his brother back into his arms even before the first tear could fall. They held each other tightly. "I feel the same, Elladan nín, I feel the same," Elrohir whispered.

Elrond stood upon the balcony of his room, his gaze trained upward, focused upon his sire's bright light. He sighed as Ereinion's arms came about him, wrapping him tightly in their loving warmth.

"They have chosen," he whispered, his voice low and reverent.

Gil-galad's arms tightened further. He turned his head to look upon Elrond's profile. "The twins?" he asked.

Elrond nodded but did not look away from his Ada, as the star twinkled happily in the night sky, but a smile graced his lips. "Thank you, Ereinion," Elrond said.

Chapter 19

The ringing of metal upon metal could be heard before one ever reached the forge. Elrond paused as the trees parted and the first glimpse of the figure furiously working at the forge could be seen. The strikes of the hammer upon the sword Ereinion was fashioning, to Elrond's ears, sounded angry. Ereinion's body was drenched with the toils of his labor, his raven colored hair was pulled sharply back from his face and knotted once at the nape of his neck. His face was flushed and glistened, and a fierce frown was upon his face. Elrond's eyes traveled down Ereinion's wet chest, admiring the way each muscle was made sharply pronounced by the swing of the hammer. Ereinion's broad shoulders bunched with the effort he put into his swings, and the muscles along his stomach clenched and unclenched, drawing notice of their firmness. He was adorned only in leggings; the waistband was damp and fit low on the hips, allowing roaming eyes a view of the dark trail of hair that disappeared teasingly under the cloth. Elrond could have stayed in that exact spot the rest of the day, just feasting his eyes, had it not been for the intrusion of his sons.

It was the clearing of Elladan's throat that had Elrond's head swinging about. He flushed to be caught ogling Ereinion so, but the twins only smirked and made no comments. That should have been an indication to Elrond in that their minds were heavy with some serious matter, if the brethren resisted the opportunity to tease. Now Elrond frowned.

"Walk with us, Ada?" Elrohir asked, and the pair moved to either side of their Adar, linking arms much as they had done in olden days when they would walk and share their thoughts.

Elrond did not ask, just strolled along with his sons, enjoying the moments of peace before they began to speak. Finally, the trio stopped next to a large Oak that had at one time a mate that stood close to it, until a fierce storm had damaged the tree, forcing it to be cut down. Now all that remained was a large stump that Elrond seated himself on. The gwanûn sat in front of Elrond on the forest floor. The pair sat close together, thighs touching as if they needed that psychical reassurance for what was to come.

It was Elladan who blurted out what was on the brethren's mind, in his typical brisk manner. "Ada, what are you going to say to Nana when you arrive in Valinor with Gil-galad by your side?"

Elrond was not shocked by their questions, it was not as if he had not been asking himself the very same thing. All he could do was be honest with his sons. "I do not know. I wish I did." Elrond paused and looked at their worried faces, deciding they needed to know all. "Your Nana and I were never under any illusions about our joining. We did not court each other; indeed, we barely knew each other. It was revealed to us only that we would wed and sire children, children who would be vital to Arda's future. I think, left to our own devises without the Valar's interference, we would have never wed."

Elrohir looked thoughtful and asked the next question. "Was it, then, their design that Nana suffer such hurt and depart these shores?" Elladan's face darkened angrily at his twin's words, and he awaited Elrond's response, body tense and about to explode.

Elrond took great care with his words, seeing his eldest poised on the edge of violence. "I believe firmly that all that happens is part of Eru's great music, and as such, no one, including the Valar, can say what that music entails. This I know also, our fates are written in that song long before our birth, and that fate cannot be changed."

Elladan's face crumbled, he had so wanted someone to blame. It did not work any longer to blame himself or his Ada. He now understood 'some things were just meant to be. "But Ada, what do we say to her when we face her once more?"

Elrond kneeled down in front of his eldest, drawing him firmly into his arms, and hugged his son tightly. "Ah, iôn, tell her how much you have missed her, how much you love her, and how you rejoice to be reunited with her." Elrond pulled gently away and looked both his sons in the eyes. "Whatever your Nana and I decide about our marriage has no bearing on the fact that she is your Nana. Nothing will change that, and it should have no influence your reunion with her. I know deep in my heart how much she will celebrate and welcome your return in her arms, and I want the both of you to rejoice and to eagerly look to that reunion."

Elrond sat aback upon his heels and gathered his sons' hands in his own. "Celebrían and I grew to care for each other, and we were bound in our great love of our children. We were able to become friends, but I will not lie and say there was great love. Respect, affection, love for a close and kind friend, but not the great passion of a heart's love. We both recognized this." Elrond looked earnestly at the twins. "You know when you are with someone if their heart calls to your own, makes your blood sing, and owns your faer. Neither your Nana nor I ever felt that for one another. I believe that she has found her happiness across the distant shores, and it is not happiness that I could ever have given her."

Elrond rose to his feet and looked down into their sad eyes. "Please," he whispered. "Do not regret your choice. Focus on the love you have for her and the joy of your future reunion. I will do anything in my power to minimize her pain. That is all I can do." Elrond turned and left the pair with those words to think upon, hoping it would be enough to settle their troubled hearts.

Gil-galad pounded his frustrations out by swinging a hammer and making a sword that could never be used. Gil-galad considered himself a fairly intelligent Elf, but it had not been till this morn, lying abed, and thinking on the twins, that the Valar's manipulation of him had hit. It was useless to rail against them, he knew, but that did not stop him from calling them several choice names, all the while praying that lightening would not strike him. Oh, they had been quite clever. "Must not tell anyone of their reason," he muttered angrily. The subtle hints of future heartache for his beloved Elrond, heartache they knew he would do anything in his power to prevent. "The twins' were leaning towards the path of Men." But do not tell! They had known all along that Gil-galad never followed the rules, had indeed used that very character trait against him, and for their own means. That the outcome had prevented Elrond from suffering further was immaterial, for the moment. Gil-galad wanted to curse the Valar for just a bit longer.

The sword was paper-thin by the time Gil-galad laid aside the hammer, and breathing heavily, he looked up. There in the clearing stood Elrond, Elladan, and Elrohir. He watched as the trio headed deeper into the woods, but he did not call out to them. Perhaps the brethren were telling their Ada of their decision, unaware that their Adar already knew. But deep down Gil-galad suspected that the gwanûn had concerns that were none of his business 'Celebráin...

Gil-galad glumly went about cleaning up his tools and shutting down the forge for the night. Bracing himself, he plunged his head into the barrel of cold rainwater, flinging his head back with a gasp. He shook the droplets out of his face and hair, shivering as cold water dripped down his hot chest. He was about to dunk himself once more when hands came about him and a firm body pressed itself against his back. His shudder was of a different sort as the full hard groin of his guest pressed teasingly against his buttocks. Gil-galad laid his wet head back against the strong shoulder and moaned as a hot mouth attached to his neck.

"Elrond," he whispered, as his nipples were ruthlessly pinched and pulled, the chilled nubs already hard.

"Were you expecting someone else?" Elrond murmured, mouth full of sweaty Ereinion. He rubbed his hard length against Ereinion's rear more firmly. Elrond's hands traveled down Ereinion's body, playing with that treasure trail he had admired just a short time ago. Quick work was made of the laces to Ereinion's leggings, and Elrond eagerly plunged his hand inside to wrap a firm fist around Ereinion's hard flesh. Giving the gasping Elf a few strong, rough squeezes, Elrond shoved the garment down to Ereinion's ankles impatiently.

Gil-galad tried to turn to take Elrond in his arms, but the Peredhel growled and placed Gil-galad's hands back on the barrel. Gil-galad did not know what had gotten into the half-Elf, but he decided he liked it too much to complain. He spread his legs wider as he was gruffly instructed, and moaned aloud at the sounds of rustling fabric as Elrond freed himself.

The soothing salve Gil-galad used on his hands after a day working in the heat of the forge was put to good use, and Gil-galad shamelessly pushed back against the two fingers that thrust into his body. "More," he groaned.

Gil-galad's hips pumped back against the fingers impaling him, and when Elrond curled them and thrust sharply, Gil-galad's cry sounded through the woods. The fingers were removed, despite Gil-galad's moan of disappointment.

Elrond slicked his length heavily and moved back close behind Ereinion. Grasping Ereinion's buttocks, Elrond squeezed and watched, mesmerized, as his arousal was welcomed into Ereinion's body. The long, slow slide of Elrond's heavy hot flesh wrung moans and sighs from his lover. Elrond's strong hands preventing Ereinion from thrusting back. All the High King could do was clutch at the barrel and take what Elrond gave. The burning started in his groin and spread to his stomach as his knuckles turned white against the wood of the barrel.

"Ereinion," Elrond moaned as he drove up into his lover's tight channel, the grip alone almost undoing him. Elrond slid his hands around Ereinion's hips, down to his length, which Elrond wrapped tight in his hands, stroking slow and full like his thrusting into Ereinion's body.

Now that his hips were free, Gil-galad was able to force his hips sharply back to meet Elrond's. His body rocked back and forth as he moved into Elrond's fist, then impaling himself further with Elrond's length. Water started to slosh over the sides of the barrel as it was rocked by the power of their thrusting. Gil-galad cry out louder as his pleasure spot was stroked over and over by the tip of Elrond's length. The fist sped up, Gil-galad's hips following, until finally Gil-galad was undone, and with a loud groan spilled himself against the side of the barrel. The clenching of his internal muscles pulling a cry from Elrond's lips as the half-Elf erupted into his lover's body.

The pair leaned heavily against the barrel, struggling to stay upright. Elrond now as drenched as Gil-galad. It was several moments before Elrond could pull gently out of Ereinion, and he stepped back, shakily tucking himself back into his leggings and buttoning up his outer robe. Gil-galad turned, and Elrond helped his shaky lover lace up his leggings, and then drew Ereinion into his arms. The pair shared a tender kiss and gentle words before heading towards the main house.

Chapter 20

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The Watchful Peace was at an end. Darkness covered the lands of Arda once again, but for one Elf, being alive and living on Arda once more, even the darkness could not spoil his joy.

The bed was large, soft, and contained all that was needed to make Gil-galad happy 'Elrond. Gil-galad lay upon his side, one hand cupping his head as he watched his lover sleep. The Peredhel's face was peaceful, the eternal youthfulness of the Elves never as revealed as when Elrond rested beside Gil-galad. That when he awoke and the troubles and responsibilities that the half-Elf carried would again become etched upon his features, made Gil-galad guard and value all the more these peaceful hours they were together.

Life was not such a bad thing, Gil-galad reflected. The wind blew gently through the curtains, dancing upon their skin. He could smell the freshness of the trees and land, and hear Eru's creations greet the day. The birds were chirping and far below, the distant voices of Elves rose in song, as was their wont in fair Imladris. Gil-galad was warm, comfortable, happy... Moments of giddiness, of the need to throw himself upon the sweet grasses and roll about as an Elfling still gripped him, when happiness was at its fullness.

Estel had taken to wandering the wild, fitting to the title of Ranger. Elrond had gotten his way; for now, the lovers waited. But all knew someday Elrond would have to say farewell to his beloved Arwen, it was just a matter of time.

The twins still cleared the paths from Imladris to Mirkwood and Lothlórien. But their hearts were no longer filled with hate. Instead, peacefulness dwelt there, a promise of a future reunion with their naneth 'Celebrían, and perhaps the best of all, acceptance of their union.

Gil-galad had himself just returned from a fortnight of patrolling the borders. The lands bore the brunt of an increase in darkness. The sheer numbers of Orcs bore out the tale, and it was all Glorfindel and Gil-galad could do to keep the lands about Imladris free from their pestilence. Gil-galad had found his place, and his sense of usefulness was fulfilled. All of Elrond's energy was focused on the coming battle against the shadows. This provided a means for Gil-galad to contribute, through the daily running of Imladris beside Erestor and helping Glorfindel keep their home safe. Gil-galad was happy, more so than he ever dreamed. No longer a king, being a simple Elf fit him now. Standing by his love's side, shouldering the burdens the half-Elf carried, it was good to be alive...

Gray eyes regained awareness, and Elrond blinked up sleepily into Ereinion's happy gaze. The twinkling blue depths were filled with all the joys that life had to offer, and they never failed in bringing a smile to Elrond's face. But as Elrond glanced at the light coming in through the windows, a frown marred his features. As Elrond turned back to Ereinion, he found himself quickly pinned under the larger Elf and kissed quite breathless. Only when the frown had been replaced by a slightly glazed look did Gil-galad pull away.

"No frowns, Elrond." Gil-galad warned. "I do not wish to see that fierce Peredhel expression until we have parted ways this morn." Gil-galad ducked the pillow that was tossed at his head as Elrond existed the bed, laughing.

"Come," Elrond called, disappearing into the bathing room. "The Council waits."

The journey down the halls was made in silence, but their hands were clasped as they were each morning before they parted for the day's duties. Gil-galad paused at the door leading to where the White Council awaited Elrond's presence. None, knew this would be the last meeting of such esteemed, wise, forces of Middle-earth. Elrond looked through the open door, dread written heavily on his fair features. He turned back to Ereinion, that smile he could never withhold breaking across his lips. "I will see you later?" he asked, need evident in his tone.

Gil-galad lifted their joined hands to his lips and placed a tender kiss across Elrond's before releasing it. "You may count on that," he answered.

Gil-galad stayed and watched as Elrond joined the others in discussing Arda's future, before he turned and went about his duties. He would be there, for his Elrond. That was why he had been sent back, after all...

The End

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